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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Our school library just got a book titled "The Science of Interstellar", discussing, I understand, what the movie got right and what it got wrong. I'll have to take a look and see if it's worth a full read.
  2. I, for one, was hoping to see Power Girl pound Black Adam into the ground like a tent peg. Better luck tomorrow!
  3. Jean and Rachel in the same team? That's a scary thought! (Even scarier thought: I could draft an entire Summers/Grey team next season....)
  4. Classic indeed. Second funniest scene in the whole movie.
  5. * * * PARIAHCOM CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT * * * SUBJECT: Threat Level Assessment -- ICONS OVERVIEW: This team is filled with capable and dangerous individuals, but has been plagued with bad luck the likes of which is usually reserved for teams like the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Browns. INDIVIDUAL EVALUATIONS: Power Girl: Jokes about the 'largest fan base under the age of fifteen' aside, Power Girl is a Kryptonian, with all that entails. She is also notably more pragmatic than most Kryptonians, which makes her a particularly dangerous opponent. Thundra: Not as well-known as some of her teammates, she is strong enough and resilient enough to go toe to toe with Ben Grimm. She is not to be underestimated. Valkyrie: She is a near-immortal with lifetimes of combat experience. She should be considered the favorite in most matches she finds herself in. Supergirl: Another Kryptonian powerhouse. Her sweet demeanor should not be mistaken for weakness or lack of resolve--or capability. Those who make such a mistake won't do it twice. Starfire: This longtime Titan is a powerful warrior, as well as a fan favorite. She'll likely win the vote in most of her matches. Red Sonja: She's capable of holding her own against practically any non-powered opponent (and many with superpowers). Look for her to make an impact in the Powerless Peril rounds. Shrinking Violet: Very little data is yet available on this Legionnaire. Her membership in that group will almost certainly translate into votes, however. Her ability to change her size will give her an advantage in several arenas. Kitana: Overmatched in her first appearance, Kitana is nevertheless a significant threat. In any arena that allows her to use her stealth and teleportation effectively, she will have a decided advantage. COACHING: The Justice Buddies, Steve's team last season, beat out the Psy-chos, Spectrum, and the Copy-Cats, all returning playoff teams from Season I, to earn a spot in last year's playoffs. Steve has proven that he can pick the right competitor for each match, and he's shown skill at allocating points. He'll have the team ready to fight, day in and day out. SUMMARY: This team is a legitimate threat to make a run at the playoffs. Anyone who believes the team's current won-loss record is truly indicative of their capabilities simply isn't paying attention. THREAT LEVEL ASSESSMENT: Very High
  6. Trick Arrow of choice: the Sonic Arrow! Useful for, among other things, resisting mind control!
  7. PS: I swear I didn't read Psybolt's post before writing mine. Great minds, I suppose.
  8. "So, my friends," Diego said, "I understand that we are to select a team captain." "I thought Carol was the team captain," Jen replied. "It doesn't have to be me." "Sure it does," Monica offered. "You have military experience and S.H.I.E.L.D. experience, in addition to your stints with the Avengers and the Starjammers. Tactically, you're the best option." "There is also your experience in the Arena," Diego continued. "You have demonstrated outstanding valor and courage." "Even if you lost to a Powerpuff Girl." "Dash, we weren't going to mention that," Billy reminded him sternly. "Oops. Sorry." "You are a powerful woman, and more than that, a powerful symbol," Lauren added. "I think you're the only logical choice to lead us." Carol sighed to herself. Why did it have to be an official thing? The team was coming together just fine without making one of the 'The Leader'. "Look," she offered, "I really appreciate everything you've said. I just wanted to give someone else a chance to...." "All right, we'll do it your way," Rachel said, cutting her off. "I nominate Captain Marvel Carol Davers as team captain. Do I have a second?" "I second the nomination," Billy said. "Nominated and seconded. I move that we close the nominations. Do I...." "Seconded," Monica offered, a split second before Lauren could. "Moved and seconded," Rachel confirmed. "All in favor, say 'Aye'." "Aye," seven voices said in unison. "The 'Ayes' have it. Carol, you're our captain." Carol shook her head, a small, wicked smile sneaking briefly across her face. "All right, if that's what you want. I'm honored. Honestly, I am." "So, captain, what's our plan?" "Our plan? Our plan is what it's always been. Our plan is to win." The smile returned. "Very good," Jen said. "How shall we accomplish this, O Captain, my Captain?" "First of all, if you call me that again, I am going to pop you." Jen's grin matched her own. "But you bring up a good point. We're not going to win with a lot of flowery words and finely-crafted arguments. The voters know who we are and what we can do. So we win by playing smart. We analyze the arenas, we analyze the opposition, and we put the best possible people in place for every match. And the we leave it in the hands of the voters...." "....who can be fickle," Monica interrupted. "...and the dice..." "...which can be absolute pieces of..." "Hey! We've got little kids here," Billy interjected, cutting off Rachel. Dash looked disappointed. "And if we're lucky, maybe our illustrious owner will loosen the purse strings and spend a little END now and then," Carol concluded. "Anything's possible," Diego agreed. "Whatever happens, though, we do this as a team. We cheer for each other, we support each other, we celebrate together when we win, and we help pick each other up when we lose. As I learned from my time in the Avengers: United, we are strong." "Amen," Diego added. The others nodded in assent. "Good," Carol concluded. "Now, go get some rest. We've got twenty-four hours until the next round begins."
  9. On the other hand, you did win two matches, and you now have a substantial lead in END. You're in a pretty decent position long term, I'd say. It'll be interesting to see what happens next week.
  10. Q - How in the world did you end up with ninety-three traffic tickets? A - Things we are breaking.
  11. Yeah, the d12, as I recall, favored my opponent in 13 of the first 15 matches last season. I stopped keeping track after that.
  12. That would be cool. But, as you stated, it would be a lot of work. Were I not currently in the netherworld between midterms and parent-teacher conferences, I might venture to undertake it. Maybe.
  13. Oh, I'm running stats, too. But I'm not sharing them for free.
  14. Q - Foxbat, are you seriously dating Harley Quinn now?! A - Well, it's certainly not the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
  15. Isn't that messy? Isn't poison more aesthetically pleasing?
  16. Q - Is it possible that you some words out of that sentence? A - At this point, the only thing we can really do is ride the dragon and see where it takes us.
  17. When Lady P and I need a night out. Hey, there are worse babysitters... New Topic: Little Boy Pariah, A/K/A Destructo-boy, has destroyed two VHS tapes in the last three days. I feel like he's about ready to graduate to something bigger and better. What will he destroy next?
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