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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. With Winged Victory's triumph, I think every member of my team now has at least one win. That's quite a difference from last season, when literally half my team--Phantom Reporter, Goldstar, Elastigirl (!), and Blue Beetle (!!) ( ) went 0-for-the-tournament. Thank you to everyone who has voted for NQJL. We appreciate your support!
  2. Wow, did NOT see that one coming. Had I known Winged Victory would draw so many votes, I would have played her earlier.
  3. I'm glad you're here to keep us all abreast of these new inventions.
  4. It's like the old saying goes: Live each day as if it were your last--and one day, you'll be right!
  5. When I go, I want to go quietly and peacefully in my sleep, like my grandpa did . . . not screaming in terror, like the passengers in his car.
  6. You should cross-post this to the "Quote of the Week from My Life" thread.
  7. My department chair looks at me funny if I order chloroform.
  8. I've heard the same thing with West Virginia and the possum.
  9. It's not the distance, it's the time. Over an hour each way to get there. That was fine when I didn't have two young kids to help put to bed....
  10. Agreed. My old gaming group is 65 km away now.
  11. Why not go big and roll 5d20? 96 possible outcomes, as I figure it.
  12. Classic stimulus / response behaviour.
  13. Just out of curiosity, if there are still ties after Week 6, what are the tiebreakers?
  14. Ugh, how aggravating! If someone gave me a keychain like that, I'd probably put it in a box, and then put that box in a larger box, and then mail that box to myself, and when it was delivered, I'D SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER! (You may be more patient than I was, FWIW.)
  15. 4) Three new arrows for the quiver. Try these: A. Green Arrow's Quantum Arrow! (Speedy has one, too.) B. Yondu's Whistling Remote Control Yaka Arrow! C. From the realms of fantasy RPGs, the Potable Hole/Bag of Holding Arrowhead of Total Destruction!
  16. 3) Team logo. Take a look: Okay, try this one instead:
  17. 2) When I was in high school in the 1980s, I was able to solve Rubik's cubes many times with the aid of a book entitled "The Simple Solution to Rubik's Cube" by James G. Nourse (Bantam, 1981). Although I no longer have a Rubik's cube, there is a nonzero probability that I still have the book in a box somewhere. So, if confronted with the challenge of solving an actual Rubik's cube, I would simply need to locate the appropriate box, retrieve the book, and follow the instructions. The current question is thereby reduced to a problem previously solved. Quad erat demonstrandum.
  18. 1) True. Superman needs his red shorts back because: A. They're an instantly identifiable part of arguably the most iconic superhero uniform in history, B. If they were good enough for Christopher Reeves, they're good enough for all you Johnny-come-latelys, C. The costume looks all stupid and postmodern without them, and D. All of the above. I'll do parts 2-4 when I'm on an actual computer.
  19. Maybe next season we could have an Anthropomorphic Animals draft round!
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