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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. "A hypothesis is a question you can test." I learned that on 'Dinosaur Train'.
  2. Tennyson wrote a poem about a woman and her little onions?
  3. Admittedly, there is a certain amount of that going on. But it's pretty minimal, in my experience. Plus, I'm 6'3" (190 cm) and 285# (130 kg), so I've never really had anyone offer to start any particular unpleasantness with me.
  4. In the absence of additional information, I went on the assumption that we got our REC, but nothing else. Probably another crazy 'Let's mix things up' thing from our esteemed Commissioner. Heaven only knows what he has in mind for the playoffs....
  5. I printed out this week's matches on Friday, but I haven't looked since then.
  6. Q - So, you finally got a date with the new office girl. You're planning to take her somewhere romantic, I hope? A - Lithium hammer!
  7. That's part of the reason I like taking public transportation. I can put in headphones, read a bit, and not worry about driving. (Plus, the drivers here are [redacted].)
  8. Parent: "Let's have burritos with beans and cheese." Young child: "No cheese. I'm gonna smack cheese in the face. Hi-ya!"
  9. Mine are all ghost stories: #1: "Ghost of Stephen Foster" by Squirrel Nut Zippers #2: "Lamplight Symphony" by Kansas #3: "Home by the Sea / Second Home by the Sea" by Genesis
  10. At 0600 hours today, I had already missed my bus in to work. So I walked about 1.5 km to the light rail station and came in that way instead.
  11. Q - Did the hands on that clock just move backwards? A - It's proof that space is not just warped, it's completely bent.
  12. New Topic: Three Scary/Spooky/Supernatural Songs
  13. Somebody's always trying to kill that guy. You're bound to end up President eventually.
  14. Pretty quiet, considering the final week of the regular season starts in just a few hours. We could really use some chatter from Brent, Nicky, and Lacey Jay right about now.
  15. Just for clarification, Lord Commissioner, is next Wednesday in the Colosseum a Mortal Combat round, or not?
  16. Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump in a no-holds-barred cage match!
  17. Your team's results are perplexing. You have good, solid characters, but you've been plagued by remarkably bad luck, in terms of both dice rolls and unfavorable matchups. I'm not sure what you could have done differently.
  18. Five teams. Three playoff spots. Three days. Two broken dreams. Next week is gonna be epic.
  19. Lord Commissioner, would you be willing to leave the threads open for a few hours after a match is settled so that we could talk about that individual match?
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