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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Q - Why don't skeletons drink coffee?
  2. Master Orchid, are you still keeping stats for the tournament? Now that the regular season is completed, I'm curious as to how it all shook out.
  3. How about Hermit's Season I team vs. Lady P's Season III team?
  4. ...until you come back. Your cat-smashing reign is not so easily forgotten.
  5. That was my thought as well...and I'm seeing her on a regular screen.
  6. You're the two-time defending champion. You should be prepared for anything.
  7. My other response, originally, was going to be, "Yeah, who's LAUGHing now?!"
  8. I have a nomination for an arena for next season: The Door to Hell in Turkmenistan.
  9. Lose to her in the semis or lose to her in the finals, what's the difference?
  10. Questions: 1. "Best of Three" meaning the first to win two matches wins the round? 2. No REC between semifinals and finals? 3. One more Homework assignment between now and when the playoffs begin? Please? 4. Lady P vs. SKJAM! and Psybolt vs. Pariah?
  11. Hermit is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lady P Enterprises, LLC.
  12. Which is why I can stand Jennifer Aniston in The Iron Giant .
  13. I have seen one movie with Mandy Moore that I really enjoy.
  14. Sexy? To me, he looks like Edward from Twilight, but less interesting.
  15. As much as I've tried to suppress the experience, yes, I remember.
  16. Some of them are. The worst movie I ever saw was a rom-com.
  17. And seriously, how has nobody done this one yet? #6: "Thriller" by Michael Jackson
  18. Okay, three more: #4: "RE: Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton #5: "Moon over Bourbon Street" by Sting
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