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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Is this in the same context in which PhD stands for "Piled higher & Deeper"?
  2. When I give you detailed written instructions about how to do the project and show you step-by-step how to do the project and you are still asking me how to do the project, one of these two things is almost certainly true: 1) You're not paying attention, or 2) You're just dense. Actually, I will amend my previous statement to "one or both of these two things is almost certainly true". Read the [redacted] directions!!
  3. You know, 'Electron Bill' just isn't as much fun to say as 'Beta Ray Bill'.
  4. I find anything involving zombies dull and insipid. Except for Plants vs. Zombies. I've invested many an hour into that game.
  5. One hundred forty-four times as much as a normal understatement.
  6. One fine fall day, two University of Nebraska football players, Bubba and Billy Bob, were taking their final exam in the University’s “Music Appreciation for Athletes” class. A few minutes into the exam, one of them whispers to the other: “Psst! Hey, Bubba!” “Shut up, Billy Bob, you’re going to get us in trouble!” “Hey, I just need help with question #3.” “No!” “Come on, it’ll only take a minute!” “Fine, what’s question #3?” “It says, ‘Fill in the blank: Old MacDonald had a blank’.” “It’s ‘farm’, you dope! Everyone knows that! Old MacDonald had a farm!” “Oh, yeah. Thanks!” A few minutes later, there was another whisper. “Psst! Hey, Bubba!” “Knock it off! You’re gonna get us in trouble!” “I just have to ask you one more question. “All right, what is it now?” “How do you spell farm?” “You don’t know how to spell farm? You must be the most ignorant corn shucker of all time.” “Come on, Billy Bob, don’t be like that. Just tell me how to spell farm.” “All right, but this is the last time I’m helping you.” “Thanks Bubba.” “All right, this is how you spell farm: E-I-E-I-O.”
  7. Zorro The Gay Blade Runner What's Up Doc MacStuffins? The Wrath of Con Air The Princess Bride Diaries Undercover Blues Brothers
  8. Dancing with the Stargate The Mask of Zorro (starring Jim Carrey) A Bridge Too Farscape Duck Tales Soup It's A Wonderful Life of Brian
  9. Heard over the monitor a moment ago: "One, two, ah ah ah."
  10. You make due with what you have. Or, as I've heard it said, "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape."
  11. The desire of educators to inflict earth-shattering kabooms upon administrators? It's absolutely congruent with the truth!
  12. "We're probably wrong, Mr. ______, but at least we're thinking." "Well, that's the point."
  13. Just out of curiosity, what was the tiebreaker you used (19, 17, 15) to determine playoff seeding this season?
  14. Just out of curiosity, what was the tiebreaker you used (19, 17, 15) to determine playoff serving this season?
  15. Lord Commissioner, do the General Discussion threads for Seasons I and II still exist? If so, would you be willing to make them available to read again?
  16. Interesting to read this thread again now that Season III is complete. The whole bit about 'Kryptonians being invincible" really took a hit with Power Girl this season. And as poorly as my team did in the Powerless Peril rounds (1-3), I'm glad we didn't go with the No Supers concept.
  17. How about an Animal-themed round? Not actual animals--Streaky should remain safely at rest on Lady P's mantle--but human(oid) characters with animal-themed names? A few examples: Black Panther Diamindback Mockingbird Vixen Zorro Batman Spider-Man And so forth. Thoughts?
  18. We don't get Veterans Day off, but we do get MLK Day off. I remember it being the other way around when I was in high school.
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