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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Perhaps the single greatest example of Scandinavian pop music in history:
  2. Maybe an anesthetist or a nurse practitioner?
  3. Q - Did you really just smash a DX-7 on stage? A - I've got no use for it any more. Go to town!
  4. Okay, we'll try something else.... New Topic: Which superhero is getting his/her own reality show?
  5. Congratulations on your acceptance letter to the University of It Sucks To Be You.
  6. I was just issued a new iPad Air at work, and the assistant IT guy (a former student) came by to help me set it up. He introduced me to Siri. This has led to a few amusing Q&As. Me: Who's on first? Siri: That's right. Who is on first. Me: What is the meaning of life? Siri: I don't believe there's a consensus on that question. Me: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Siri: The last person who asked me that ended up in a crevasse. Who says programmers don't have a sense of humor?
  7. Doesn't the cosine law mean you have to pay if the other person defaults?
  8. My first attempt at Firefly was underwhelming. I was going for a Tron-lines kind of look. It didn't work. So here's another attempt: Firefly!
  9. I love how his colours are red, gold, and green....
  10. Last week, as students were correcting their homework assignments, I observed one student writing furiously. I made my way, as subtly as I could, to an area behind his desk, and watched him copy answers from the answer key. I made a mental note of this and went on with my lesson. At the end of the period, when I gathered the papers to enter the grades, I found his on top of the stack, hastily written and unscored. I scored it for him--zero, because that's what you get for academic dishonesty in my class--and wrote him a short note to that effect. I then entered his grade along with all the other papers and filed them away. Today he came up to me at the beginning of class and asked about his grade on the assignment. I directed him to the graded papers file and began today's lesson.I could tell by the look on his face during class that he had found his paper and read my note. He was shocked, and clearly unhappy. So at the end of class, he came up to me, assignment in hand, and asked bluntly, "What is this?" "I saw you copying answers last time, so I gave you a zero." "I wasn't copying answers!" "I watched you do it." "I was doing my math homework." "No, you weren't. You were copying answers." "No, I wasn't! I was..." "I know what I saw." "Do you?!" "Yes, I do. Enjoy your lunch." I'm gonna get a nasty e-mail from a parent this evening, I can feel it already.
  11. I've never seen a purple cow I hope I never see one But I will tell you, here and now, I'd rather see than be one
  12. Yeah, Lovecraft isn't exactly known for his happy endings.
  13. What's a dinosaur's least favorite reindeer?
  14. I've watched Dancing with the Stars so much that I can predict all three judges' scores correctly at least 75% of the time.
  15. Other than an excerpt from Atlas Shrugged for a Business class in college and various early Rush lyrics, I haven't read anything by Ayn Rand.
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