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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Nuclear winter brought on by a full nuclear exchange, combined with all manner of nasty mutated monsters created by the fallout, would make for a very interesting campaign setting.
  2. I love the word 'sesquipedalian'. It literally means 'a foot and a half'.
  3. If I had, would you expect me to admit it?
  4. Would you believe I've never been off the North American tectonic plate?
  5. "Wiggle Time!" featuring the Wiggles. Three straight times.
  6. I had no idea this was even a thing.
  7. The kiddie pool is filled with elves and peppermint schnapps. NEW TOPIC: New Years resolutions for members of the Champions.
  8. That's only a problem in America, right?
  9. Based on the current crop, I think that statement can reasonably be interpreted as an insult to actual poltroons.
  10. Q - You know what's better than a planet-killer? A planet-sized planet-killer! Am I right? A - The Arctic lynx is here for her pedicure, sir.
  11. What? That's preposterous. Siri told me it was the last word in the dictionary. (As a side note, my Android phone doesn't recognize 'Siri' as a word. Imagine that.)
  12. Q - I'm heading to Warmart to do some Christmas shopping. Do we need anything? A - I don't know the answer to your question, but I'll bet Tom Cruise does.
  13. Yes, just not my daughter or her friends. Actually, the physics teacher said at lunch the other day that he overheard one of his students telling another that I was 'scary'. It became the topic of conversation for the whole table (about a dozen teachers) for the day. Collectively we concluded that a little fear is a healthy part of the student-teacher dynamic. Oddly enough, the subject of test anxiety came up at lunch a few days ago, too. Some of the teachers were saying they'd had test anxiety when they were students. I had to chime in by saying, "I don't get test anxiety. I give it."
  14. I've still got about ten years until I'll be able to worry about that.
  15. Wait, if there's no life, who writes the fiction...?
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