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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Does one post about iguanas really constitute a fetish?
  2. Ironic. Bob Dylan is considered by many as America's rock and roll poet laureate, but when you listen to him sing those lyrics, it's darn near impossible to understand what he's singing.
  3. And her costume in the book doesn't look like the one on the cover, either.
  4. Pariah


    Dr. Teeth: It's the man with the badge, the PO-lice, the cops, the fuzz, the P-I-... Miss Piggy: Don't you dare! Dr. Teeth: I wouldn't think of it.
  5. Pariah


    Fixed that for ya.
  6. That's a pretty niche market, though. Those skills don't really transfer to anything most employers are looking for.
  7. Final exams have been written and copies have been made. The classroom has been rearranged to testing configuration. All necessary supplies have been located and made available. It's all over but the screaming.
  8. I've heard this several times over the last couple of days, because the kids got a new DVD for Christmas.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPnRxjrU8G0
  9. I'd take him (her?) over the current choices in this year's US Presidential election.
  10. "I smell mischief!" "Uh, no, I think that's just smoke."
  11. Hypothermia is not a pleasant way to go.
  12. How can the USA be a police state if all the citizens are protesting against the police? Seems more like an anti-police state to me.
  13. I ain't climbin' that thing. Especially in the dead of winter.
  14. The mountain for which my school/place of work is named is about 2750 m in elevation, rising about 1450 m above the valley floor.
  15. Oh, and if that thought's not scary enough....
  16. Just so you all know, Lady P got me this for Christmas: It is ON for Season 4, y'all!
  17. Not nearly so old as the Appalachians. They're barely even mountains anymore. Side note: I have, somewhere, a picture of myself at the top of a 'mountain' pass in West Virginia, with the elevation clearly identified. It's about 200 feet (60 m) lower than the elevation of my home town on the plains of Colorado.
  18. Yes, little boy, your counting skills are most impressive. Now go to sleep already.
  19. I just awoke from a dream that featured, among other things, Les Nessman singing a heavy metal version of 'Tiny Bubbles'.
  20. After the 2000 election, I didn't think Florida wanted anything to do with chads anymore.
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