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About MrWolf

  • Birthday 11/15/1971

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  1. Very interesting. Very, very interesting. Also this is my total lack of surprise.
  2. Because I can't avoid snark and it's how I handle things: "I must have absolute immunity from prosecution". "We don't prosecute sitting Presidents". "Not good enough!" Me - absolute immunity isn't a thing. Please stop asking. John Roberts' SCOTUS - "IT IS NOW!" "So all my charges and that conviction are dropped, right? RIGHT???" Me - horrified by this decision.
  3. You know, if Sotomayor is right, as long as it's an "official" act, I am worried that under this ruling absolutely no one in this country is actually safe ever again. I don't know if the 6 justices care though. "Writing for the ages", indeed. As long as it's an "official" act, it's allowed. And it can't be unofficial just because it may actually violate a law. Wow. Just wow.
  4. Sigh. I just saw the court's ruling on presidential immunity. I'm not surprised but I am very sad and disappointed.
  5. I was talking about this with my wife today. I don't vote for the Debater in Chief. I vote for the Commander in Chief. One single debate doesn't change my mind in any way about his fitness for office. YMMV.
  6. /sarcasm. "Biden had a cold! IMPEACH HIM IMMEDIATELY!"... hopefully this is ONLY sarcasm... and no one said that for real.
  7. RIP, condolences to those who knew him.
  8. What sound to me like extremists are out in force. Doxx the jury? How about this is a terrible precedent?
  9. Plus side, personally happy about this particular piece of news. President is a job, not a sacred kingship get out of jail free forever free card. And yes, I'd say the same about a Democrat, Libertarian, or anyone else as well. On the minus side (yes, there are minuses to this news) I've seen threats of violence reported online against Juan Merchan personally. Very final violence, shall we say. That's frankly horrifying. We are a nation of laws. Judges should not get threatened. One can only hope the jurors and court staff aren't getting them but that's probably too much to expect. Mostly happy except for that ... That part makes me sad and frankly a bit scared for where things are going. Thing is, I know people say stuff like that in private but it's worse when it's online. In... Really?... News, a Senator is calling on a criminal investigation of Juan Merchan for this very case. WHAT. Not as bad as threats from fringe people of bad things but WHAT. https://www.vance.senate.gov/press-releases/senator-vance-calls-for-criminal-investigation-into-judge-merchan/
  10. I'd just dream of a situation where ...there's peace for a while. I can say that, can't I, without being controversial?
  11. Exhaustion. I hadn't remembered what that was like again until this week. And to think, that's how things were for years with toddlers. Ah the days of requiring multiple cups of coffee in the morning AND a tripleshot espresso in the afternoon just to function... hopefully I'm not THAT bad again.
  12. I'd go so far as to permit Trump to be Emperor. Just like Emperor Norton. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Norton
  13. I ... maybe shouldn't read news sometimes. I just wanted to say that. When news from particular corners of the world leaves me... well, "sad" is one way to put it... but I'm not even sure if my computer gaming hobby can REALLY take my mind off it. I'm trying to be oblique, here. Usually I can shrug it off. Not sure why I'm having trouble today.
  14. Well. I'll just say this - I hadn't actually realized he was still alive, for whatever that says about anything. I believe I remember some Monty Python lines involving his name. Actually... song... oh yes. I own a copy of The Final Ripoff, fond memories of listening to that CD. Lyrics Henry Kissinger How I'm missing yer You're the Doctor of my dreams With your crinkly hair and your glassy stare And your machiavellian schemes I know they say that you are very vain And short and fat and pushy but at least you're not insane Henry Kissinger How I'm missing yer And wishing you were here Henry Kissinger How I'm missing yer You're so chubby and so neat With your funny clothes and your squishy nose You're like a German parakeet All right so people say that you don't care
  15. I wish people wouldn't use that kind of rhetoric. Re: Tucker Carlson's quote above. At least I can wish.
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