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Doug McCrae

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Posts posted by Doug McCrae

  1. Re: Superassassins?


    A gun expert, a knife fighter. Looks like you've got yourself the beginnings of a Deadly Vipers Assassination Bureau.


    Howabout adding a sword wielder and an expert in fisticuffs?

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    My character, the Masked Archer, was at the New York World's Fair (It's a Golden Age game). He tried to bring down a fleeing felon with his newly developed *experimental* Mummification Arrow, but accidentally hit the unfortunate ice cream vendor.

  3. Re: Campaigning for Supervillain PCs...


    I can't even play a Star Wars game because I can't help but imagine the Rebels as TERRORISTs. I mean even the best most well intentioned cause has problems when you are crashing speeders into CnC towers that people happen to live in.
    All those construction workers on the second Death Star...
  4. Re: Any Good Non-Four Color Super Game Needs:


    Superheroes deposing heads of state - Youngblood #1, The Authority


    Superheroes then going on to set themselves up as rulers of the world - Squadron Supreme, Miracleman, The Order


    Proactive superheroes - Force Works


    Villain to hero side switching even more common (Venom, Magneto, Sabretooth, Rogue), heroes can become villains now (Hal Jordan, Archangel)


    Asshole superheroes, often rightwing - USAgent, Guy Gardner, Lobo


    Big crossovers involving hundreds of superheroes happen at least once per year.


    Universal reboots - Crisis, Zero Hour, Heroes Reborn


    Normals in a world of superheroes - Astro City, Powers, Alias (sort of)


    Steroid monsters - Bane, Venom


    The supernatural - Ghost Rider, Spawn, Vertigo





    Women with colossal hooters

    Psychic cyborg ninja babes with colossal hooters


    The cowled urban vigilante becomes a totally grim uber-badass - he was just one of the guys before


    A resurgence of old GA/SA heroes - Supreme, Kingdom Come

  5. Re: Any Good Non-Four Color Super Game Needs:


    You're going too far now, Worldmaker. There's much more to the Iron Age than just the Authority. I can't stand the Authority, either (well Millar's Authority - Ellis was good), but there's loads of Iron Age stuff I do like - DKR, Watchmen, Marshal Law and all the 90s retro/postmodern comics for example.

  6. Re: Your Inner Circle


    Damon Harrington


    The Undead Knight

    Babba Yagga

    Black Rose


    were all there

    so were:


    Madam Moonlight (a vampire I may have swiped from a Dark Champions Supplement, I cannot remember)

    Thorne from Demons Rule

    Etienne St Croix (french Necromancer)

    Lord Soth (Shrouded demon)

    Black Enchantress (Coreolis effect)

    Brother Twilight (an african american monk to dark powers)

    Pandrago (a dragon in human form who wanted to manipulate Demon to take out VIPER's Lady Dragon or whatever her name was)

    Morgan LeFay

    2 Blacks, 2 Nights (Twilight and Moonlight) - How come no one with solar powers is ever admitted?
  7. This is a set of tables for generating Golden Age superhero names. Feedback welcome.


    Section 1: Name Form



    Table 1


    Roll 1d6, 1d6


    1, 1-6: The [Nouns 1]

    2, 1-6: [Nouns 1]

    3, 1: [Nouns 2]

    3, 2-4: The [Adjectives 1] [Nouns 1]

    3, 5-6: The [Adjectives 2] [Nouns 1]

    4, 1-3: [Adjectives 2] [Nouns 1]

    4, 4-6: [Titles] [Nouns 1]

    5, 1-3: [Titles] [Adjectives 2]

    5, 4-6[Nouns 1] [Persons]

    6, 1: [Prefixes] [Persons]

    6, 2-4: [Adjectives 2] [Persons]

    6, 5-6: Roll on Table 2



    Table 2


    Roll 1d6, 1d6


    1-2, 1-6: (Mythological/legendary name) - Example: Vulcan

    3, 1-2: [Adjectives 1] (Mythological/legendary name) - Example: Young Hercules

    3, 3-4: [Adjectives 2] (Mythological/legendary name)

    3, 5-6: [Titles] (Mythological/legendary name) - Example: Madame Satan

    4, 1-2: (Normal first name) [Nouns 1] - Example: Johnny Thunder

    4, 3-4: (Normal first name) [Adjectives 2]

    4, 5-6: [Nouns 1] (Normal surname) - Example: Blaze Baylor

    5, 1-6: (Imaginary name) - Example: Zatara

    6, 1-6: [Roll on Table 3] the [Roll on Table 1, reroll 'Roll on Table 2'] - Examples: Namor the


    Sub-Mariner, Sandy the Golden Boy



    Table 3


    Roll 1d6


    1-2: (Normal first name)

    3-4: (Imaginary name)

    5: [Nouns 1]

    6: [Nouns 1] (Normal surname)



    Section 2: Names



    Nouns 1


    Roll 1d100


    01: American

    02: Angel

    03-04: Arrow

    05: Atom

    06: Blade

    07: Blaze

    08: Blazer

    09: Bolt

    10: Bombshell

    11: Bullet

    12: Centaur

    13: Circle

    14: Cloak

    15: Clock

    16: Comet

    17: Dart

    18: Demon

    19: Doll

    20: Dragon

    21: Dwarf

    22: Dynamo

    23: Echo

    24: Face

    25: Fireball

    26: Fist

    27: Flag

    28: Flame

    29: Flash

    30: Fury

    31: Ghost

    32: Halo

    33: Heap

    34: Hood

    35: Hunchback

    36: Hurricane

    37: Imp

    38: Inferno

    39: Key

    40: Lantern

    41: Lightning

    42-44: Marvel

    45: Mask

    46: Miracle

    47: Monster

    48-50: Phantom

    51: Powerhouse

    52: Rainbow

    53: Ray

    54: Robot

    55: Rocket

    56: Shield

    57: Spark

    58: Sparkler

    59: Spectre

    60: Spirit

    61: Spook

    62: Star

    63: Streak

    64: Sword

    65: Target

    66: Terror

    67: Thunder

    68: Thunderbolt

    69: Top

    70: Tornado

    71: Vision

    72: Voice

    73: Volt

    74: Web

    75: Whizzer

    76-78: Wonder

    79-80: Yank

    81-90: Animals Subtable

    91-00: Professions Subtable



    Nouns 2


    Roll 1d6, 1d6


    1, 1-4: America

    1, 5-6: Asbestos

    2, 1-2: Dynamite

    2, 3-4: Fate

    2, 5-6: Justice

    3, 1-2: Magic

    3, 3-6: Midnight

    4, 1-4: Mystery

    4, 5-6: Quicksilver

    5, 1-2: Radar

    5, 4-6: Steel

    6, 1-2: TNT

    6, 3-4: US

    6, 5-6: Victory



    Adjectives 1


    Roll 1d6, 1d6


    1, 1-2: American

    1, 3: Blazing

    1, 4: Fiery

    1, 5: Fighting

    1, 6: Gay


    2, 1: Great

    2, 2: Hooded

    2, 3-4: Human

    2, 5: Kid

    2, 6: Magnetic


    3, 1: Masked

    3, 2: Mighty

    3, 3: Shining

    3, 4: Star-Spangled

    3, 5: Veiled

    3, 6: Young


    4-6, 1-6: Colors Subtable



    Adjectives 2


    Roll 1d100


    01-02: Air

    03-04: Amazing

    05-10: America

    11-12: Asbestos

    13-14: Atomic

    15-16: Courageous

    17-18: Daring


    19-20: Dynamic

    21-22: Dynamite

    23-24: Fate

    25-26: Fearless

    27-28: Flint

    29-30: Freedom

    31-32: Future


    33-34: Ghost

    35-36: Invisible

    37-40: Jungle

    41-42: Justice

    43-44: Magic

    45-48: Midnight


    49-50: Moon

    51-54: Mystery

    55-58: Mystic

    59-60: Occult

    61-68: Phantom


    69-70: Plastic

    71-72: Quick

    73-74: Quicksilver

    75-76: Radar

    77-78: Sky

    79-80: Space


    81-84: Steel

    85-86: Strange

    87-90: Strong

    91-92: Terrific

    93-94: TNT

    95-96: US

    97-00: Victory





    Roll 1d6, 1d6


    1-2, 1-6; 3, 1-4: Captain

    3, 5-6; 4, 1-4: Doctor OR Doc

    4, 5: Lady

    4, 6: Madame

    5, 1: Master

    5, 2-3: Miss

    5, 4-6; 6, 1-3: Mister

    6, 4: Princess

    6, 5: Sergeant

    6, 6: Uncle





    Roll 1d6, 1d6


    1, 1-6: Boy

    2, 1-5: Girl

    2, 6: Kid

    3, 1-2: Lady

    3, 3-6; 4-5; 6, 1-4: Man

    6, 5-6: Woman





    Roll 1d6, 1d6:


    1, 1-3: Aero

    1, 4-6: Aqua

    2, 1-3: Cosmo

    2, 4-6: Hydro

    3, 1-3: Hyper

    3, 4-6: Hypno

    4, 1-3: Pyro

    4, 4-6: Ultra

    5-6, 1-6: Super



    Professions Subtable


    Roll 1d6, 1d10


    1, 1-4: Avenger

    1, 5: Challenger

    1, 6: Clown

    1, 7-8: Commando

    1, 9: Conqueror

    1, 10: Crimebuster


    2, 1-2: Crusader

    2, 3: Daredevil

    2, 4: Defender

    2, 5-6: Destroyer

    2, 7: Detective

    2, 8: Empress

    2, 9: Firebrand

    2, 10: Flame Breather


    3, 1: Gladiator

    3, 2: Goddess

    3, 3: Guardian

    3, 4: Hangman

    3, 5: Horseman

    3, 6: Huntress

    3, 7: Jester

    3, 8: King

    3, 9-10: Knight


    4, 1: Lama

    4, 2: Liberator

    4, 3-6: Magician

    4, 7: Manhunter

    4, 8: Musketeer

    4, 9-10: Mystic


    5, 1: Oracle

    5, 2-3: Patriot

    5, 4: Queen

    5, 5: Raider

    5, 6: Rajah

    5, 7-9: Rider

    5, 10: Saint


    6, 1: Sorcerer

    6, 2: Spy Smasher

    6, 3: Sub-Mariner

    6, 4: Valkyrie

    6, 5: Vigilante

    6, 6: Warrior

    6, 7: Witness

    6, 8-10: Wizard



    Animals Subtable


    Roll 1d6, 1d6


    1,1: Ape

    1,2: Bat

    1,3: Bee

    1,4: Beetle

    1,5: Bird

    1,6: Canary


    2,1-2: Cat

    2,3: Chameleon

    2,4: Cobra

    2,5: Duck

    2,6; 3,1: Eagle


    3,2-3: Falcon

    3,4: Fly

    3,5: Fox

    3,6; 4,1: Hawk


    4,2: Hornet

    4,3: Leopard

    4,4: Lynx

    4,5: Moth

    4,6: Mouse


    5,1: Owl

    5,2: Panther

    5,3: Rabbit

    5,4: Raven

    5,5: Spider

    5,6: Tarantula


    6,1-2: Tiger

    6,3: Turtle

    6,4-5: Wasp

    6,6: Zebra



    Colors Subtable


    Roll 1d6, 1d6


    1, 1-6; 2, 1-3: Black

    2, 4: Blonde

    2, 5-6; 3, 1-2: Blue

    3, 3: Crimson

    3, 4-5: Golden

    3, 6; 4, 1-3: Green

    4, 4: Grey

    4, 5: Purple

    4, 6; 5, 1-6; 6, 1: Red

    6, 2: Scarlet

    6, 3-4: Silver

    6, 5-6: White

  8. Re: Any Good Non-Four Color Super Game Needs:


    A surprsingly black and white under all the grit' date=' just "black" is winning or at least dominant.[/quote']Abso-fucking-lutely. I think people get the 'shades of grey' idea from Watchmen. It is to be found nowhere else in the Iron Age.
  9. Re: Archetype teams


    My all female super vilian team were bricks' date=' Martial Artist, and energy projectors, but did share a common theme of being all parapaths ("psychic vampies") stealing END, STUN, and BODY from their victims.[/quote']Parapaths - that's a good word.
  10. Re: The Random Silver Age Character Generator


    It probably needs a name generator.


    A Golden Age version wouldn't be too difficult.

    Should be doable. I'll look into it.


    Liked your Superman plot table, seemed to replicate the comics pretty closely.


    BTW I already did a GA version, though it's very primitive. Posted it a while ago but couldn't find it so here it is again -





    1. Robot

    2. Patriot

    3. Magician

    4. Kid sidekick

    5. Kid gang

    6. Mental and physical marvel

    7. Monkey sidekick

    8. Bow (or other primitive weapon) wielder

    9. Killer vigilante

    10. Atomic powers

    11. Jungle king or queen

    12. Ghost

    13. Aviator

    14. Genie

    15. Funny animal

    16. Detective

    17. Mythology/Folklore/The Classics

    18. Faster than a speeding bullet!

    19. Underwater hero

    20. Flaming hero

    21. Time travel

    22. Tibet

    23. Secret chemical formula

    24. Radio waves

    25. Advanced vehicle, capable of [at least two out of - land/sea/air] travel

    26. Cowboy

    27. Saying a magic word

    28. Raised by animals

    29. Punning name

    30. Dreary vegetation



    Roll a d30, (d3 for tens, d10 for units) as many times as desired until you have an interesting combination. For example two rolls, 1 and 8, would generate a robot who wields a primitive weapon - The Iron Gladiator perhaps?


    The correctness of the Random Golden Age Character Generator can be seen by comparing real golden age heroes with the table. Captain America is a patriot (2), empowered by a secret chemical formula (23) with a kid sidekick (4) and wields a primitive 'weapon' (8). Captain Marvel says a magic word (27) which he learned from a wizard (3) to get the powers of mythological beings (17).

  11. Re: Agent combat....


    Don't be afraid to individualize your agents. Name them' date=' for goodness sake! I do![/quote']This is a great idea. When I remember too I like to individualise my orcs. Sorry, I mean agents. Don't think having a name helps them fight any better though.
  12. Re: New Character "Strong Guy"


    I had a somewhat similar character called Dog Girl. She wasn't a comic book character come to life but rather a teenager of below average intelligence, an avid comic book fan, who believed the world worked the same way as comic books. Very much a 90s pastiche character.


    She was heroic and innocent and, like the classic comic book hero, preserved the status quo. OTOH she was familiar with the Bronze Age so could admit the possibility of government corruption, etc if confronted with it. Though she would've been far too dumb to grasp the complexities of Enron for example.


    She believed the source of her power to have been the bite of a radioactive dog. Though she really was physically very powerful she also thought she had Dog-Ray Vision which enabled her to see thru any substance except lead. Sadly she seemed to constantly encounter lead-lined buildings and objects.

  13. Re: Nemesis


    She's supposed to be thought of as crippled by the world at large.
    Is that an Oracle/Barbara Gordon thing? Cool idea, combining the bats.
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