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Everything posted by ScottishFox

  1. I'm speculating so take this with a grain of salt, but probably because they are already power constructs with advantages and limitations figured in. If you add them to a power framework you're likely to add more advantages and limitations on top of that instead of in the original formula of AP*(1+Adv) / (1 + Lim) which will skew the costs.
  2. Don't use the talents directly, but construct them as attack powers and you should be fine. Having an AoE selective or AoE hole-in-the-middle or other variations of hitting things with a sword with near superhuman skill would all work. Ex: Lunging Strike!! - AoE line - limited to 3 hexes Whirlwind Strike!! - AoE 3m radius - hole in the middle Precision Strike!! - 1 hex AoE (so good he can't miss!), Armor Piercing and so on.
  3. Is he willing to shatter his weapon as he exceeds the bounds of mere mortals? Then I'm on-board and he can exceed the cap and say farewell to his baseball bat. Granted a maxed out baseball bat swing (8d6?) would kill a normie in 2 hits. Exceeding that could easily lead to the bat breaking.
  4. Wasn't the Paragon of Humanity from the Supernatural series?
  5. I don't mean on a chart in the game. I mean in the sense that a 27 STR would allow for a 2080 pound deadlift which is more than 2x the current world record super-human. I would expect someone twice as strong as the current steroided out modern super-nutriented monster of a man to be able to mangle brass knuckles (if he could even get the puny things on his giant meaty fingers).
  6. That scene was so bad that I'm 6 hours into a work day and still annoyed. The security guard had reflexes that would impress the Flash. Batwoman doesn't think, "Oh, whew, that woulda killed me." but rather, "Oh, great public is getting the wrong idea now". I predict this series will lead to Amazon and other websites creating a negative star rating - for when 1 star is 6 stars too many - negative 5 stars will do the trick.
  7. I suspect the percentage of active players "doing it wrong" is somewhere between 99% and 101%. Hexes for life.
  8. I hadn't realized how hairy power construction could get until I started converting some Pillars of Eternity spells and had to use compound powers and custom powers here and there. On the character sheet the combat summary (on Tasha's Ultimate) is so brief the players can't use it, but the full power description is so heavy that nobody can read it. These are guys that play Anima, Pathfinder 2.0, D&D 5e and other games. Veteran gamers looking at me like, "Bro, I can't read this shit. What do you want me to do?". This is our 3rd FH campaign... So I'm in HERO Designer (an amazing product) and I'm going through the characters to simplify all of the charges, incantations, gestures, and other limitations into VERY simple things like Lim: Spell -2, Cast Time: 3.0s and it's taking HOURS. Then later I was in the restroom and pulled up my Advanced Player's Guide 2 book and on the back of the book in giant yellow letters - "EVEN MORE RULES!". Which made me want to read an adventure, only they basically don't exist.
  9. 22 would just max out the knuckles. It would take 27+ to consistently damage them and that is clearly in the super-human range.
  10. I basically came here to post this. The grapple stops the train INSTANTLY which would result in the immediate death of all passengers - but everything is fine - then with all of the unbelievable speed of the train already dealt with - the railroad tie snaps and batwoman is nearly decapitated by her own grapple except a handsome security guard wearing a full suit of plot armor saves her. What.Is.This.Garbage!? Even by CW show standards - which I mostly enjoy - this is beyond unacceptable.
  11. We'll just have to disagree on this one. The guy in the example would have to be nearly as strong as an ogre to damage the brass knuckles. I'm supposed to let these things take more damage than the larger more structurally sound weapons like maces or axes? I've seen those larger weapons shatter on plate armor helms or pauldrons. I would totally agree with you in a super setting, but in a Fantasy HERO campaign brass knuckles are a toy compared the weapons being used and giving it the same durability as a small mace, short sword, etc., is pretty generous as it is. Your eyeroll hurts my soul. I'm going to go watch supergirl now. 😐
  12. Brass knuckles are going to be around 6 DEF - guestimating from other the DEF chart in book 2. So if they are a 3d6 HA weapon with a low str min (7 ish) then he's going to max them out at 22 STR. If he's substantially stronger than that he won't have to take them off he'll just destroy them after a couple of swings. I've allowed players to exceed the cap at the cost of damaging or destroying their weapon (The Hulk hitting Hulk Hogan with a folding chair for example). That chair isn't going to be available for a second swing.
  13. In my Fantasy HERO campaigns the double-damage limit applies to normal damage weapons as well. Tiamat can not pick up a tiny human club and proceed to whack someone for 17d6 normal damage with it. She can do 6d6 blunt with it or forego the useless thing and just go back to stepping on people.
  14. Succinctly and elegantly demonstrated. Well done, sir. I also find that immersion takes a terrible hit if Throg the Mauler can do 3d6+1 KA with a salad fork because he's strong.
  15. Leaving the list of who made it and who didn't incomplete gives them options for the future. Although it seems odd how everyone is wrecked about Oliver being gone, but glosses over the infinite trillions that ceased to exist across the multiverse.
  16. That seems like it would tilt in favor of ranged attacks pretty heavily. And those already have the advantage of not having to get into melee range to use. Last weeks final FH encounter took place in a large room and the two melee-heavy characters in the party spent 3+ phases getting into melee range as they dodged enemy fire. The wizard, druid and ranger just braced and lobbed shots.
  17. I downloaded a copy and the first thing that stands out is the newer more modern look to it. I was able to load a character from the old .xml file without issue. I'll try to do one off one of my HDC files with custom powers/skills when I get home. Thanks for putting this all together!
  18. It's right in the sample pictures. They have a pool of free artwork for DM's Guild Adventures.
  19. This sounds great, but intelligence testing in real life suggests that you can shift your innate IQ by about 15-20% tops. Optimal nutrition, rigorous use of your brain, etc. Physical strength on the other hand can be more than doubled with a good strength training program. I don't know if college made me any smarter, but multiple years of swimming and martial arts allowed me to do 600 lb calf raises on 1 leg. I **wish** education would have had that much of an impact on my IQ. PS- We're on page 9 of a post about how to model flashlights. 😐
  20. That's how I've always done it and probably where I picked it up. 4th Edition forever!
  21. My friend's adventure was made on a budget of nothing by a single guy. I understand that with a limited budget that art options will be limited, but they won't be nothing.
  22. A friend of mine wrote an adventure (part 1 of 3) taking place in the Under Dark and the presentation and artwork (1 man show using some free artwork from the internet) are better than what I'm used to in HERO books. I'm at a loss for words as to why my favorite RPG ever (by a lot!) never upped their production values over the decades.
  23. I believe the -1 Range MOD list is in the Advanced Players Guide #2.
  24. Smacked - yes. Smacked in the head (12 vs. 8 = 7 or less) not so much. Though your point holds at better at 11 vs. 5 at 9 or less (30%+). Gnome makes a solid point that the fractional (1/2) modifiers to OCV/DCV don't scale well relative to fixed called shot modifiers.
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