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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Partisan Tribalism have mostly derstroyed people's abilities to think critically. Critical thinking is an anathema to the current elites, so Everything is held up with the fanaticism of College sports fans, but without any sort of sportsmanship.
  2. Well that implies ranged weapons, and/or spears and atlatls. Having little to no cover and living in a desert means the longer the reach, or the higher the sprint speed, the more often you can eat. (or you are going to have to love eating cactus or things that live in burrows.) Eating is the priority. Next is defending one's self and one's territory against others of your kind. How would they do that? Well range, again, But what if the "other" gets inside your spear range through deception or stealth? How does one defend themselves from this? Claws? Fangs? Knives? Also their strength and endurance will dictate weapons size and weight., especially if these people need to cover long distances. Usually, when world building like this, I start by building the people/ creatures, first to figure out how they work as animals, THen put on items like Costumes and weapons. I will provide examples later as I dig to find some of the old Rogues Gallery7 articles I did on the (similar terrain creatures,) the Jaggiri.
  3. JUst finished binging the second Season of "The Dragon Prince". story gets better. over all quality has improved. Also on Netflix. Second Season does not finish the show. Story still seems to be on an upward trajectory.
  4. I live 2 blocks away from a Korean Movie theater, and will pop down and catch a Matinee, as they have English Subtitles, and the quality of the movies are about the same as Hollywood circa 2004, as their stories dont[' suffer from the "Save The Cat" syndrome. But I will definitely take a look at what's on Netflix, because K-dramas are nice and tight.
  5. We should skipt the aging, because I don't think Phase IV is going to work out. Even aside the fact of brie Larson's declarations. I just don't think the steam will last. Captain marvel is not a compelling character, the way Ironman, Spiderman, or Black Widow are. basing the future on Captain Marvel I think is a mistake. it was never a fan favorite, and brie Larson Doesn't look like she is having fun, the waty the other cast members are. Sincve this is not the RL Politics thread i will avoid any outside discussion of brie's statements, and contract riders, but I fear that she will do what Sana Aminat has done to the comics.
  6. well what are they like? How do they differ from base humans? are they faster runners? stronger? longer limbs? do they have long thick tails? jaws full of pointy teeth? what are their physical capabilities? That would help?
  7. Depending on how you write up the "Fire magic", you could have primitive flame throwers and/or firearms. Magic produces the combustion without external ignition, aided by flammables within say a sealed tube (concealed as a staff?), you could get a tube full pf pitch or tar, making a flaming gel projector. Put a shaped projectile in the tube, and get a fire arm that can work in the rain. The tubes could be large, or very small, as it's the magic that sends out the projectile, not physics. But... who knows.?
  8. Hwere is the roster of all 48 CGI episodes from back in the day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ReBoot_episodes Of these, the ones I remember Hexadecimal being the most scary were: Season 2, Episode 5, "Painted Windows".. Hexadecimal basically corrupts reality for artistic purposes Season 3 "show down" shows that hexadecimal is still a force to be reckoned with, even as Megabyte has taken over mainframe in Bob's absence. Upon Bob;'s return she captures bob, to get him to do her a favor.
  9. Polished obsidian (Egyuptian style) rather than the flint knapped blades wrapped with gut on a piece of antler. Fine glass blades on a small bone handle, as personal weapons. Big thigh bone studded with obsidian bits, Aztec fashion for intimidation. They do need ranged weapons, and lacking bows, you may want to go for slings. Flipping chunky shards of Obsidian at their targets, and watching two friends experiment with slings 20 years ago, they could get accurate hits out to about 50-60 yards. (one knocked a flying bird out of the sky). Cultural development, and logistical capabilities will dictate how laerge, complex and finely finished the weapons can be. Do these folks trade? do they Mine or dig? Do they have basic, or advanced textiles? (and odd questionm but), How advanced is their art? All of this is going to have an effect on the designs of their weapons, and also how organized is their usage. More fact please?
  10. Really? Hmmm. As for Bad movies there are a lot worse than Howard the Duck. Howard the Duck just lacked any sort of charm. But examples of worse movies... Live action or animated? XD
  11. That's me, and I live there. (Well Korea-Town, about 1 mile south of Melrose Ave.) I thought someone like Katie Sackoff would have made a much more dynamic superhero. She has more acting range than Larson does.
  12. Muatly, I would have a player roll Danger sense before a villain ambushes them, and if they made it, they got full DCV,
  13. I was/am a big fan of the show. Hexidecimal, was almost pure power. She had her own internal rules though, but they were often incomprehensible. I would agree she has no END cost on anything, and had an awfully large amount of TK/ strength at range. She also had a huge amount of forcewall. She had a powerful but slow transform. And entangles tended to fail against her. She also had a teleport at range usable upon others, which could include the vehicle the heroes were riding in. She is in that class of Boss villain, where she can hold off a major assault, until she hets bored and leaves. The Hexadecimal/Megabyte engagements illustrates this well.
  15. https://www.sciencealert.com/there-s-evidence-that-mars-is-still-volcanically-active Mars May have active seismic activity, that kept water under its ice sheets liquid:
  16. The Clone Wars made for a fun show in all its incarnations. Actually Ttansformers Prime, was a decent CG animated transformers nsuow with a decent story, that grew and grew. Worth a look if interested.
  17. True, I can watch the original trilogy with a good mood. The prequels has a few good scenes, tainted by obnoxious characters. But the last one I enjoyed was Rogue One. 7 was just a rework on “ A New Hope”. And Rey is just a Mary Sue.
  18. Watching"The kingdom". on Netflix. It is a Korean Period Drama, well shot and well acted, but includes Zombies. It's a great "Escalating Damage" sort of plot. A lot of fun, but then I like Korean films.
  19. I was supremely disappointed by The Last Jedi. I thought Admiral Gender Studies (Holdo) was a vile character. The New Order was shows to be clowns, and they just crapped all over Luke. Kathleen Kennedy ruins it all. Can't watch qany Star Wars any more.
  20. How I learned hero was being handed a pre-generated character, and sat down in front of a map, and talked to people on my left and right, and just followed the instructions< However my RPG Experience at the time was D&D First edition, Bushido, Advanced Melee/Wizard, and some Traveller, so I was not a total Neophyte. I think having a choice of pre-generated characters / NPCs where all the creation work is done, and simplified, until people feel comfortable with the basic system. Simple simple adventures, and resources, and only lkeep the points and constructions in an appendix (Do you want to know more...?) First off it needs to be a fun game. THEN you introduce the complexity.
  21. Missiles, and mass acceleration weapons. And wrapping a small car sized chunk of space debris in Radar absorbing Mats and pushing into someone’s Way. Beam weapons are mostly defensive, and point defensive. With all the mass and heat sinks, it’s more of an industrial/salvage thing. Most engagements would be stop and robs, but the Earth area militaries have enoughnskill and coordination for Multiple vessel formations but those are rare. Space tactics is super rudimentary, and influ never by how many missiles with good guidance systems are you willing to waste? One could also put an armored nose cone and ram another ship, Hope that you survive the impact then high G burn back and salvage the debris before it gets too far away.
  22. Same for mine. The first US/China war begins in its the invasion of Taiwan in the 2030s and the Chinese sinking the Reagan and Ford. This was coupled with a coordinated DNS attack across the web from power stations to grid networks, and some monkey wrenching by opportunists. When the US allies got their act together, the Australians, Koreans, and Japanese, with logistical nsupportnfrom Hawaii and the Philippines managed to block Chinese shipping.,’The US began detaining Chinese college students and nationals announcing they will trader hem back to the Chinese, while the Submarine fleet engaged in unrestricted war fame upon Chinese high seas fleet assets. The other allies’ Fleets simply and detained Jones’s and blockaded ports. The US Congress dithered [The edits cratered, so i will have to update these in more posts.] Suffice it to say there were two engagements, one in the early 2030's after China's invasion of Taiwan, Massive DNS , and hacking of the Internet, and the sinking of two US carriers. The short war allowed China to achieve its One China Policy, but it galvanized the other Pacific rim powers that kept the Chinese from expanding their command of the seas. China chafed under the restrictions, but after the treaties, things sort of returned to normal, sort of. Trust with Chinese manufacturing took a hit. So China started to move into orbit, like the other economies, but their trade was somewhat limited, and that lack of trust in Chinese products made their economy more inward, plus long distance flights for asteroid mining. then the [Drive] was discovered in the 2050's, and was a trade secret, allowing the Western orbital economies to spread out father and wider than the Chinese, putting them behind the 8-ball. Resentment and slight economic decline, pushed tensions through the 60's. In 2066, Muslim workers Hijacked a "bumper boat" (A space tug that pushes hoppers or fairly solid asteroids around to the various orbital facilities), and tempted to hit Tel Aviv with an asteroid. The Israeli defenses detonated the falling rock over Cyprus, with some fragments reaching Tel Aviv, and the coast of Israel, most falling harmlessly in the sea. The Chinese noted this , and started to plan. The Anglosphere, (US, UK, Canada, Australia, India), led by the US Space Force started to draft plans to prevent this sort of things from happening again. The US also started to boost up "mysterious" packages into orbit. On December 24th, 2069, feeling like opportunities for redress may be evaporation, the Chinese made their move. Once again they started with a widespread DNS attack on the Terrestrial Web. However their next move was to create a Kessler Syndrome Catastrophe, and in the cover of the debris shower, they pushed a few ore hoppers and solids into a collision course with military and morale targets (good bye Burbank). in North America. With the communications crippled, and only a few Landlines open, th US daisy chained communications in that brief window before the access to orbit closed entirely and the Mysterious packages opened and rained THOR projectiles on military and surface to orpit facilities all over China, and Chinese launch facilities in east Africa. The Debris cloud spread, and basically cut off earth from it's orbital facilities, and if it wasn't for the alread established O'Niel colonies growing food for the orbit and beyond orbit settlements the starvation seen in north America and China would have spread into space, Other than a few daring humanitarian drops. As it was, the U.S. was effectively out of commission for the year and a half it took for sufficient debris to be cleared for normal lift to orbit flight to resume. Starvation and infrastructure damage allowed the much less damaged Canada to take over enforcement of treaties and orbital Law enforcement inside of the moon's orbit. the U.S. economically crawled out of the rubble, as did the Chinese, but as a power they were only able to defend borders, and rebuild the power and infrastructure, while many large cities and towns north of the 36th parallel and south of were abandoned if they had been too damaged, only rebuilding their populations after five or ten years, Cities still marked today by huge national cemeteries , usually in reclaimed Crater locations near the city. China, clipped of it's surface to orbit capability, and a mass reduction in Military effectiveness, saw Independence movements sprout up. Without the China Communist Party administering the social scores, non compliance, especially out in space became rampant, and Central Control collapsed. Revolution festered in china for a few decades afterwards, and space borne Chinese, have repudiated the terrestrial Chinese authority, and each settlement has re-negotiated treaties with the commercial but some Taiwanese commentator said that that "the Mandate of heaven, was spoken with Thunderbolts, and as such found illegitimate. The U.S. is basically a banking center, and agriculture and some light manufacturing, but it's global supremacy is in the past, much like the U.K, a century earlier. Ground siders tend to be entrepreneurial, but also religious, grateful that they had survived such a disaster. (though in truth, the population declined precipitously in the year after the bombardment.) China is not longer a cohesive nation at the moment, and Orbital Chinese are forming a distinctive culture, since they had to make their own way after the bombardment. Free from the social Points system, they have become a lot more outspoken and opinionated than their parents.
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