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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Hmmm. Well you convinced me about it.
  2. Oh it's true, and I( have seen the photos}. Even that "frog skin" helmet cover all the marines wore in WW2, bleached out to nearly featureless.
  3. Saw Battle Angel Alita in the theaters. Loved it, but then I used to read the Manga back in the day, and it followed the progression fairly faithfully, if condensed.
  4. Oh Claudia is one of my favorites. Hard charging go getter with a sense of humor (She reminds me of my sister's College room mate, Ginny.) I think what happened to her brother, has given her slight pause. The writers seem to get the family dynamics in all of the families represented, and i see echoes of my family in many of the characters. Which is not something I have experienced before.
  5. Yeah, that's a bit too idealistic. Also the other rulers of the Pentarchy squabbled less that NATO does in Brussels, but, it's primarily a kid's show so they have to keep things simple. Makes me want to Run or Play Fantasy Hero again, though.
  6. Concepts , like people, can and do change over time. I allow experience to dictate where points are allocated. Hell it happens in real life. The French Army started the First World War wearing dark blue tunics, jaunty Kepis, and scarlet trousers. That changed in 6 months to Horizon Blue, and Adrian Helmets. In WW2 All armies went through the same progression, due to shifting tactics and changing materiel costs and manufacturing capabilities, But those are armies> For characters, the struggle between good and evil can, and does take many forms, but the conflict will force changes in tactics and weapons over time. batman Originally dealt out Justice with a pair of .45's, He now doesn't kill, and he's become more strategic in his thinking than he used to be. He may look the same, but he doesn't fight the same. In my game I expect the characters to shift and change their tactics and equipment based on their experience with the enemies they have faced. Change also keep things from being too frustrating or boring. We are supposed to be having fun, yes?
  7. I am one of those Tactical qaction junkies. Remember long long ago, I came at this from War Gaming, and with Wargaming I still identify with (Up to and including WW2 Infantry simulators on PC like "Post Scriptum".) For Champions my joy was how flexiple the tactical puzzles were, and even more so When we players fell into smooth , teamwork, and while a villain might get away, No hero stayed down very long, or got captured in a team fight. That was glorious. For me, I do enjoy a good amount of roleplay, but will become unsatisfied in a game without explosions, after a while. [EDIT] As an aside though, I am not a fan of D&D combat, though it has gotten more streamlined in 5th Edition, but it is very different than the tense glee one often gets in a Hero combat. I think it may be that Champions, especially the earlier editions were a much better miniatures War Game rules set than D&D ever was. I don't know Mutants and Masterminds all that well other than it is a D-20 system.
  8. Wait... initiative? in HERO? Really?!?!
  9. Well? What do you need to know? Check FH Second Edition. Was done about the same time as Danger International.
  10. A GM doesn't have to follow the books. If invisibility makes everyone invisible in the party as long as they stick within a 10m radius of the caster, then everyone and everything would be invisible. You guys tend to overthink things way to much.
  11. Well if it's shaped, could be quarter, or half damage reduction too, but a +2 Knockback because of the rigidity. Maybe not. as they do tend to be Pike nose shaped.
  12. Things that get too genre specific make my hackles rise. Games aren’t comics and vice versa. Players have a lot of experience, and often learn from their mistakes. Way before Dark Champions, costumes in many local games slid into Kevlar and Army Surplus XD as to the first question, What ever happened to the 200 point villain, essentially a talented normal with one or two blockbuster powers and a little intelligence? A good one hit wonder can screw up the Heroes best plans on occasion.
  13. Tourney helmets are incredibly restrictive. Combat helmets are a bit less so. A Crusaders bucket helm is 8rPD. Helmet off is 6 rPD, for the chain coif and padding beneath. but the Hit Location 3 was 0 rPD.
  14. Yes, but the plate helmets have visors. I was also a re-enactor for many years, and if your gear is set up right you can get it on and off fairly quick.
  15. Oh, I know, and I have seen a lot of good minis on Thingiverse, but I want specific critters and player races of my own creation. Custom miniatures for the PCs as well would be nice. EDIT. examples:
  16. Look at the Creality Ender 3. it's a PLA printer, but the resolution is not bad. https://smile.amazon.com/Creality-Upgraded-Ender-3X-Tempered-Printing/dp/B07GDJTVXJ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1TG4HYO8C4N3U&keywords=creality+ender+3&qid=1551290877&s=industrial&sprefix=Creality%2Chpc%2C197&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1 Resin Printers are still more expensive, but the price is coming down. https://smile.amazon.com/EPAX-Printer-Screen-Off-line-Printing/dp/B07L2GDBMN/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3FQXOXD2QU9R3&keywords=resin+printer+3d&qid=1551291029&s=industrial&sprefix=resin+printer%2Cindustrial%2C221&sr=1-5 And to show you can get good results with the Creality Ender 3 family, watch this:
  17. Also as to perception penalties, what would happen is that the party would be riding or walking along, and someone would get suspicious, and make a perception roll, and if made, they would put their helmet on, and then the rest of the party would as well, and stop, take time to make their perception rolls, until the opposition was detected. If surprised, often their first action would be to put their helmet on, and NEXT action draw steel, depending on the situation.
  18. I think that home 3D printing is going to replace miniatures bought from compactness very very soon now. I am looking hard at it, and practicing with Z-Brush, to see if I can make my own Fantasy Miniatures, and sculpts.
  19. In FH I didnt do traditional Dungeon crawls, so extra equipment was kept on Horses, Mules and carts. So weight calculations were based on armor, and personal items alone. Robbing unattended animals was far safer for thieves than confronting armed PCs XD. Adventures in the campaign were more travellogue, exploration, and politics, than pure Murder Hobo activities. Unarmored characters were few and far between, but they did happen and in combat they mostly hid behind cover, and waited for the fighting to stop.
  20. Allow them armor over the 3,4,5, and 13 hit locations. Minimum is 6 rPD for chain mail, and higher with plate helmets. Cuts it down quite a bit. Nice thing about FH is there are no class restrictions on armor.
  21. I have very few miniatures left, But I used to play a lot of 15mm Napoleonics, and 25mm Donald Featherstone Skirmish rules, a 1/72 scale Tank game called brew Up, and GHQ Microarmour, as well as Mustangs & Messerschmitts, as well as D&D in the days before Hero. After Hero my Wargaming Tapered off. Any Naval miniatures game was a rare thing, but I found them fun. These days at least for me, that itch is scratched with online multiplayer like Post Scriptum. Warthunder, and a few others. But only when I don't feel the guilt of Not producing things.
  22. I think that was only my Fantasy Hero games XD
  23. It sounds like it is a church and a benevolent society. How about the church loans only to believers, but will "Bank" for non believers. Upon your birth, you are signed into the Parish book. Your attendance and tithe once you are of age are recorded. (those members moving in to new areas would be carrying a letter of recommendation from their old priest, and sign in at the new parish.)
  24. I finished up watching it. The production design is amazing. The characters were interesting, and it was unusual to see in most cases their powers were curses, as well as blessings. I would give it a mild recommendation, but make sure the gamma of your TV is turned up because a lot takes place in dark environments.
  25. When Dr. Bob Simpson was our GM in the late 90's, the flow of his games was a lot like this. there were three or four sessions of investigation, and det3ective work, with the occasional short fight, or Training day for the heroes, then all of that investigation and detective work would culminate in a fight, some s a long fight. He didn't use the single boss encounter very often, but it was ususally groups of villains, versus the heroes, so fights would last about 4-6 turns, and everyone was gasping for breath and using cover to recover. All in all he ran a very "rewarding game". The situation we had as players, was that the villains might be as interested as you were in them, especially after their schemes were thwarted, and they only barely escaped. Hell, the Heroes had a set of protocols of escaping when a fight went against them badly, we had team tactics down to a science, and we did not suffer the fate of Dr. Bob's earlier player group, that lost a member to a mind control/transform, making the PC, into an NPC Villain, because he got captured by the Big Magical bad of his campaign. To keep the tactics interesting, bot sides had numbers and abilities to keep the combats dynamic, and i learned a lot from him. it made "Boss Fights" look and feel like cactus covered punching bags.
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