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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. EXACTLY!!!! Why do you think 20 something girls, and middle aged women watch K-Dramas? Why does Manwha (Korean Manga), sell so well? Because the Koreans love, and concentrate on their stories.
  2. No, but just an example of gaming the encumbrance rules and hit locations.
  3. The usual for northerners was Plate Helm, chest plate, bracers and greaves, over a calf length chain hauberk at 6dPD. Not too encumbering.
  4. I have, Korean Films. Decent acting, Good to excellent action, and they pay attention to pacing. The Period Dramas aren't stilted, and the the production designs is very good. Basically, plot wise, their films predate the 2005 Screenwriting book Save the Cat by Blake Snyder. I have a nice Korean owned theater (CGV Cinemas), where I watch the Marvel films, within walking distance. It's a three theater cineplex in a compact little strip mall. Digital projection and they have one 3D theater where It gives me the choice of an American Film, and Two Korean Films. So I sampled. For those on Netflix, to get an idea of Korean Films, see "The Kingdom" .
  5. Some AMC Theaters used to pass out headphones to some hearing impared individuals, but I do not know if they still do, any more.
  6. Yikes! What App was this May I ask? or was it a theater chain specific app? I am in Vegas once a year in Thanksgiving. For the Arclight Theaters in Hollywood, and Sherman Oaks, I just walk up the the Kiosk, pick a date and time, and print my ticket out. I am leery of a lot of apps these days.
  7. Having worked i n "The Industry" (however briefly), the fight was much different than the last season of DS9, There are differences due to "style" (DS9's less dynamic camera, but more respectful of axis lines< versus The Orville's Fluid camera and chaotic lines of action), and of course 25 years of progress, (DS9's composited explosions, versus The Orville's rendered explosions.) still, things were bright and clear, and you did see each fleet chewed on, and things were nicely color coordinated (The Union = Blue, The Kaylons = Red, and the Krill = Green) that kept things clear. because of greater reso;ution of Modern TV, the angagement and the relative sizes of ships on the screen have increased engagement ranges slightly, as well ?. The battle was comparable to the space battle against General Grievous over Coruscant in terms of Kinetics. I think the "Pew Pew" sounds were a bit wimpy for something that can puch through star ships, but the explosions were satisfying. In Character, yes the Union, including the Mocklins, and the Krill, need to recycle the Kaylons post haste, but that may be too dark for the show. Also having spent a good chunk of the budget for a mid season two parter, I think the ship will settle down for a few episodes, and concentrate on the character stories again. These will either take place on the ship, or be on Location, as that keeps the set budgets low. We will see though, I know I will.
  8. If you live in a large enough metropolitan area, there are theaters that serve wine and have an alcohol license. As such they don’t allow people under (18 for California) so that means NO CHILDREN!!! ( Angelic Chorus !!). Second, it’s assigned seating, like a baseball game, so ordering advanced tickets allows you to choose your seat. Some movies are just better in a theater, like Infinity War was. One of the best movie going experiences I’ve had in years.
  9. This won’t be a problem for the jutnjawed Heroes of the Galactic Union with their Ship’s Nuclionic Cannons and Force Shields, but for those of us on small fragile ships and equally fragile planet side cities and towns, welll: https://www.upi.com/Science_News/2019/03/04/Deflecting-an-asteroid-will-be-harder-than-scientists-thought/9261551713653/?sl=3
  10. One.) the name was fine a few years ago, but has in the parlance of the kids these days, has become, “problematic “ or sensitive. It’s up to you, and your knowledge of the players that you would determine if a name change is appropriate. Two). The blackmail plot, might be an amusing piece of “botched oppo research.” Trust could result in an amusing side plot involving a medial leak and some choice sound bytes from senior politicians complaining about the media, or lack of history education. Making Holocaust look a little nfoolish unless he squelches the leak.
  11. If anyone missed last week's episode of the Orville, they had an epic space battle of the type not seen since DS 9.. Very nicely done. WoooHooHooHooo!
  12. i was listening to Prodigy when getting ready for the day this morning. (high eneergy, Uptempo). I guess that's all , then. RIP
  13. Okay... So how would you guys build them? (Bonuis points for building them in $th or earlier).
  14. Pogo would be the only chimp I would allow within 10 feet of me.
  15. In another thread, I said that armies and people changes in response to the contact with the enemy. This was more true of our Fantasy Hero games I ran. The players tended to buy their CSL's up around 6, they would pick up overall levels. I made player mages buy spells as powers, so that sucked up A LOT of points, to gain versatility, and focus against particular foes susceptibilities, and vulnerabilities. But they would buy lots of skills and knowledges, until they became like experts and fairly focused topics, and for each realm they moved through they would add new skills and knowledges, and occasionally powers. I also allowed some magic items given to the players to be bought as powers, so they wouldn't lose them when their usual small train of mules was eaten by a dragon and their camping supplies scattered to the four winds.
  16. We went up against a villain once who could tell exactly where you were in a room or building by touching the floor or wall (sense touch), and vy how it vibrated. Once you put your feet on the ground he knew exactly where you were. He was a bitch and a half to fight, as one of ours was an illusionist. However if one of our two flyers made their stealth roll, they could "swim" through a building with him none the wiser. (The other flyer was me, and my flight special effects were noisy). He took 2x stun from any AOE Explosions (special effects explosions, ordinance, or any attacks that did damage through shockwaves). When we beat him the third time we met him, one of our more rewarding victories. I never saw the build sheet, but my thinking was it may have been spatial awareness, but it could have been N-Ray vision except it wasn't vision but touch. with special limitations? it was weird.
  17. Absolutely https://phys.org/news/2019-02-climate-rewind-scientists-carbon-dioxide.html
  18. Doesn't that make things harder> Moving from HERO to 5e, I long for the speed chart back again.
  19. I'd say that any "Targeting Sense" other than visual sightgroup, would ignore invisibility. Radar sense, sonar sense, Seismic sense, all can bypass "invisibility".
  20. You guys are making my head hurt.
  21. This Week in Space News (summary).
  22. Dragon Crewed Capsule has successfully docked with the ISS, and it's now opened.
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