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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. I would have to agree to this, as this mirrors my (limited) experience as well. I've gamed with a Pathfinder Group on Roll20.net for about 2 years now. With the wrap of "The Mummy's Mask" I suggested that I could run and give our GM a well deserved break to play. I offered them three campaigns, but I would run Herosystem. They picked the near future solar system campaign. To make it easy for them we are using Espionage/Danger International rules, as there are no powers, but it has a good skill and weapons framework, for doing something that is vaguely "The Expanse" flavored. Haven't started running it yet, because I am a homebrew campaign snob, and I need someone tohelp configure Roll20 for Hero as I do not have the ability to do it myself, but the players seem enthusiastic to play. (A lot of them have never heard of the Herosystem, that's how young they are).
  2. Yes. Because you really can't have a realistic space battle that the masses would understand. Even The Expanse while more realistic than The Orville, keeps the ships color coded and labelled, and keeps the engagements to only one or two ships at a time. For entertainment reasons, a space battle has to be at "knife fighting ranges" like a tall ships battle. and have to be flagged. Basically a television or movie space battle, for the most part, is a Zero G NFL game, for the masses to understand it.
  3. Sounds a bit like the problem may have been the spell construction. I would think that Army Cooperation spells would need a way for others to direct the impacts, either generals, or Forward Observers. I would see that extended range would be effective. Also I would think that there would be a premium on Communications Spells. Also force walls and such to control the flow of battle. Dropping a force wall to block a change, then dropping a custom AOE "Half Circle" to annihilate the bl;ocked chargers without harming the wall. On the other hand you resolved it well, and the problem was noted by both parties and it was a good solution.
  4. Hell, you could just solve all these problems, wave the hand and declare anyone with super powers is unaging and immortal unless killed.
  5. TV Tropes links are like land mines to a day's productivity. I won't be seeing it either.
  6. Once... but... *Applause* Well played XD
  7. Probably precursor to the "Rosenstein Drive", perhaps, but this is probably what starts the "Gold Rush" initially. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/03/11/nuclear-rockets-space-travel-exploration-settlement-bezos-nasa-column/3123864002/ Also binge watching "The Expanse".
  8. I could not make any sense of the clues presented. Mysteries are hard. If I had to do any of them, mostly they were interrogations, so there was never any room for mis-interpretations of clues. I found clues also started somewhat unproductive arguments at the table. Not all of us are deductive detectives.
  9. Yes, but the Anti-SJW crowd, does;'t beat you with bike locks.
  10. Just started watching "The order" on Netflix. Supernatural Secret society in a prestigious college campus. Magic and werewolves.
  11. I feel this way about soooo many of the rules discussions.
  12. Lay off the spicy food. XD Uaving a hard enough time wrapping my head around RDU’s initiative rolls per turn.
  13. Good News! the Dragon Capsule splashed down in the Atlantic Successfully! https://www.space.com/spacex-crew-dragon-returns-to-earth.html Video
  14. So, the rolls work for the entirety of the engagement? like D&D? yes? What you describe is not nearly as bad as D&D. Just....hmmm.....
  15. That's a fair assessment of "generically" things might get done at Warners, but I am seeing a tone change away from Zack Snyder's leadership of the DCCU, and an attempt as a more "Marvel-like" tone. Aquaman (which I did not see), was apparently satifying to a relatively large audience. This seems like it's more the same. However DC's Captain Marvel in print was always a more "light hearted" comic, and that would be true to the source. As to what it's success might bode for the rest of the DCCU, only time will tell, but honestly I see the DCCU fading out in only a few years, long before phase 4 finishees over at Marvel. I also expect a couple of independent directors or studios to make a successful superhero film in the style of Marvel, but not marvel, because frankly, the Marvel formula isn't rocket science.
  16. He does think like a 15 year old. Some script writer was paying close attention to 15 year olds.
  17. yes, there is more of that in Second Season. (Though the Porn addiction on the Holodeck one, was*..... However they tackled the issues leading to the addiction very seriously. Episode 7 has remarkably little humor for the series, and has an interesting take on the Mocklins. A bit less humor, but you probably have to pick and choose episodes. *uncomfortable, but it made it's point).
  18. I agree. Genre should be a broad guideline for the base assumtions of the campaign set up. The Solar System Game, for instance, will have no warp drive and no aliens. It's just Humans and their machines zipping through the solar system. Other games will have different assumptions to start with. I am just very suspicious of "tight" adherence to plot tropes. and limiting the Options of the characters (already approved and in play), due to "Oh, people would NEVER do that in a so-and-so, story." actions should be constrained by the environment and situation inherent in the campaign. That's all.
  19. Yes, and they gave her a really good episode to send her off with. This time her Prickly Parents show up. as to the feel of the show this season. It's smoother, and what I mean it feels like the ST OS, is that they have a more "allegorical" episodes, like the first season Social Credit episode. They are also fleshing out the universe more. But YMMV Oh I love Poe, but I guess its some of the "medical stuff" Spending half of last year in a hospital kind of turned me off a few things I used to like.
  20. This could be my hostility to Narrative-centric game play, but Games are games, and books/ movies are books/ movies. They are different media. Hero has less explosive growth of characters, than D&D 5e, The increasing challenge level is more of a Pathfinder/ 5e thing. It was something Gygax baked into things that reflected their early 70's play style. other games while they do have experience, tend to be a little less aggressive in their improvement. I don't think one can fully simulate a Genre from another media, beyond the flavor and the plot motivators, Anything more, to me, seems to edge into railroading, but not be GM as much as the genre becoming religion. For Hero is was more filling in the cracks. I was looking over a write up of my second Champions Character last night, where he went for a 241 point armored suit, to a 513 point armored suit over a few years of weekly play. The Character is generally the same, but he's has gaps filed in, a d few more skills and his power is no longer a single slot, but a 90 point multi-power with 6 slots. He just got more capable from 1981, to 1984. So there was definitely some power creep, but it was organic to the character and situations. If the Hero's get EP, the Villains do too, so the Challenge may increase, but you get to see the same faces you want to punch later on.
  21. I would say that a lot of the themes of the second season seem more like the 1966-1969 show, but with a more deft hand, but yeah some of that juvenile humor that you don't like, but the did give their Security Chief, Alara, one of the sweetest sends offs of any character i have seen on an SF show. They also have a lot more character centric episodes, as well. I like it, but then I can't say you will. (Altered Carbon makes me squirm a little, honestly, and I am not sure, why.)
  22. The Kaylons said they needed planet to "expand". WI think a lot of the Kaylons "thinking" is limited by the organics that programmed them, in that they think that planetyary real estate is usefyul and valuable. Hey they may need to grab planetary masses to construct their Dyson sphere. Its interesting that they show the Kaylons as not "perfect". though.
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