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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Though it stuck the landing, sadly, the Falcon Heavy Core Booster, was lost in heavy seas during its return to Florida. Details below: https://www.slashgear.com/spacex-falcon-heavy-center-core-stuck-the-landing-before-sliding-into-the-abyss-16573612/
  2. National Guard Armories, and Reserve Centers need to noted. The Bay Area is mostly Logistics and Intel. The Central Valley is mostly Air Cav (and May have airport access) Central Coast is armor and heavy artillery. Southern California is mostly training, logistics, and heavy lift, but with several active bases left. Active bases in the Central Valley area are Lemoore NAS, Travis AFB, and Beale AFB on the north end. National Guard Armories are often raided by villains looking for Military grade weapons. Reserve centers are often vehicle parks with maintenance facilities, containing vehicles with arcane start up procedures, and difficult controls. However on weekends, these facilities are staffed.l with combat veterans, and part time soldiers. With the tempo of operations since 9-11, a lot of the equipment is uprated with new protections , but also a bit worn. May I suggest that there is a National Guard armored scout unit based in San Angelo. They would be mostly equipped with Stryker type wheeled armored vehicles, (some with large anti-tank cannons, or TOW missiles) and other light vehicles. For serious threats, the governor could mobilize them but in a Super universe they would mostly be clean up after the events, or area security, or back up for large PRIMUS operation. There may be a Reserve unit as well in town. But Federal activation is much slower than the mayor calling the governor.
  3. I think Manic typist has the gist of it, but I think the penalty may be too great, If the character is trained, I would have the half move end with him standing where he intended, but if he missed the grab for the weapon, he just ends up empty handed. I think an 18 on acrobatics would result in the character being prone, and tangled.
  4. ... As any good convention game of D.I. should. The veterans of Costa Diego would be proud. Quick question, though. Was this an3 or 4 hour session?
  5. Jessica Jones was a class mate of Peter Parker in high school, they just resuracted the character ibn the late late 90's.
  6. This week in Science. Links: 1. https://www.sciencealert.com/we-now-have-independent-confirmation-of-methane-on-mars 2. https://www.sciencealert.com/record-sized-genetics-study-rules-out-chances-of-a-depression-gene 3. https://www.sciencealert.com/stars-don-t-just-produce-light-they-reflect-it-too 4. https://www.sciencealert.com/building-blocks-of-rna-and-dna-might-have-appeared-together-before-life-began-on-earth 5. https://www.sciencealert.com/four-legged-whale-ancestors-discovered-their-evolutionary-link-between-land-and-sea 6. https://www.sciencealert.com/review-of-31-studies-shows-we-ve-been-wrong-about-sugar-s-effect-on-our-mood
  7. been watching this, and having watche the original Ultra Q ( X-files type show that introduced the SSSP< and was the precursor to Ultraman)< as well as a couple of the Ultra Man shows later on, This show hearkens back to that, though no longer rubber monsters and men in skintight suits, it is now CG< However some of the original members of the SSSP, Hayata, and Ide (The inventor) are back, as the elder statesmen of the SSSP< it is now up to Hayata's son to take up the mantle of Ultraman. The show is in CG-Anime style, but the quality is Much higher than previous CG_Anime offerings from Netflix in that they are allowing more and more of the CG to work past the pseudo 2D cel shading and allowing Ultraman to look like a guy in a skin tight suit with applique pieces, and the mosters to also look like Rubber Monster suits (with additions)< and the use of mocap and fight choreography keeps it from devolving into a seried of quick cuts for the fights. This is not a show where CvK is a usual option, as it's Ultraman's job to eliminate the alien threats to earth. As a fan of the old shows growing up, the new show is respectful of it's past (Unlike some other Netflix revivals), but the writing is modern and the layouts are spectacular, especially the fights. I reccomend it, especially the first episodes as our young hero realizes his Father was once Ultraman, and that his "Power" was his birthright. Champions relevant, I think. The trailer
  8. Why did they move Speed one to Segment 7? It was fine at 12...
  9. "The Day the Dinosaurs Died." an article in the New Yorker about a young Paleontologist who may have discovered the day the Cretaceous Ended. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/04/08/the-day-the-dinosaurs-died Summary from the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/29/science/dinosaurs-extinction-asteroid.html
  10. Welp... I found the Rocket Rabbit hole to fall into. Atomic Rockets is the place for all thrust all the time space travel, plus Space colonies and all sorts of hard science, near future-y goodness. Pulling a lot of material on that. Might be of use to others of you here as well.
  11. Actually it doesn't happen in the video, but with higher pressure flames it might. However the airflow has the most influence on the flame path.
  12. I broadened out that Levels with "coordinated attack" from 3rd Ed. would work for teamwork. I avoid 6e, as it is too codified, and allow folks if theybouth the levels, it's defined that they practiced at it.
  13. the mount in this case is not a dumb animal, and they might have a level or two in Teamwork/ Coordination? I dunno, it's Fantasy Hero after all.
  14. I would give higher speeds to monsters sometimes, but not often. Speed 3-and 4 (some races), was common. Speed 2 was for peasants. (Though a speed below one was truly frightening. Goes on Phase 12, The the next turn doesn't move at all, but gets a Post Segment 12 Recovery, then goes on Phase 1, Next turn Phase 2, Ect. ect. it's sort of relentless like the Mummy from the Old Johnny Quest cartoons.
  15. ;__; They have a better Radio Market that the bay Area has now. ?, in the old days they had a Rock Station Rivalry going on between KOME 98.5FM, and KSJO 92.3FM in San Jose, back in the day, so it was interesting how the two would play off each other for Concert tickets, and shows. Really made the Rock music scene come alive in the 1970's and 80's. with San Francisco being only 2-3 hours away , there might be an EDM one. You need to have a College Radio station orf low to moderate power for the strange music, conspiracy shows, and "public access" type public affairs shows. ("Today, we are talking to Ulie Armstrong, the now retired Sgt. S.M.A.S.H. of Westguard. A Superhero of a decidedly Mixed Reputation. So, Sergeant, can you explain how you and your suit were such and instrumental tool of U.S> Imperialism through the 80's and 1990's?". "excuse me... what?")
  16. Blender is certainly powerful and full featured, especially with all the free, and extensive third party plugins, and the like. However, Blender has a problem, and that is the user interface, with regards to other 3D software packages, especially the Industry sstandards like Maya and 3ds Max. If you are a beginner, and pick up Blender, it's fairly easy, to a point. If you are a veteran, it's not easy. The analogy I make is Maya is like Spanish, and 3ds Max is like italian. They are different languages, but spoken they are similar enough that a spanish speaker and and Italian can muddle through communications and get things done. Blender is like Russian. If you grew up speaking Russian, it's easy, but if you grew up speaking Italian or Spanish, it isn't easy. With nearly 40 years in 3D, Blender is nearly impeneatrable. Luckily, I have both 3ds Max and Maya, so they work well together and I can get stuff done.
  17. That's why you put the monsters up on Thingiverse, or similar service, free or paid downl;oad, your choice, but someoen can use a creature that isn't what the players expected. XD
  18. Weekly Round up With Sources This time 1. https://www.sciencealert.com/a-stunning-nile-shipwreck-provides-the-first-archaeological-evidence-of-a-boat-described-by-herodotus 2. https://www.sciencealert.com/whoops-turns-out-mercury-might-be-earth-s-closest-neighbour-after-all 3. https://www.sciencealert.com/your-brain-can-detect-earth-s-magnetic-field-even-though-you-can-t-tell 4. https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-shed-light-on-the-mystery-of-how-particles-ghost-through-walls 5. https://www.sciencealert.com/for-the-first-time-a-woman-has-won-the-abel-prize-for-mathematics 6. https://www.sciencealert.com/an-incredibly-rare-cambrian-fossil-discovery-is-filling-in-our-evolutionary-gaps
  19. I was not a Silver Age fan. I saw the tail end of it, but even as a small child “Camp” was an anathema. The 1966 Batman, and the final two seasons on Lost in Space made me roll my eyes. It’s part of the reason, I went away from Superhero gaming after high school. I am not a genre guy apart from the initial setting. So the examples you bring up are lost on me until the last one. Anything involving a active gunfight means all parties have to make PRE rolls to expose themselves to enemy fire. A sergeant has to make a higher PRE attack upon his troops to get them to act, than the PRE threshold of the automatic fire coming their way. Yes the PRE degrades over time. But it starts fresh for each engagement. As to Micro man, I would give him A Special that due to his size, that any block would be against his DCV, with all the additional DCV due to his reduced size, plus any relevant CSLs bought as “avoid being blocked while moving through” and/or avoiding a Martial throw. Micro Man would be nearly impossible to block, in his move through, but then again, that’s his schtick.
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