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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Thank you, thank you. That industrial design class instilled into me, a fascination with shiny metallic surfaces and how to portray them. That class was heavy on technique. So the results came out nice, but again the character was nothing special. I used the same skill, but a straight industrial marker technique for this character, who was another “play once and the file away build.
  2. As to the whole Season 8 sucked, a writer for Scientific American spotted that it was a shift in storytelling method that may have been responsible for many characters gaining plot armor in this last season. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-real-reason-fans-hate-the-last-season-of-game-of-thrones/?redirect=1 This article also hints at maybe why I dislike overly cinematic campaigns, and possibly my distaste for Narrative based gameplay.
  3. I really liked the series, but this last season felt like a microwaved desser, after a fine, chef prepared, seven course meal. Too rushed and flat. The structure of a good ending was there but the ornamentation and build up was missing. This is shot gave me chills, even if the symbolism was obvious and heavy handed.
  4. Well he does see ghosts, but 3 PRE guard dog would kind of defeat the purpose.
  5. I still think getting more Herosystem players involves a robust implementation of the rules on Roll20.net, or Fantasy Grounds. It needs to be where the players are. As for Michael Surbrook’s migration not producing 5e material, Ingotta admit that 5e is fun and supports miniatures play well, but doesn’t get in the way and sprout arguments the way previous editions of D&D did. It’s fun for what it does, and I don’t blame him for moving on.
  6. So breeders of magic dogs would be a top profession, and a necessary one. Well high magic was required, might as well have talking dogs too.
  7. I can sense a George Perez influence on the handling of the shine on the character.
  8. That’s a classic John Byrne costume look! Very 1982. But yeah, never mess with a good design.
  9. In college , I shifted from Fine Art, to Industrial Design, and loved it. I was still playing Champions with the same group, but I learned new art techniques in college, such as the then, in vogue, Syd Meade style, Marker/colored pencil/ crushed chalk concept rendering, a style made obsolete by the adoption of Photoshop, when the first color Macintosh came on the scene a few years later. The character was was kind of forgettable, a flying psychic brick, built wildly inefficiently and played maybe twice, but people would always pause and look at the art when paging through the binder.
  10. His Speaking of art. Here’s the difference between pre college art and post college art. This was a robot martial artist cop produced by a Japanese robotics firm, and used by an American Law enforcement agency. His stats are here:
  11. We hand edited edited a lot of custom sheets for big super villains, replacing the art spot with more lines for text and powers. I may share those.
  12. I have a lot of issues, from around issue 13, to the end. The downside, I have no clearance to republish material other than mine. I do plan to put up my material at some point, but the others, not without written permission.
  13. I really liked the series, but this last season felt like a microwaved desser, after a fine, chef prepared, seven course meal. Too rushed and flat. The structure of a good ending was there but the ornamentation and build up was missing. This is shot gave me chills, even if the symbolism was obvious and heavy handed. 6672C272-C9EB-44A4-9CBF-BB1BD9CD13B3.MP4
  14. Gee, I don’t know what I may or may not sell. I scribbled notes in a lot of them. Damage... damage everywhere. We’ll see “...
  15. The third character, became my main character I was most known for, and that was Sergeant S. M. A. S. H. I played him from the summer we purchased Champions, until I stopped going to gaming conventions. I really enjoyed playing him, and he became something of a tactical genius at the end. Here is I think his first sheet. Several years later, in the Early 1990s, these were his stats when published in Aaron Allston’s ‘zine, “Rogues Gallery” https://imgur.com/a/lTqrvZO Allin all avvery satisfying (to me) to play character.
  16. Okay, since you asked, here is my second Champions character. This is MegaLord from our short lived “Lords of S. T. A. R. “ supergroup. No, I don’t remember what S. T. A. R. Stood for, but ever character was (______) Lord. Mine was the brick, as that was the easiest to build. I am honest about this, I was so math-traded, that until the original Heromaker, I had to have lots of help making them work. Here Bob McCarty helped me with this.
  17. Firestorm was in my writing. The name was blank, when I was handed the character. He was a flame elemental, so I thought Firestorm fit. Then one of the other players leaned over and said, “You know there’s a DC character called Firestorm, right?” Being a Marvel reader at that time, I had been unaware. Still after that first game, I was unaware. I don't know what the level of interest is, but I could show a couple of early characters. I also hit a trove of early Hero rule books. No adventures, as I was a player, not a GM, but I seemed to have most ofvthe core books up through Dark Champions. I even found a still boxed and shrink wrapped copy of Justice Inc.
  18. So I have recently completed a move, to a place largr enough to not need storage. So I have bern unpacking many boxes of books. Along with finding all of my old gaming books, I found my character binder. Inside was the original Hero flyer announcing Champions, and also the character handed to me by either Bruce or Ray, for a game GMed by Steve Peterson an that convention back in 1981. I present it to you in the interests of the historical record.
  19. Tim Conway has passed away. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2019/05/14/tim-conway-dead-carol-burnett-show-star-85/3666480002/
  20. Last nights episode seemed a bit patched together and I think the series ending was somewhat telegraphed, but man Dragon and Dragon Fire. WowI just sat back and enjoyed it. Dany learned that the Scorpions have a limited elevation, and went full AD-1Skyraider on them. Later, after Dany decided to burn the city, I noticed she was burning the windward edge of the city, allowing the wind to continue the work, leaving her free to collapse the Red Keep. Cleganebowl was a bit short. But Sandor was truly overmatched, by a juiced undead. I will probably watch it. BEF70194-29AA-49ED-9D36-FD27B21C1D95.MP4
  21. Pardon the intrusion , but has someone implemented an online solution for Hero?!? A way to handle the mechanics and speed chart? I have had not a lot of luck with Roll20.net.
  22. So do you now put barbecue skewers in the Rhaegal pop, and display it submerged in a bowl of water now?
  23. If Teleport once per day and growth-shrinking is common it could go two ways. One require the growth for entry (so that all may see you and evidence of your passing, and requiring the extra strength to lift the the lids of domiciles, or climb ove obstacles to gain entry. Teleport is all fine and good, but depending on the special effect of the teleports, such things as uneven floor and ceiling height could cause problems (I remember some Star Trek personnel were worried about blind transporter uses for the same reason. Teleport without N-Ray vision could be hazardous For soldiers that shrink or grow, the response to that would be AOE spells of some lethality or duration. Maybe an inexpensive solution to teleports would be a household Idol, one gives thanks, (END) every morning or every evening to power an AOE No teleport zone, or no Magic zone. I can see merchants of shops with non magical items using things like these to protect their stock. Even an idol with Magic suppression where no magic can by used within the radius might be useful for the shop owners that do Traffic in magic items, and may have a large fence back yard behind the shop out fo the radius for demonstrations and workshops, maybe. The prevention of invisible intruders, may simply be trained dogs, that have trackiing scent, and targeting sense hearing. Even if invisibility has additional sense group hearing, few buy invisibility to scent, or "Spirit sight" (i.e. what cats see, when you dont). So perhaps trained spirit sensing cats that yowl when an unfamiliar entity is within it's home territory. There would be cultural changes because of this, to the point if a bard gives a particularly bad performance, the audience simply shouts up and turns invisible. Women literally ghosting their boorish date, when he looks away, and people evaporating from arguments or boring conversations. A Bar fight between two people that can grow to Two meters becomes as damaging to the economy as a localized riot. Being tiny means you could be attacked by the neighbor's pets, or stepped on. Merchants could build doll houses for tiny people to demonstrate what a full sized houe might be like for prospective home owners. Lots of possibillities, and it all depends on how far you want to push it.
  24. Wow... it’s amazing how a fairly enjoyable movie falls apart so... quickly under you guys’. Scalpel and microscopes. The cynic in me thinks, that this “clearing of the decks” is going to cut future box office anyway. The sad thing to me, is there is 50 plus years of lore and stories they could still mine from for movies, but I don’t think Marvel and Disney have it in them any more. I could be wrong, but then I look at what Star Wars became.
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