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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. I wanted one of the later Matebas since College, and the Chiapa Rhino with the 3in. barrel is also an object of lust. Anything to drop the barrel axis downwars, closer to the line of the index finger is good for controlability, and rapid follow up.
  2. Another reason not to progress past 4th edition!!!!!
  3. California has a huge number of Semi-official hero teams, and people from out of state kind of don't get the local culture, so I can imagine them not looking kindly on transplants. Westguard even had to base in San Jose, because San Francisco was too much of a problem to deal with (back in the 80's, and now it's gotten worse). Phoenix is not a bad choice.
  4. Not quite. The deconstruction furthers the Gramscian Damageagainst the culture, hastening the instability of society, and sapping the confidence in basic values, and overturning the current hierarchies to bake theplaying fieldmorelevel for revolutionary, or leftist causes.
  5. I have too. They were called Job Applicant Demo Reels. a sea of broken walk cycles and bad animation.
  6. I saw Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindlewald yesterday with a couple of friends. Visually and acting wise is was beautiful. They made Paris look seductive, The art direction is , as always top notch. The acting performances were first rate, with Johnny Depp creating a very compelling villain. The direction Kept the tone and pacing of a postwar spy thriller, but with magic. The downsides is that the movie was VERY disjointed. The movie was long, but even so, it felt like there were huge chunks of it edited out. Things didn't make a lot of sense. Character actions seemed a little under motivated, and it was hard to keep the large cast completely straight. But the animals were gorgeous, what few of them there were. It's a "Don't think about it too much" sort of movie. Worth a look if you love beautiful visuals, but it's definitely not a movie for plot and story aficionados..
  7. Sorry you have to hit the eject button, buit if it's no fun, there really isn't any point in doing it any further. Taking a break from all gaming though.... (What.. are you getting married?XD). Might be a bit drastic?
  8. Because the Philosophical deconstruction of mainstream icons and values is necessary for the remaking of the culture to produce the new Soviet man.
  9. Fantasy Hero is "heroic" so the builds were around 150 or 175 points. (4e), and most Superheroic campaigns then tended to start around 250 points.
  10. OMG Yes!! Now with me I transitioned to Independent comics as a consumer, and as an artist, but continued to read the mainstream titles until sometime in the mid 90's, and pretty much stopped picking up comics after 2005, or 2007, a little bit after I re-located to Los Angeles. I still visited comic shops, and browsed the titles picking up the occasional issue or two. However Marvel fell off their position of the King of the Hill when they made Thor a woman, and after that there was an unacceptable editorial slant on marvel titles that just made them radically unappealing to me. And the art... the decline has been precipitous, with "The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl"< becoming the poster child of how not to do a comic. D.C is still steady at the moment (Batman/ White Knight, is a supremely good piece of storytelling with good art), and they have kept their prices down. But as for interesting comics, there isn't any that compell me to pick up or subscribe to, other than some titles that I subscribe electronically to. (Small apartment, no room). It may be that Superheroes at the current time might not be as interesting as they were in the Chris Claremont days. I will say, that Fantasy Hero was a more popular choice for the groups I gamed with and I ran two successful campaigns for a number of years. I sort of dropped GMing Superheroes or any other genre, because of what my local players wanted. So Fantasy works pretty decently on a point buy system, but it takes fairly experienced players to build what they want. it's not a friendly start for novices.
  11. Saw this and thought this would be the way Super Agents arrive on the scene with air support: This might also work for VIPER
  12. I’d say bad primer or soft strike. Or out of battery (slide isn’t all the way forward). Having expended thousands of rounds of ammo across dozens of firearms, those generally have only a few types of failures. Failure to feed, double feed, failure to extract ( after it fires), out of battery, stove pipe, for semi-automatics. For revolvers it is usually off cylinder timing, or flat spring breakage. Ammo failures across all types of cartridge firearms tend to be primer related with hang foes, failures to detonate, but ruptured cases and detached case heads occur. The “left the safety on” doesn’t take into account that some pistols like the Tokarev TT-33 , and all French rifles before the FAMAS, have no safeties. Plenty of other options for failures to pick from.
  13. Number One would make a great Teen Champions campaign, though the Japanese laws and bureaucracy would either need to be researched, or some of it dropped if it was set in the US. How is Black Lightning? I have never heard of The Ray Hated Star Trek Discovery Much preferred The Orville She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Okay I binged that one the other day. While not so much a fan of the art style, and animation itself was pretty good, But probably the best part of the show is the writing. The background is a lot richer than the old show. The dialogue is a lot snappier, and the characters are sharply defined. very watchable.
  14. If you want to complicate thing have a table depending off type of crime and location tables that triggers the Hero’s watch/monitored conditions? Or DNPCs? Or Allies.
  15. Space-X had another successful launch this morning, with a Dragon Resupply mission to the ISS. https://www.spacex.com/webcast However the recovery of the Falcon 9 First stage was marred by the returning stage going into an unrecoverable spin, shortly after completing it's re-entry burn. [EDIT: Additional Information ]
  16. Possibly, but I don't think any company wants the negative twitter storm about products that could be generated. Squeaky wheels get the grease. Sorry. I was thinking that it got into speculation about HERO producing a new setting, and my thinking was something that would benefit the company, and it's limited resources. I had not understood this was a "personal project". I do think that this is an excellent idea.
  17. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but "Pulp" is "Problematic". sure we love it, but the themes represented within it, are an anathema to today's college age customers. I could list off the reasons why, but it would depress us all, Suffice it to say the Culture as it is, is allergic to pulp themes. The goal is to attract new blood and new customers, so marketing would have to be aimed at the customers we have, not the ones we wish we had.
  18. Bernard Herrmann! Wonderful score. the second track "Radar" is a masterpiece of tension on just one piano.
  19. Hmmm I stand corrected. I guess to DOJ's credit, None of the 5 Gms I knew in my high school years ever purchased anything but rule books, Villains books, and Rule upgrades. But all of the 3E and 4E genres were purchased.
  20. Not impressed. Bree Larson has no energy. The first trailwer piqued my intest. This trailer killed it.
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