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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Bird Call mimicry. KS famous flutists. KS famous flute solos.
  2. I Liek Christmas, but then it's because i have a large, extended, harmonious family, and we are pretty tight and get along. so Christmas is sitting in a living room, watching the little kids go nuts with the presents, and the adults snarking and sipping their coffee, and telling the kids to thank the aunts for the presents. Being and 80's music lover, this is one of my favorite Christmas songs:
  3. As an aside, I feel your pain. The Albedo 1st edition game tried for the simulationist space combat approach. I also played in Paul Gazis' modified Traveller campaign. Pauls is a NASA Engineer, though I think he retired lat year. In his game he worked things out, to the Nth degree, but Space Combat was supremely unsatisfying if you weren't in the cockpit. In both systems the ships would plan their moves (like an old style Play by mail), and feed those plans into the ships computer, then the Missiles would be launched. days latter, when the enemy missiles were inbound, people would put their matresses on the walls, and strap into chairs in their vacc suits,. depressurize the inside to conserve air in case of hull breech, and You sat, sweating as the die rolls were made against the ships defensive array, and then hit locations on the ship, hoping the damage result wasnt "crew" (instant fine red mist), or the "Station" you were sitting at, (shrapnel damage. roll hit location, and hope it's not the head). Then sometime later, the results of your missiles against the enemy were picked up by optical sensors and radar returns and if you both survived, lather, rise, repeat. Not the most fun. Mustangs & Messerschmitts made WW2 air combat with miniatures, fun. Star Wars ran with that paradigm. Unless space combat was a hourly turn, and chit on a hex grid map, or on paper like Harpoon, I dont see how space combat could be a fun pass time, and then it would only be fun for those who have active crew stations. (Hmmm using old Harpoon Mechanics might actually work..?) It may not work as an RPG. I would love to run a "The Expanse" style Hero SF game, but to solve the space combat problem, I would have to make sure the PC's were passengers, and travel between systems would be on commercial flight, and never never ever give them an armed space ship.
  4. Well played, sir but I would argue that Superman was a moral Ideal, more so than a working class hero. He was a defender, rather than a spearhead. Actually, Superman is a comfort. Good Superman stories emphasize his intelligence and moral fortitude, rather than his myriad powers. The best ones have not been the silver age stories, but those where writers go into what he believes and does, and his relationships are out the normals. There were several good Superman stories in his DCAU series, but for me the best have been Superman for AllSeasoj, and Red Son. I see youre Gene Autry, and raise you The Waitresses.
  5. I was thinking that aPlastic Man film would be DC’s Deadpool.
  6. Agreed, this is the same way as I feel. None of our Champions were ever silver age. I was also fairly anti-censorship, and viewed The Comics Code Authority with contempt (and bought lots of underground comic back in the 70’s). So, naturally as a player, I never used CVK. Any GM that insisted, I would thank for the invitation, but politely decline. But that is part of the issue. The mutual agreement among the players should be hammered out as to the tone and content of the campaign. There are plenty of games I have declined or walked out of, so it is fine if the GM wants to run a strict Silver Age campaign. Now, I suppose I had a Dark Champions attitude a decade before the book came out. But by the time it came out, I mostly had cycled out of superheroes, and into DI, and FH.
  7. Oh, it wasn't to bad, when I was there right after Hurricane Ike. the people were helpful and friendly. They were also tidy and house proud. The downsides to Houston as far as I could tell, was horrible traffic and worse if you needed to go anywhere near the city center (I was around Spring and Humble during my assignment)., and the weather, which meant weather AND bugs. What was curious to me, living in California, I was used to fairly strong building codes because of the earthquakes, but the quality of housing construction, even in rich neighborhoods was abysmal (save for one contractor that built his own house out of concrete and epoxy, and a custom roof of something or other, which had no damage from the Hurricane, save for a sweaty wallm because bricks that the HOA insisted on were not waterproof.) But I liked Texas while I was there.
  8. Finish3ed binging 1983, from Netflix. a Polish based Netflix original series, where events in 1983 stalled the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the Cold War continued until the mid 2000's. However because of events in 1983, Poland was able to come together, similar to the US after 9-11, and distance itself somewhat from the Soviet Union. Now some secrets are starting to leak out.
  9. So then it would be an NND attack, with the defense as "not breathing the same air, or air at all, as the creature", and does STUN only for the effect of being stunned?
  10. I don't know if they are entirely domesticated, though, but I have seen photos of one stuck on the side of a friend's house. It was about five feet long excluding the tail.He has since moved to Kansas to be with a girlfriend, not the goana, the friend.
  11. Oh it was a relief to get out of my paladin's Jacket and tie of my Paladin, tho... I dearly love my Paladin, but I have to think (overthink) every decision and move, and then have to extemporaneously come up with inspiring speeches and eloquent repartee', which for the player was often more stressful than fighting elven vampires.
  12. Getting rid of the Paladin was partially my fault as i had not played in a strategic level D&D game in decades, and I kind of ran away with it, until the other players got annoyed that I spent the most time talking and we didn't go into dungeons any more, so for the sake of amity among the other players and because of my unmitigated spotlight hogging, the GM and I decided to retire the character, and specifically wanted me to play something that wasn't a fighter, or a member of the nobility, and give other people a chance to lead and make decisions for the party. (even in a single one shot in the same campaign world a few weeks ago, i played a "Not paladin", named Magnus, who was a man (?) without a filter, a master of the one line burn, and kind of a snarky dick to anyone at, or below his station. He was definitely a "not-Paladin (Lawful neutral), but he was a fighter, and ended up leading the party, because he had the sharpest teeth and the fewest number of character flaws.) So tochange thigns up the GM wants me to play something that won't end up as the party leader, or a combat monster. (Hey, 41 years of RPG experience, kind of makes it instinctive to put my token on the map "just so", and then have my combat advantages all stacked up and filed neatly. My weapons are clean and ready XD).
  13. The Rhino was The designer’s last design. It’s very smooth, though the trigger is a bit heavy. It’s smooooth though.
  14. Virgin Galactic's Starship 2 completed an 82km high suborbital flight. https://lifeboat.com/blog/2018/12/bransons-virgin-reaches-edge-of-space?fbclid=IwAR3jA72_ysMo3GCki7-qFLSrrRxlZwzJ2IKAps2FKEjPhWdlcEiqEqOyK80
  15. As for the overall Paladin thing. 1.) it has drifted away from the initial premise, on how to deal with killer characters, and has become no longer useful for that, and 2.) On the subject of Paladins, it's rather evident that a Paladin would conform to the precepts of what ever deity and organization sponsored them. Follow the theology, and you'll find the motivations. 3.) Why are we debating Paladins in a Champions forum thread? Shouldn't it be in Fantasy Hero? Yes I am guilty of aiding and abetting this with my earlier comments, but, boy has this drifted off.
  16. Man I am sorry I missed this! I love semi-historical World building. Love it! Would that city have been West of Corvallis or West of Eugene, on US 101? XD.
  17. Unfortunately, due to the line of succession, he's it. and he has to marry and produce heirs and spares, (Those vampire elves again hatching plots that killed off all the others), So probably his last command as a PC will be to charge the party with carrying out operations. Meanwhile the GM is heavily hinting at me, I should play a Bard. XD
  18. I am currently playing a 7th level Paladin. I played him as a friendly idealistic type, but unfortunately, due to circumstances, he is now wearing the crown of a small kingdom, that immediately fell into civil war. He is played as a champion of the people, and treats most people with kindly respect. But the situation has forced him into hard choices, but the follower of the false saint, and the former Steward, and the evil ancient elven vampires, dont get much mercy. He’s kind to animals, and due to several lucky rolls with were rats, he considers them lucky, and they consider him a protector. After their good service and a couple of speeches, the public’s attitude towards them has changed for the better. Unfortunately OOC, because he is now King, most of the recent sessions involved wargaming battles, and policy decisions which while I am enamoured of, the other players are nervous about the war, and want to get back to dungeon crawls. So at the completion of the current arc, I will have to sit for official coronation, and retire the character to friendly NPC status and start a new character. Too bad, abut will defer to the others wishes.
  19. I gave up after the second season of Flash. The first season was nice, but it declined after that. I don’t watch TV to put up with annoyance. (I also run strong ad blockers and other browser tricks to avoid annoyance. )
  20. Gaaah!Now I need to hunt through my storage to ring my character binder for HERO system characters mostly 2,3, and 4th ed. Write ups. Probably with My crated coffee table books n
  21. Report from a friend on Facebook saying he loved the film. His description was interesting. He said; the film was a combination of Thor, Tron, and a Shakespearean Drama, and he loved it.
  22. Can’t eat bananas any more because of their high potassium content. Besides before this past summer, their texture made me gag anyway.
  23. Lazy writing or......INTERSECTIONALITY!!!!!!
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