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  1. Re: Starting Character Limits (DCs etc.)? i do not belive in strict guide lines when mking chartors what i do belive is is balance amoung the pcs ie keeping speed ocv dcv ecv speed def and dc of attacks with in serten pramitors with each other i genrally dont like to see more than a diffrence of 4 ocv and dcv speed should be be set in a range ie 3-5 4-7 5-9 ect def and dc for attacks i genrally think that 5 avrage atacks shoud take down an player with avrage def if thair are no healers in the group you might want to up this but it can make for loung combat secesstions and finaly you wnat to pay pitcular to advantages and powers that are inherantly trouble some desol find weakness nndsthat do body or aids to stats are some that come to mind as far as villians go oncethe players arebuilt its easy to buildenmyesthat provid the apropiat level of challange to the players caps on powers and such are not whats reallyinportant but scale is
  2. Re: How would you build this? A Voice that.... i diffently think mind countroll is the way to go buy it aoa comultive incantations and generic limitation mushbe able to hear c problu an -1/4 i dont think personal immunity is really needed unless you are an real rules lawyer thats more for aoa damage attacks or magical darkness and such but selective could difently be needed if friends are around now as for the amount of dice of mind countroll and dice bacisaly it depends on how loung it would take him to convince someone of a giving power level and what the maxium amount of influnce hecoud produce could be
  3. Re: Help with an odd Time Power althought expensive i belive that this power if fairly straight forward bacisaly you are doing 2 things first is moving back in time EDM UAO AOA the second is giving memory to others of what happned or is going to happen chouise your word play how you will witch is Clairsentience (the futcher or the past is an intresting question ied say futcher) AOA usable by others symitonsly. as stated earlyer thought youed have to keeep track of where ppl are and thair counditons from round to round witch could be an book keeping nightmare and as a gm ied be vary cauthious about allowing a power like that in my compain not saying that i woudent but it has the potenical to be realygame altering
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER well wax is water tight and dosent break down over time like rubber and such dose aside from that i dont know probly just what thay used in the old days and thay have decided to stick to the if it works dont chang it idea.
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