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Franklin W. Cain

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    North America, Terra, Sol System

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  1. What are some of the more exotic locations from your various (Champions) campaigns? I'm not talking about which real-world foreign cities and/or nations you've used; I'm talking about places most mundane people won't even necessarily know about or at least not be able to visit. What are the counterparts to Latveria, Themyscira, and Atlantis in your games? To help get this started, here are some of the ones I've used. CK: Heinlein Station, at Luna's South Pole AK: Luna, Earth's Moon CK: Port Olympus, on Mars AK: Mars AK: Jovian Space; Jupiter and its Moons AK: Cronian/Saturnian Space; Saturn and its Moons AK: Solar System AK: Near-Sol Astrography AK: Alternate Timelines CK: Caer Frigis of the Winter Court AK: Faerie Realms AK: Angelic/"High Celestial" Realms AK: Infernal/"Low Celestial" Realms AK: Astral Realms AK: Mindscapes/Dreamscapes (a Terrain Knowledge for mentalists, whether arcane or psionic) Have fun! 😉 Franklin
  2. Based on the number of characters I've written up who have the Inventor skill, I would say that I usually use Labs (in a Base) as workshops, more so than as a research facility. I view Labs as a place for *doing* stuff just as much as a place for *learning* stuff. That is why I came up with the idea I posted in my original post above. As an addendum, I've also written up "Labs" for other Interaction skills (Conversation; Seduction) as "entertainment lounges." This feels (to me) as a way to better personalize a character's Base as his *home* (instead of just being a Headquarters). Thanks, Franklin
  3. In "Ultimate Base" (if I recall correctly), the author wrote that having a Laboratory for certain Interaction skills would be problematic. One such specific skill he mentioned was High Society. For some of my own NPCs, I created "Labs" in their Lairs (i.e. Bases) for various Interaction Skills (primarily Conversation and High Society) by naming the "Lab" something appropriate to the character's concept and setting, such as a Great Hall (for a castle) or a Grand Salon and/or Ballroom (for a palace). Just thought I'd share this idea. Thanks, Franklin
  4. Don't think I ever got around to letting you know that I "appropriated" your character concept, and posted a version of him (using a different games system) here: https://fcain.tripod.com/pdq/Lance_Lakermann.html Thanks for the montage and the NPC. 😉 Franklin
  5. All vehicles start with a free 6" movement in Running, to represent its ground movement. How do y'all distinguish the write-up of your vehicles to distinguish between the easier movement on a paved road (reaching its ultimate in high-speed track racing) versus the low-speed, terrain-following movement of off-road vehicles (dune buggies mostly, in this case, but also could include tracked vehicles such as bulldozers and military armored vehicles). I'm looking for suggestions for modeling these different suspension systems (in Fifth Edition rules). Thanks, Franklin
  6. In my own setting(s), I have an additional Sense Group: the Mystic Sense Group. There is some cross-over between the Mental and the Mystic Sense Groups (just as there is between the Sight and the Radio Sense Groups, at certain wavelengths of EMF), but they are still separate and distinct (to me, at least). The Mental deals with the Mind (i.e.: thoughts and dreams; the power of the brain); the Mystic deals with the Soul (and related cosmic levels of Reality). The Mystic Sense Group already includes Ranged (just as the Mental Sense Group does). For a traditional "D&D" style of "Detect Magic" (a la the 1st-level spell from that game franchise), I'd define that Detect as a Narrow Class within the Mystic Group, and a Passive Detect. I'd also want to give it Sense, Discriminatory, and/or Targeting. Hope this helps! ;-) Franklin
  7. My thanks to all. For now, I'm thinking of renaming (in my campaigns) the "Romantic" Rivalry to "Personal" (or maybe "Personal/Social"). Just out of curiosity, since I don't have any 6th ed. docs, what did they name the non-Professional Rivalry in 6th edition? Thanks, Franklin
  8. Actually, since "attending and graduating from school" functionally _IS_ the "profession" of such children, I'd still call that more of a professional Rivalry. ;-) But your mileage may vary. Thanks for the feedback, everyone! ;-) Franklin
  9. The rules-as-written ("RAW") explain the disadvantage Rivalry as being either Professional and/or Romantic. I'd say that "Romantic" could be expanded to include issues such as custody battles and/or primacy of attention from one's children. This would fit into the penumbra of "love" but is certainly NOT within the penumbra of "romantic" (at least, not directly -- one's former romantic partner is the rival, but the focus of your rivalry [i.e. your child] is not a romantic interest, per se). In such a case, I would definitely insist that the term "romantic" be replaced with the word "love" when writing the actual Disadvantage on the character sheet. But I would permit this extrapolation of the RAW as being within the spirit of the rules. I just wanted to put this out there, and see what others thought about this idea. Thanks, Franklin
  10. Here's an idea I had for a flag-suit for our friendly neighbors to the north. ;-) http://fcain.tripod.com/hero5/npc/polaris.html Franklin
  11. Thank you. ;-) In my campaigns, Mental Defense ("MD") is a Figured Characteristic. Franklin
  12. (Re: Max. Range) Checking the rule-book on Mind Scan, I find this. Per the Rules-as-Written (RAW): "Mind Scan is automatically considered to have Mega-Scale at the +1.25 level because it can search for minds on a planet." The +1.25 level of Mega-Scale corresponds to a size of "one hex equals one million kilometers." A million kilometers should adequately cover many planetary systems (not just one world), seeing as Sol (our Sun) is one million KM in diameter. For a gas giant's planetary system, however, you would need to bump up the max. range (i.e. buy more Mega-Scale); for example, Europa orbits Jupiter at around 670,000 KM, so the next higher increment of Mega-Scale (10,000,000 KM) should cover all of the Jovian moons at once. Franklin
  13. Same in 5th Ed. ;-) Yeah. :-( Hence my need for this topic. Good point. Between that and lots of PSLs, that should help tremendously! ;-) Class of Minds would help..._if_ the scanner already knows the target's species / race. I'm looking for a more generic situation. Thank you for the feedback! :-) Franklin
  14. Mind Scan vs. the Cosmos AKA "Where in the Multiverse is Carmen Sandiego?" AKA "Where's Waldo? The Trans-Dimensional Edition" Per the 5th Edition rules-as-written (RAW), Mind Scan has an effective maximum range of an entire world, specifically, the world that the scanner is currently on. Also, the combat roll to use Mind Scan takes a penalty based on the size of the population being scanned. Since I want characters to be (theoretically) able to use Mind Scan on a more cosmic scale, I need to be able to expand these criteria accordingly. Part 1 - Max. Range Since Mind Scan is a Mental Power, it doesn't have a true (i.e. quantifiable, measurable) max. range. Furthermore, because it operates indirectly (i.e. not requiring visual contact), it isn't limited to line-of-sight. Thinking about the "base" max. range of "current world" with regards to the presumed setting of superhero comics, this gives me some questions. What if the target mind is in low Earth orbit (for ex.: aboard the International Space Station)? I'd argue that low orbit is "close enough" to the world in question to be included into the default max. range. But what about on a moon? If the scanner is on Earth (Terra), and the target is actually on the Moon (Luna), would that still be considered "close enough"? If not, then this would be the most logical first step "upwards" for the max. range: from "Current World (Only)" to "Planetary System" (i.e. a planet and all of its moons). Another example where this increase to max. range would be very applicable is Jovian Space (i.e. Jupiter and its moons). If our psychic is on Ganymede and the unknown target he's looking for is actually on Europa, this would still enable him to scan for the target. Obviously, the next higher increment from "Planetary System" would be "Star System" (i.e. an entire solar system). However, from here it would be a tremendously huge step upwards to cover an entire galaxy! And from "Galaxy" you'd next have "Galactic Cluster" and then "Super-Cluster of Galaxies" and then finally "Entire Universe". Logically, there probably ought to be some sort of mid-way position between "Star System" and "galaxy", but I'm not certain what atronomical term would be appropriate. If I were using the background from GDW's Traveller game, I'd consider using "Sector" or "Domain", but those would be a more political-based designation, instead of an astronomy-based one... For reference, here is the scale of max. ranges I've defined: (0) - Current World +1 - Planetary System +2 - Star System ?? - (add anything here?) +3 - Galaxy +4 - Galactic Cluster +5 - Super-Cluster of Galaxies +6 - Entire Universe The "Trans-Dimensional" Advantage in RAW already discusses how to add the ability to include alternate universes (i.e. other dimensions) to Mind Scan. (However, please see below for how this affects the Population Size of the search...) Part 2 - Pop. Size Given the premise of searching for a specific mind, somewhere within just our own galaxy, how big of a population would we be scanning? As an example, I'd like to refer to an established setting for another game. In the Third Imperium setting for GDW's Traveller, Charted Space covered a tiny fraction of the Milky Way galaxy. And yet the Third Imperium itself had 11,000 worlds, with a small percentage of those worlds having populations in the _trillions_ (and _tens_ of trillions for many of that percentage). This gave _quadrillions_ of people to just that one empire. This does not include the population of the other empires and other societies in Traveller's Charted Space. I could easily see the population of Charted Space being in the quintillions, and the (theoretical) population of the entire galaxy being in the _septillions_ (never mind the sextillions)! Now, given that our galaxy isn't one of the larger ones, and given that there are clusters of galaxies, and that these clusters form super-clusters, just imagine the size of the population to be scanned for a specific mind hidden somewhere within the vast cosmos of an entire universe! Obviously, a smart player will capitalize on Penalty Skill Levels to fight this, using the 1.5-point PSL (+2 w/ Mind Scan vs. Population penalty, cost 3 pts.) to an extreme degree. But even with this legal munchkinism, being able to search an entire cosmos will be exceedingly prohibitive. And given that a trans-dimensional scan will be searching _many_ such universes (i.e. dimensions) at once, this will be even worse! Part 3 - Solicitation of Feedback How would you recommend I expand the "max. range" of Mind Scan, for those characters wanting a more cosmic scale? Is there any (legal) way to work around the extreme Pop.-based penalty, without having to spend over a hundred points just on PSLs? Have these issues been covered in any previously published HERO Games sourcebooks? How did they work around these issues? (I want to say there was once a "Galactic Champions" sourcebook of some sort, but I could be mistaken. Also, I can't check my own library, as all my hardcopy books are currently in storage.) Thanks, Franklin Footnotes: 1) Since I'm an American, I'm using the "short scale" of large numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_large_numbers
  15. Storn, a follow-up question (or two), if I may. ;-) Per your website, you state that one of your personal commissions (as opposed to a more formal "for publication"/business commission) does not include any rights for printing, (etc.). However, what is your stance on using commissioned art on a personal webpage (for ex.: on the PC write-up page for the character illustrated)? I'd presume you'd be OK with that, especially if the buyer includes the appropriate attribution with a link back to your art webpage, but I wondered what your take on this would be. Also, do you have any standard attribution verbiage you'd prefer to be used by your customers, when they post such? Thanks, again! ;-) Franklin
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