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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. I have nothing against the character Icicle. You may not be familiar with the show but on BtVS the character Dawn Summers went through a shoplifting phase as a teenage girl’s cry for attention. She also cut herself one time, but that was for a specific purpose. The program was very big on taking tropes of teen and college life and giving them a mystical/ horror bent.
  2. Thank goodness they didn’t tell you to put it in the slot.
  3. I just thought of the casting of a slender young woman with long brown hair who plays the bratty, younger sister of the hero who also had a problem with kleptomania .....Michelle Trachtenberg of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  4. It’s a crazy thing that so many of the people who say that everyone should be completely open and inviting to all views and cultures can be the most close-minded about things that ping on their own prejudices.
  5. At the risk of making some sweeping generalizations... Japanese cuisine contains many standard Western dishes and fast food restaurants along with the more traditional ones that feature things like sushi and highly spiced condiments like wasabi. The American diet on the other hand is much more limited in its taste palate and the average American is unwilling to try dishes from other cultures.
  6. There’s a site on YouTube called Binging with Babish where a chef specializes in creating dishes referenced/made in movies and TV shows. Do you want to try the “five dollar milkshake” from Pulp Fiction, or the fantastic steak breakfast from Twister or see if prepping the garlic like Paulie did in prison in Goodfellas actually helped? The videos are all around five minutes or so each so you can’t get bored. If you like cooking they’re a fun watch.
  7. In the interest of keeping peace on the board, let me say that I will withdraw my comment about the previous President and simply state that the idea of a group of Paranormals who espouse beliefs the PC’s completely disagree with is still a valid role play opportunity for a rivalry.
  8. In the version I gave the team of jerks are NOT doing anything illegal or even necessarily wrong. They just have personal views the PC’s find abhorrent. (As do I personally.) What makes this an interesting role playing opportunity is to what ends will the PC’s go to try and prove something that does not exist. Will they justify actions they themselves would call evil in others to chase a mirage? Think of this as a dark mirror of the events that happened at the Capitol. People who thought themselves good doing reprehensible acts.
  9. That is a way to go, but the frustration factor will be doubled if the Brotherhood is actually innocent of the charges that the PC’s are convinced of. At some point the “Heroes” have to come face to face with the idea that they are the ones behaving illegally/immorally while the ones who espouse ideas that are hateful are innocent. The whole point I was trying to make with this is. Which one is worse? A good man who does something evil, or an evil man who does something good.
  10. That’s why it’ll be the first thing the PC’s will think of. Mwah-Ha-Ha! (Low evil chuckle) After a while, when they don’t find anything, you’ll see how their paranoia will run rampant.
  11. Granted, but there’s also “cutting off your nose to spite your face”. It’s one of those “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, “Clothes make the man” kind of deals. Or “Haste makes waste” but “Strike while the iron is hot”.
  12. I think the prime question is “Why do you hate them?”. When I read the name Power Brotherhood I flashed on a group of MAGA hat wearing “white lives matter” types who formed into a heroic team. Stopping bank robberies, putting out fires at orphanages, getting cats out of trees and then grabbing the news team microphones and spouting the kind of borderline racist crap that got the previous guy elected. You and your team investigate them up one side and down the other, absolutely certain that they must be behind all these incidents....but they’re not. They are the most infuriating thing of all. People you hate doing things you like. Here’s a question to toss at your players. “Do you turn down useful help, because you don’t like who’s giving it”
  13. One is a telepath and the other a telekinetic. I’d be more interested in the characters involved. I’m reminded of the wizard/barbarian brothers in the Dragonlance series. Or Farfard (sic) & the Grey Mouser.
  14. The soundtrack for The Greatest Showman. Specifically, “Rewrite the Stars”. Today I read an article on how “In the Heights” is doing unexpectedly poorly at the box office and how it may be partially do to the complaints about the racial and cultural inaccuracies of the casting. All this towards the guy who cast Hispanic and African American actors as the founding fathers. And was given multiple Tony awards for it. I wonder how much of TGS’s success was not due to its marvelous performances and music but to it’s unabashedly “woke” sensibilities. If you cast Puerto Rican for Scottish, you’re a hero. If you cast Puerto Rican for Dominican you’re a bigot. Strange world.
  15. Don’t laugh too hard. This character was the basis for The Comedian in Watchmen.
  16. Could Supers operate legally in San Francisco? Probably not. Could that city really use a Batman or The Question patrolling the streets......ehhhhhhh, maybe.
  17. The idea behind Damage Control could be very useful in the modern world. Using low powered paranormals or just ones who aren’t motivated to chase criminals,(Not everybody wants to be a cop or a soldier and there’s nothing wrong with that.) along with some advanced tech, construction jobs that would take decades could be done simply and at much lower costs. The impact of a Poison Ivy type Super could halt famine in many areas and a few weather controllers armed with Mr. Freeze/Capt.Cold guns could roll back Global Warming to a level that might not become a planet killer.
  18. Thats what happens when you don’t understand what you’re playing with. He didn’t know that when a blank goes off there’s still the wadding coming out at bullet speed as well as the the flame and concussion gasses from the muzzle flash. Harmless at a couple of feet but when pressed up against someone’s temple....
  19. You’ve made an observation and a statement but haven’t asked a definitive question. Do you want to discuss normal NPC’s in a game ‘’verse, or more about what kind of skills and at what level the average person has in the real world. This sounds like a very interesting conversation but I just don’t understand the exact topic.
  20. The writer Larry Niven said it decades ago....”Think of it as evolution in action.” My original idea was that if I put a video on YouTube showing the fun of beating the odds at Russian Roulette then the company that owns it would pull it for the common good. I just don’t see anything parallel happening on TikTok.
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