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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. I have a buddy who used to say “There’s no personal problem that can’t be solved by the proper application of Ronsol.” (lighter fluid)
  2. Yoo-Hoo is a a chocolate soda. It tastes like somebody squirted a tiny amount chocolate syrup into a bottle of club soda. It’s as nasty as it sounds, but some people love it.
  3. Weren’t there similar problems about getting gasoline and such during long trips at the start of the automobile trip for pleasure era? Things eventually work themselves out.
  4. So what? A lot of old guys want to buy back their first car. You know, relive the “good old days”. (If anybody out there couldn’t tell, this is sarcasm.) Again, yeah so? They were making sure he got to his destination. Double their frequent flyer miles for their help and be done with it.
  5. I strongly agree with your second point but your first starts to wander into the field of Theology. A wonderful discussion and one I’d enjoy having either in another thread or in e-mail. But diving into it here could pull things horribly off topic.
  6. It does cut down on the “I shouldn’t/can’t have sugar” thing. If there’s a veggie only option for those folks, I’d suggest using this to replace those God-awful sheet cakes at all work & office parties.
  7. This is one of the oldest “Lawyer/Trial tricks” trope ever. I remember Raymond Burr doing this on Perry Mason back in the Black & White TV days. Still cool though.
  8. I found out from one of those Easter egg videos on YouTube that Bradley Whitford’s character was actually one he played in the original Agent Carter short film. You don’t get to be a giant megalithic world dominating corporation by playing fair. I said a long time back when Disney bought out both Lucasfilms and Marvel that all they had to do now was buy DC comics and their new slogan could be “The Disney Corporation, we own your dreams.”
  9. On sale this week at all Sunnydale Supermarkets!
  10. And in one monologue we have the reasons why Voyager sucked. Good quote though.
  11. You said “Companionship”. What about love? Freely given from someone not controlled by the Gem. What about knowledge? The secrets of the universe laid at your feet Or possibly the cure for a disease that’s slowly killing a loved one. How about the chance to go back in time and NOT make that one mistake that haunts your nights and keeps you from sleep. Maybe youth and health restored and a chance to do it all over again, but knowing now what you didn’t know then? Money and luxury? Stop thinking so small.
  12. Five comedy geniuses* and Shirley Mclaine. Why was she here again? *If anybody wants to debate the term being applied to Bob Hope or Mary Tyler Moore I’ll take ‘em on two falls out of three anytime.*
  13. Huh, there’s a lot of musical history in that shot. And it runs a pretty wide spectrum of popular music since the 1950’s Do you mean you didn’t like ANY of them? I’m not here to criticize anybody’s personal tastes and you have the right to like or not like anything you want....but what kind of music do you like?
  14. ——————————NO SPOILERS—————- I got up early today and I watched the first episode of What if? I enjoyed it very much. They certainly wanted to start off with a bang with the Captain Carter episode. It was tightly written with a lot of action and featured the original actors in most of the roles. They were well assisted by people such as Bradley Whitford (The West Wing) There were a good number of Easter eggs and inside jokes for the long time fans, but nothing to slow down the story. The only two (very minor) problems were the lack of an after credits scene, (what can I say, I’m spoiled) and the fact that the show only runs for 30 minutes. Another half hour would have allowed the story to open up more. All in all a very good to excellent first episode, and one I hope all the rest will live up to.
  15. But there’s a 45 minute wait to get in.
  16. What is Keith Richards grocery list, Alex?
  17. Is that how far you could toss him or how well you survive being tossed BY him? Posthumous medals awarded for those who get the “Loki Slam”.
  18. Setting aside exceptions to the rule like Madoff of certain ex-presidents we mere mortals need a certain amount of cash or property in order to achieve a decent credit rating. In game terms if you haven’t got a limitation about it then your character is assumed to have a working to middle class life-style. If you want your PC to be a Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne type you buy the perk Wealthy. Anything more that this is just roleplay. If they have a million dollars in the bank that they can access at any time, that’s the perk. If they can’t get their credit card to work that’s roleplay.
  19. O.K. Let’s give this a try. Giving somebody superpowers without Magic, Science or Mutation is kind of like skiing through a revolving door, but... Since I don’t want to do some form of Kung-fu training again and the powers have to be inborn how about we go the inheritance route? Our character Is the scion of the Sun God. Which one is dealer’s choice although Apollo and Ra are popular selections. This gives us a normal person being pulled into extra-normal events and situations.
  20. That was actually a thing in the original Legion of Superheroes. Most members were just very accomplished ordinary members of their planets population. Saturn Girl was a talented telepath and Cosmic Boy was a top level athlete at the sport of Magno-ball. Only a small percentage were like Lightning Lad or Sun Boy who got their powers in another more standard comic book origin way. BTW; I thought somebody was going to hand me another couple of origins to come up with? Like the lady said “Bored now.”
  21. In the words of the immortal Billy Joel...”You may be right, I may be crazy.”
  22. It would be a hell of an cool origin though, wouldn’t it?
  23. I get where you’re coming from, but Steve didn’t specify about only using Champions as a base. My suggestions were for a more general “what might sell best” situation. If he were only interested in writing for Hero Games material I would have agreed with you.
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