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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. I may just be a head in a jar, but I’m still here. YEAH, BABY! You say that like it’s a bad thing. Caffeine and chocolate were my drug’s of choice. And the only ones I ever did.
  2. Tjack

    Pulp Images

    That’s a 1930’s version of a hazmat suit.
  3. Speaking of over caffeinated coffees when I was young and stupid I would occasionally get a few bottles of that caffeinated water they used to sell and make coffee with it. Is anybody here surprised that eventually my aorta blew out like an old tire on a gravel road?
  4. If we’re going into the sodas we loved how about some love for the gamer’s friend....Jolt Cola! ALL the sugar, and TWICE the caffeine!!! There was a little graphic on the side of the can that each can was equal to one cup of coffee. I used to go to the one convenience store in the area that carried the 2 liter bottles to gear up and I’d guzzle that thing down during our all night game sessions. By sunrise I could phase my hand thru solid matter. I remember the plastic bottles had to be made especially thick because the stuff would eat through the regular kind. I tried to get the Sci-Fi convention I worked with to get them as a sponsor. God I loved it! Now due to my heart surgery I’m not allowed caffeine and if I have a half a cup of de-caf in the morning I’m twitching all that night and the next day.
  5. My Dad used to drink that stuff. I tried some when I was a kid and it was horrible. Granted I also hate root beer (Sorry, Worf) and Dr Pepper. I’m not a strict cola junkie though, I love ginger ale and cream soda, although it’s tough to find those in good quality brands. I don’t know why but it seems that those flavors are easier to cheap out on than colas for the generic brands.
  6. “Where am I, how come it’s so hot and why am I in this hand basket?”
  7. I’m waiting at home this week for some workmen who are several hours late to do repairs on the downstairs bathroom. My brother who’s at work is getting more and more angry at their repeated snow job about being “5 minutes out” keeps texting me about whether they’ve arrived or not. Finally he calls me and says “Maybe they started working and you didn’t hear them, go check.” I tell him that I’m standing in the bathroom in question. He then says “Are you sure they’re not there.” I reply “I may not be too smart, but I know how to count to zero.”
  8. I may have posted about this when I got the CD’s but I just found the whole thing on YouTube and it’s so damn good I’ll take the chance of repeating myself. In the days of yore back in 1975 Bruce Springsteen was exploding in this country. It was before The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle would rock the charts but both Time and Newsweek had already put him on their covers. To get out of the pressure cooker for a bit Bruce and the guys took a gig in England playing the Hammersmith Odeon. A classic concert hall now hosting the best of British Rock. The local journalists were laying in wait for this American upstart. It was well known that the very best of Rock & Roll was English. Whether you preferred Clapton and Led Zeppelin or the Punk movement this Green and Pleasant land was the place to be from. Springsteen was enough of a name that the BBC sent a full camera crew to record the show for a possible broadcast later, but with no definitive plans about when. The night comes and the band takes the stage. They look sharp, suited up in the height of Carnaby St fashion for the times. Pastel wide lapel suits, satin shirts and all wearing large brim Panama hats. They begin playing the ballad intro for Thunder Road. Bruce steps out looking like he just pulled a double shift at the garage. Working man’s Blue jeans, flannel over an old t-shirt, beat up leather jacket and a stocking cap pulled low. The ghost of Grunge future. His cracked plaintive voice, hard, driving horn sound and street style poetry was neither the smooth glam rock or the “in your face” anarchy the audience was used to. The hook was set. Seventeen songs later the crowd had become true believers. A concert legend was born and the film went into the BBC archives, were promptly and efficiently lost and weren’t seen again till the millennium. I used to listen to the twin CD’s that we’re made from that recovered concert and they blew me away every time. I just found that the whole thing is on YouTube now on Springsteen’s channel. It’s all broken down by song or you can see them all one after another. Whether you’re already a fan or just a little curious about the whole thing give this a try. It may not have every song you want to hear (because they hadn’t been written yet) but this is a look at a band at the peak of their talents. How can you go wrong with that?
  9. You’ve gotta look at it like 21st century whack-a-mole.
  10. 1) The Disney parks had to have a specific rule created banning people from bringing cremated remains onto the property since so many mourners were trying to honor this last wish. 2) I’ve already told friends that I want my ashes scattered around Harvard Sq. And if they’re squeamish about dumping them on the sidewalk then they can hop the fence and dump them in the Revolutionary War Cemetary adjacent to the Square. I rather enjoy the idea of my last physical act in this world being a felony.
  11. 🎶The stars at night - Are big and bright - Clap-Clap-Clap-Clap - Deep in the heart of R’lyeh!🎶
  12. Why not? It’s just a story about rock & roll.
  13. It’ll be bloody as hell when I get done with it. We have to kill that thing before it either spawns or achieves sentience.
  14. Woman! Bring me my shotgun and a big stick! I think it’s about to attack!
  15. This is the kind of invisibility The Shadow had. I would take the limitation Only vs. living beings. The point value to be argued out with the GM P.S. Sorry, I misread the post.....badly....OK, VERY BADLY.
  16. Sorry, we played in college classrooms so everything was drawn out on the large blackboards. Dex chart on one side of the large board and battle maps on the other. The scale shifted depending on the area in question. Always in scale to the marks indicating the PC’s.
  17. I’m imagining Christopher Lee after his tower comes crashing down. “I would have gotten away with it, if it weren’t for you meddling Hobbits!”
  18. I remember that....and I’ll get ya’ for it someday.
  19. ————————————NO SPOILERS—————————— “What If....T’Challa became Starlord? Well....This does confirm a long held belief of mine. Peter Quill is a moron. He couldn’t pour pi$$ out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the sole. The episode does however show what a clever character can do when played smartly. (All players & GM’s should take notes.) Once more, the episode was well thought and well written with many (if not most) of the primary characters played by the original actors including the final performance of Chadwick Bozeman who did himself proud on a project many actors would have phoned in. A very fine outing and like the last one while it could have benefited from expansion to a one hour format left me wanting to see more of this world.
  20. This was the meeting when they decided to dump Pete Best.
  21. I’m not exactly knowledgeable about religion, I just survived an Boston Irish Catholic school education. One of the few points that really spoke to me during the whole thing was when one nun said that “God created Mankind because he wanted and needed someone to love and to love him.” Later in life I was able to audit a course (re: snuck in for the lectures and nobody stopped me) on comparative religions at Harvard and no highly educated philosophy ever made as much sense. Now considering the troubles that many winners of big jackpot lotteries you’re right on the money. I have seen Phenomenon and I’ll raise you one. I don’t know if you’re a fan of Musicals but you may want to check out one of the songs from Jesus Christ Superstar. It’s called “The Lepers”. (You can find the videos on YouTube) There’s a sequence where Jesus is beset on all sides by a flood of cripples and lepers all crowding him under in their need to touch him and be healed. In closing, I think you did a wonderful job of making your points and this was indeed fun.
  22. He meant it more in the “ Anything or anybody that annoys me gets a healthy squirt and a lit match” kind of way. Also called the “Want a little fire, Scarecrow?” stratagem. I never said he was all that sane.
  23. Daddy (the guy on the bench with his head hung low) never sleeps at night.
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