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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. When it’s my time to go please just assume I said that as my last goodbye.
  2. Ivanova: (looking upward guiltily) Sorry about the God thing....just kidding.
  3. Huh....Blackadder as the always annoyed Vampire, Baldrick as his inept Renfield, Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie as fearless Vampire Hunters. With the actress who played the Queen and Mrs. Miggins as the nowhere near virginal love interest. This could be damn good! Now I want to see it!
  4. So if I’m reading you right, since none of the examples you mentioned wear costumes this might be a bit like the first few seasons of the Netflicks Marvel shows. (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Punisher and Iron Fist) Or possibly more like the first few seasons of Heroes. Either that or if you’re going for a campaign comprised of former Agents/Spies/Operatives protecting their city from the things in the shadows. That’s more of a Person of Interest, Kung-Fu: The Legend Continues, A-Team, Mission Impossible (TV) kind of thing. If that’s just the power level your talking about but with costumed Superheroes you might want to stick with the comics like the Frank Miller run on Daredevil or the early Marv Wolfman/George Perez run on New Teen Titans. Both are from the ‘80’s but are some of the best runs in all of comics and great examples of lower power level heroes. If I’m right in my guesses you may want to check those examples out for inspiration. Good luck.🍀
  5. Maybe I missed it but what type of campaign are you shooting for? I realize that a game will mutate in all kind of interesting ways over time but what comic/TV show/movie do you envision this looking like at the start?
  6. Well, from being subjected to both the daytime and nightime soaps at different points in my life I know that there’s always a “bad boy” character of the “He’s not bad, he’s just misunderstood” variety in the mix somewhere. So let’s make him a brooding vigilante type called Night Angel. That way Charisma can be torn between her forbidden love for him and the clean-cut Templar. Buffy/Angel/Riley. OK so I’ll cop to the soapier aspects of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  7. There should be a team-up between him and that Mexican Spider-Man.
  8. I don’t know why that ⬆️ double posted. Always try to remember the great choice of all construction....There’s Fast, Cheap, and Well Built. You can have any two.
  9. Yes, but the side effects can include punching your cousin in the face and telling one’s other relatives exactly what you think of them. If necessary, you might want to look into THC taken in the popular gummy-bear or chocolate brownie form. As best to regulate your mood without smelling like you just went to see a Greatful Dead tribute band.🌈🧸 (This has been sarcasm. This is not an actually suggestion. Had this been a suggestion it would be a bad one. This was only a joke.)
  10. Maybe....but who got their ancient withered a$$ tossed into the Death Star reactor?
  11. Oh my dear and fluffy Lord. We’ve been getting work done on our downstairs bathroom, which was supposed to take two weeks or so for about three months now. And it’s a flat rate job! Their not making an additional dime for having things dragged out so long. Between a series of misfortunes hitting the work crew that haven’t been seen since Job. Quittings, re-hireings, fireings, parents with health problems, dog bites, surgery’s, vacations, out of town weddings and mis-measurements plus the fact that the delays have them overbooked and often only working half days there’s still no end in sight. Do your deep breathing, imagine your happy place, and best of luck with the in-laws. Vaya con Dios.
  12. Tjack

    Spider Fu

    I would have to double check but I believe that the YouTube channel Godzilla Rex (A real life Martial Arts Stuntman) examines the different M.A. styles used by movie/TV/game characters has done a segment on the “Way of the Spider”. You may find it helpful, I hope it helps.
  13. That would be the part about “I accept responsibility for what my country has done.” Mr. Carlin (who’s comedy I generally enjoy) was playing to the crowd. And I believe he had gone further than the premise allowed. The type of revisionist history I’m speaking of casts America of wantonly killing an innocent populace out of malice or racism when the invasion of the Home Islands were predicted to have a cost in human lives on both sides many times over the number killed in both bombings. The Japanese citizens were being extorted to fight to the last and then commit suicide rather than accept the invasion of their homeland. The fight to the last man mentality was proven at Iwo Jima and other places. The bombing of Nagasaki took place because the Japanese Govt. refused to accept the removal of the Emperor as part of the surrender. The internment of Japanese-American citizens however was more than partly motivated and tolerated by racism. I do believe that the crimes against humanity spoken of against the “black, red and brown” people’s by my country were reprehensible, and must be acknowledged and and dealt with. What I said however was that what has happened in other countries around the world throughout history proves that this behavior can’t be singled out to any one country or race. To your P.S.; I do not in any way believe you personally hold this view, but may others do. It is to them that I object. Thank you for your calm reserve in what on other sites could have been a mud-sling.
  14. I was with him until he got to “yellow people”. First, they started it. Second, they had been killing off yellow, white and brown people’s for some time before they started up with us. I have no problem accepting responsibility for the things my country has done in the past. What I will not put up with is revisionist historians who decide in advance that White/America equals wrong and bends the truth to get to that answer. Find me a country in all of history that hasn’t done the same crap or worse and then we can talk.
  15. Why do I have the sudden urge to train for a boxing match?
  16. After looking at what I wrote I realized that it was already said here, but much more clearly. The only three small points I’ve got left to toss in are 1) Keep your first characters simple. A basic write up of Batman is much easier to run than one of say Green Lantern. 2) Try basing your first few characters on something you’re familiar with. A write up of let’s say...Spider-Man, If you already know how the powers are supposed to work in the comics it’s easier to understand how the rules make that happen. 3) The most important one of all...IF YOU’RE NOT HAVING FUN, YOU’RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT!!!! Always remember that you’re here to have fun. Enjoy yourselves and best of luck.
  17. I used to describe my days as being spent running around “Like a monkey with his coconuts on fire.” It’s the look of utter indignation on that poor monkeys face that gets to me.
  18. In my whole life I have never had my entire existence so completely summed up in one picture before. Thank You.
  19. How did everybody come out after Hurricane Ida? My basement apartment got about a quarter inch of water throughout and it’s going to be an annoyance to fix back up but I’ve been very lucky so far. Did anybody here get slammed or do we know of any members in the bad areas?
  20. For those who don’t speak Sasquatch, let me translate. JLA : Justice League of America Both Silver Age Comic and Animated Series. FF : Fantastic Four NTT : New Teen Titans Marv Wolfman/George Perez (1980’s) Avengers : Both Silver Age Comic and Movies X-Men : Bronze Age Issue #1 (1960’s) BtVS : Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) New X-Men : Modern Age - Giant Size All New, All Different (1980’s) YJ : Young Justice Northwind : The long running game that the mighty Bigfoot ran at M.I.T. that was my very first Champions game. (Hey there, Capt.)😀
  21. “The law is an ass.” Is a quote from Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. I first heard it because it was the title of Robert Ingersoll’s column in Comics Weekly. He was a comic book writer who was also a lawyer and used to do funny columns about how both Bruce Wayne and Benton Quest should have Child Protective Services after them or how Matt Murdock was the worst lawyer in the world.
  22. Have you talked to your players about what kind of campaign they would like to play? You might ask them about what movies, comics to TV shows come closest to what their looking for? Justice League the movie is worlds different from the JL Animated Series. This might give you some ideas about how to set up your games.
  23. —————————-SOME SPOILERS????———————————- Here we are at the fourth episode of What If? and I predict that this one is is the one that gets talked about on the ‘net the most. For this review I’ll call it Dark Strange and it goes to the heart of Time, Alternate Realities and how things work in the MCU. Or don’t work as the case may be. Those who try to set things like the rules of Time Travel in stone will hate it. It may go without saying at this point that the voices were wonderfully cast and acted. The story itself however seemed to have enough plot holes to drive a truck through. (a joke at this line would be a spoiler) I’m just going to give you the advice of that International Man of Mystery; Austin Powers and say “Try not to think about it too much and just enjoy it.”
  24. That’s like asking someone if they’re so insignificant that their low self esteem issue is merely an accurate estimate of the situation.
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