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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. Isn’t French Lick where Larry Bird is from? That sounds like a really obscure, dirty joke, but it’s an actual question.
  2. And for after.... 4) Will you still love me tomorrow? I would follow this guy to see where he went, but I think that’s the start of a three book series.
  3. I don’t know where it was but I once saw the D&D alignments explained as Super Heroes. Lawful Good......Captain America / Superman Chaotic Good....Spider-Man / Batman Chaotic Evil........ Carnage / Joker Chaotic Neutral..Deadpool / Ambush Bug etc. Does anybody want to take a whack at finishing these up?
  4. Yeah it looks good but it’s a b1+ch to get your foot in.
  5. I think it’s only CG if he knew who’s boat it was and did it on purpose. Otherwise it’s just karma bitchslapping the Dentist. Not like that’s a bad thing. Thanks for the smile to start off my day, Duke.
  6. You have FAR more patience than I do. I’ve been known to stand in front of a microwave and yell FASTER!
  7. If you want to get really fancy you can substitute the regular burger meat with one of those prepackaged meatball grinds (beef, veal & pork) that some supermarket meat departments set up. Much more flavorful.
  8. Sometimes instead of hamburgers I’ll do up a skillet of Sloppy Joe’s. Break up two BIG burgers worth of meat per person and start that to frying up. Then chop up some onion (red, white or some of both) mushrooms and some green peppers and add all that. Drain off any excess fat/grease. Then a few splashes of either Worcestershire or soy sauce and take what ever spices you enjoy. (I prefer Mrs. Dash & garlic powder) Now add one beaten egg and mix in well. When that’s all done to a nice crispness finish it off with equal amounts of Ketchup and B-B-Q sauce. Either scoop over two two toasted buns or put in a bowl and top with shredded cheese. All amounts are to taste.
  9. I prefer Sweet Baby Ray’s instead of ketchup most of the time. It’s less “dump in a pound of sugar” sweet than most other sauces.
  10. Do you really want somebody to be able to tell you to “Go suck a bird!”?
  11. In that case why don’t you pick the most likely target and drop me there. I’ll cloak up and keep watch for as long as I can while you’re on patrol and before I leave I can set up whatever surveillance gizmos you have here.
  12. 🎼I like mine with lettuce and tomato - Heinz 57 and French Fried potatoes- Big Kosher pickle and a cold draft beer - God God Almighty! - Which way do I steer!🎶 J. Buffett (It had to be done, sorry.) Actually I prefer lettuce and grilled onions w/ Mayo on one side of the toasted bun and B-B-Q sauce on the other. Is that the hill you’re willing to die on? If you’re going to have meat, cheese & bacon all together......you can’t have a Kosher pickle.😇
  13. ‘Ya see that’s why theater techs and music (rock & roll) techs are different species, like alligators and crocodiles. If music techs don’t get their watered down but steady supply of booze, that’s when things start getting thrown.....at people.....empty glasses.....milk crates full of mic cords.......microphone stands.
  14. Oh, I thought there might be something more scientific about it. I guess it would be embarrassing if we let Robin’s house get broken into....even if nobody ever knows. (a long pause) Am I overthinking things too much? I just kind of figured everything the Batman did had a very particular reason.
  15. “That sounds good.” He said, pulling up a map graphic from the computer screen on the dashboard between them. “Now, how do you go about deciding on a pattern for patrol?”
  16. Noted. Where do you want to set up surveillance?
  17. Paladin hesitated for a moment. He thought to himself “Huh, so that’s what nonplussed feels like.” He spoke, Well we saw the sub and made contact with the staff. Do you think that’ll spook somebody into acting or am I missing something?
  18. Paladin stays silent trying to be inconspicuous about keeping Batman’s large frame between himself and the scientist. He knows that the panels built into his mask may alter the shape of his face, but being surrounded by so many people who might know his mother makes him uneasy. He tries to remember to speak a little as possible also so that his western accent doesn’t give him away.
  19. But sir I did refrain from going into excruciating detail about the nature and capabilities of warp engines.
  20. I am such a Star Trek geek that I know why that’s not true. Have pity on me.
  21. The bakery there is no better because I looked...and the pie is gray.
  22. To much salt/sugar is a pretty common failing of any fast food. “Natural methods” get into the realm of personal taste and preference (too much pepper, not enough thyme, etc) and it’s easier and cheaper to please the most people for the least money to go the other way. The only real answer is to go to better restaurants or have homemade. Neither solution works at the mall food court. Such is life.
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