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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Inner Universe - Yoko Kanno
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Should I rate this assassination device in megatonnage or gigatonnage? I am the ghod of excess!
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why should I vote for you? A: He's decisive. Wrong in every way, but decisive.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, Bob, now that you're out of the Hospital, what have you learned? A: I put the Byte on him.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You're under arrest for data theft? A: First they lose...then they lose bigger.
  6. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Belfast Child - Simple Minds
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What do you think of my new GW Bush Rifle targets? A: Life and other mistakes.
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What are the creationists going to get wrong next? A: No, I just think you're stupid.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Boys are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Conehead, what is best in life? A: Skin removal while you wait.
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I am Woman - Helen Reddy
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You don't like my donut of cards? A: You call it a problem, I call it an opportunity!
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The theme to Zero Punctuation.
  14. Sundog

    Star Trek HERO

    Re: Star Trek HERO Phaser Two was supposed to be more powerful than Phaser One (at least on Kill setting) - Kirk mentions this in Devil in the Dark (I am Geek, hear me roar...).
  15. Re: (Somewhat) realistic "Sensors" If you have sufficiently sensitive spectrographic systems, you don't need windows. Just determine what gasses are leaking through their hull. Probably won't tell you the percentages, but should give you a composition.
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Describe the average political address. A: I didn't mean his face.
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? It Won't be Easy (Theme to Star Cops), Justin Hayward
  18. Re: Need An Archnemesis If you want a somewhat different tack: An Immortal from the actual Greek Era. One that remembers what utter bastards the Gods were and wants to ensure they DON'T make a comeback. The switch? He has no powers, except longevity. Of course, he's had 6000 years to gather wealth and resources. Demigod may be able to handle the Son of a Titan in hand-to-hand combat, but what's he going to do when someone with the resources of a small multinational starts doing such things as media blitzes against the team, corporate mercenaries and legal actions designed to tie him up in court for years?
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Rejected subtitles for Curse of the Black Pearl #1: A: Dwarf Special Forces.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Pipeline - The Alan Parsons Project.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Transporter 3. Better than I'd expected, with some actually cool action sequences and set-piece fights (and a fair story, if with sports-car size plot holes), but Jason Statham still can't act.
  22. Re: Divided Skies: "Everyman Gear"? (Need suggestions.) One thing I don't think you've mentioned: Cybernetics. The "Black Box" download need not go to only one receiver. In addition to the PDA, send it to a tab on the skin on the back of the neck - as well as a download point, this could serve as high-tech "dogtags". Radios don't need to be in a helmet if they're in your head...and any damage that takes you off the net will kill you (no "he might still be alive!" arguments). Likewise Optic replacements give the soldier IR, flash protection and Lowlight capability, plus the capacity to use a frequency-hopping laser targetter (I see the dot, but you don't) and even an inbuilt range finder and artillery designation capability. Make your weapons and high-tech gear interface-only and low-tech enemies can't use it (and high-tech ones will have to modify for compatibility). Cybernetic limbs wouldn't be given out willy-nilly, but might be a better option for a soldier than cloned replacements, especially if the Army promises replacement with cloned parts upon discharge (which is likely - they wouldn't want military cybertech out in the civilian society). Of course, this sort of stuff is expensive. Eye replacement would be done only for elite soldiers. But in built interfaces and radios could be grown in situ with an injection of nanobots and a high-metal diet. Oh, and if you have man-carried UAVs, forget grenades. Just send a very small UAV wth an explosive charge.
  23. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Against the Wind - Bob Segar
  24. Re: I need a function! The Tarkasi Chest is a physical representation of a human (male) chest, perfect in every way - it breathes, digests (though the lack of an intestine makes the result messy) and the heart pumps blood around a reduced circulatory system. The Chest is mystic in nature. It's initial chronicler, Arnaud Tarkasi, discovered that the owner of the Chest could not die of violence - but that it's "Owner" was whoever last physically touched it. He believed it had other powers, but it was stolen (and Tarkasi murdered) before he could document them. Ths item has turned up several times since, but it's current whereabouts are unknown. Next: The Eternity Key.
  25. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Inner Universe (Extended Mix) - Yoko Kanno
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