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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Sundog

    Tech Blaster

    As far as the "spider-recovery" system goes, just make them charge based with the "recoverable" mod, recovery being conducted by staying still in an area the "spiders" can reach.
  2. 5) All weapons systems control runs are bundled and vulnerable to point failure: HOW many times were the Galaxy-class Enterprise's weapons systems knocked out by the first volley of an engagement? Where was the secondary control system? Why couldn't they be operated by weapons techs in on-mount controls? 6) Where are the Transporter-delivered nukes? Why does ANY ship survive more than one second after it's shields go down?
  3. Ah, just use one of these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)
  4. Did you consider a short round and forward and rear stacks?
  5. Well, that was what they were originally designed for.
  6. .40 Quad. Set to fire all four barrels simultaneously.
  7. The primary body plans on earth - arthropods, quadropedal vertebrates, worms and radial animals - are dominant for only one reason: Pure chance. Those body plans survived the upheaval of the Cambrian Extinction Event. We have found numerous OTHER body plans in pre-extinction fossil beds- but they didn't live through it. Given it was pure luck that our body plan survived HERE, I don't think we can make ANY accurate guesses as to what any other environment might produce.
  8. If it was an IT company, would that make it an Oafish Oarfish Orifice Online Office?
  9. Low velocity flechettes would be my guess for defeating such devices. Of course, a layer of more conventional armour could defeat those...
  10. Sound's about right. But remember that that version was only used in the Battle of Berlin, and previous models were not as impressive.
  11. Are you sure you aren't thinking of the Krag-Jorgenson? That used a single side feed magazine, but it predated the Garand.
  12. No, they're actually projectile firing weapons, coilguns. But they utilize the "mass effect" of the game's title - they use an eezo (Element Zero) core to reduce the projectile's mass to virtually nothing, accelerate it as fast as the coil will send a near-massless object, then once it;s outside the effect field of the eezo, it regains it's original mass - without slowing down. handgun and longarm versions aren't actually much more efficient than a regular rail or coilgun would be. Dreadnought-mounted spinal guns, on the other hand...
  13. Given that, I'd actually call it +2OCV vs range modifiers.
  14. Water effects could include a defensive suite - desolid (water-body flows around the attack) vs physical, enhanced DCV (water moves away from the attack), increased armor (how do you hurt water?) etc. You could also make a nice EB with it - double KB, Continuous (water cannon).
  15. I'm not sure he hit the state...
  16. Could have been any of a number of Eucalypts. They're all hardwoods, and remarkably tough. I'd suggest Jarrah because it has the property of being very workable while fresh, but hardening to a consistency that resists almost anything once it dries out. (The sleepers for much of the London Underground were originally made of Jarrah. Back in the 1980's they surveyed many of the lines, intending to replace them, as they were then about 120 years old. In most cases, they left the original sleepers in place - no rot, no damage, little wear!)
  17. Tanfoglio isn't an English-Language first company, is it? Because if they deliberately named their gun the "Witness Hunter"...
  18. Don't worry about making it out of metal - that would likely be too obvious. Instead, make it out of Jarrah wood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus_marginata. All the durability and weight, but electrically resistant and a fine polished color too.
  19. Take a leaf from Daredevil - include a grapple line and hook system for greater mobility.
  20. It isn't the barrel tolerances as much as it's the blow-back or recoil operated mechanisms that make a semi-auto work. Too much pressure on small metal parts and springs and things can go very bung very quickly.
  21. According to the EU, the second Death Star rerouted the exhaust heat through hundreds of small ports over a large area - none larger than about a centimeter across. Get a Proton Torp down THOSE, space wizards!
  22. Psychological Complication: Obedient/Terrified of Crimelord, (Uncommon. Strong) 10pts Psychological Complication: Code of Police (Common, Moderate) 10pts Distinctive Feature: Broken (Not Concealable, Causes Major Reaction, Detectable only by Telepathy/Psychological Analysis) 10pts Dependence: Painkillers (Easy to Obtain, 1d6 Damage + Weakness per Day, Addiction) 5pts
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