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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Actually, yes. If Firestorm doesn't comprehend a substance he can't make it. Given artificial Kryptonite would be Luthor's holy grail, and he doesn't seem to have managed it... Anyway, I'd give this fight to PG. She can take down Firestorm with a couple of punches - he simply cannot do the same to her.
  2. I disagree. Flashes still need to breathe - if Firestorm converts the air in the vicinity to something unpalatable, he gains time. If he converts the building into White Phosphorous, it would be very difficult indeed for even the Flash to get to him - or to escape. Very, very close fight, but I'm giving it to Firestorm.
  3. My heart says PG, but my head says WW. The lasso, as I recall is useless against another woman (unless they changed that recently), but Wonder Woman simply is the better and more experienced fighter and their power levels are quite close.
  4. Wally has a lot of flexibility and options Barry lacks. For instance, he uses accelerated perception a fair bit more, and his Speed Force mastery gives him big advantages against other speedsters. I can't see Wally losing this. Wonder Woman has great reaction speeds, superhuman in fact, but she still might as well be standing still. And Wally has the options to get past near-invulnerability.
  5. I doubt it. Modern subs have pretty thick and strong hulls.
  6. Captain America really should have been in Street from where I sit. Anyone with even a little bit of enhanced speed can outmaneuver him and then it's all over.
  7. Used to fighting stronger and tougher yes, but ones he can harm. Luke is so tough it takes anti-tank weapons to threaten him. Nightwing has no real answer to steel-hard skin.
  8. I think so. I certainly took them into account.
  9. The 2d4 means it is unlikely to dramatically change things while keeping the possibility of random chance effects open. I like that.
  10. Old BTO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCIUf8eYPqA
  11. Yeah, but the point is that it's a projection. The projection is desolid - but her body is still there, and it isn't.
  12. Gotta agree with Lord Mhoram. Yeah, she throws a bus, but he just dodges it (and physical stuff like that really isn't her specialty). Unless she can unleash some of her major mojo, he gets to her and one-punch decides the fight, and given his flight ring he CAN get to her before she can unleash the big stuff.
  13. Modern guns are a mature technology. Until or unless something comes along to really shake things up, the basics aren't going to change. New stuff will always be details and gilding. That said, I was impressed with the Maxim-9 integrally suppressed pistol.
  14. Does Ginormica count? Cartoon, but I wasn't aware of a comic. Second Nightcrawler and The Atom.
  15. Second: Magma Quarrel (Presumably Quarrel II, Astro City) Jack in the Box MPH N-Forcer Winged Victory
  16. Nominate: Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), Street class.
  17. Under 21's, I nominate: The Purple Girl (Marvel) Street Level: Grendel (Hunter Rose) Open Class: Kevin Matchstick (From Matt Wagner's Mage series.)
  18. I will second Conan, Harry Dresden and Superman.
  19. Unlimited Class: Jenny Quantum from The Authority. Street Level: Green Arrow, DC Street Level: Doc Savage, virtually every comic publishing company ever at various times.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU3aCNQAqwc
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