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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Always liked Donald Pleasence's version - frankly. most of the others were kind of bland. Bond Comparisons 5: Xenia Onatopp vs Elektra KIng
  2. Silver Samurai. Better designed character. Bond Comparisons 2: Casino Royale 1967 vs Casino Royale 2006
  3. Batmobile. The Black Beauty is pretty, but lacks features. Bond comparisons: Goldeneye vs. The Man with the Golden Gun.
  4. Tribbles. Every now and then you'll get a Death Tribble, and then you'll have tribulations anyways! Binary vs Trinary
  5. Stone Golem Infantry. Rhinos are faster, but I'll take inevitable victory FTW. Extremists vs Fanatics
  6. Netflix. I could not handle Apple Mario. Lightning vs Tornado
  7. Quiet. Peace can be quiet, but not always. Rational vs Irrational.
  8. Conan. No Sorcerer beats Conan. Humboldt Squid vs Tiger Shark
  9. Mordor. Sauron actually knew what he was doing. Megadeath vs Metallica
  10. California. Has less Mormons. Hurricanes vs Cyclones.
  11. Animaniacs is funnier. (Both are good, though.) Tony the tiger vs Snap! Crackel! and Pop!
  12. One connects, one fornicates. Cali! Spearmen vs Archers.
  13. Liquid. I like water, Crayons vs Markers.
  14. Washington, 'cause it's mine. Familiar Spirit or Witless Minion?
  15. Viper. Newtonian physics FTW! Missiles vs Cannon.
  16. Sundogs, of course. We are awesome! Badgers vs Tribbles.
  17. Rapier. Faster and more accurate than a Katana or Claymore, has an edge over a big stick. Ewoks vs Internet Trolls
  18. Both of them miss, no hits no winner. Stone vs Bone
  19. Tiamat. Actual god rather than space monster of doom. Echidna vs Hedgehog.
  20. Cygnus. Swans are cool. The Blob vs The Thing
  21. Australian Rules. Aerial ping-pong, but it doesn't bore me to tears. Voles vs. Moles.
  22. Books. Nobody ever brained an intruder with software. Hack and slash vs sneaky sneaky
  23. The Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator doesn't turn on it's wielder. Q the Winged Serpent vs Ghidorah
  24. Fairly hard. If it doesn't have a good relationship to real science, might as well be fantasy.
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