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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Yes. It's also known as an Imperial Scout Walker (AT/ST stands for All Terrain Scout Transport). And more than big enough to squish an ED29.
  2. One step by the AT/ST and SQUISH! Gojira vs the Cloverfield monster.
  3. I want to see the result. I only fear that the two men will clash and that will reduce their unique visions to mundane creation-by-committee.
  4. Down Under. Overused, but still good. Old time music: Ink Spots vs Temptations
  5. Thor. He knows how to put on a shirt. Lady Sif vs Red Sonja
  6. Smilodon. Everything is better with cats. Puns vs put downs
  7. Jet Li does some interesting stuff with guns in Lethal Weapon 4 - including ripping the slide off of a handgun.
  8. Armor. Eventually, you need to be able to defend what you have - stealth can't do that. Acid vs Fire
  9. Spartan. Excellent shields, better reach unless the Samurai uses a spear, less reliance on the personal combat aspects. Samurai of the Warring States period would have a chance - Samurai of the Tokugawa Shogunate would not. Cossack vs Polish Winged Lancer
  10. I have to say, yes, we can forgive old movies. And sometimes, we should. A most controversial one that we actually NEED to, like it or not, is Triumph of the Will. Yes, it's pro-Nazi, a regime subsequently found to be so heinous and foul as to become literally synonymous with evil. But it is also the precursor to virtually all modern film, and that is not hyperbole. Leni Riefenstahl's photography and cinematic techniques, experimented with in her previous films but perfected here, gave birth to the modern cinema. If a film is simply a product of it's times, then let it be. Use it to tell our kids of how the world used to be. On the other hand, those films with no other purpose than to espouse outdated ideals? Let them sit in the archives and be footnotes for media students.
  11. Don't need FTL. Near light speed is more than good enough.
  12. Rabbits are edible. Orange Juice vs Lemon Juice
  13. Tin Machine. Bowie as functional human being not cocaine-fueled machine. Kit built vs flat-pack.
  14. Trans Fats because there are so many more puns you can make. Parsley vs Sage vs Rosemary vs Thyme
  15. The Thing has stood the test of time better. Spielberg's early stuff: CE3K vs. Jaws vs. Duel
  16. Lex Luthor has to be rebooted periodically to stay interesting. Doom is, and remains, DOOM. The power of Love vs the power of Hope.
  17. Kirk. He actually HAS a moral compass. Dissimilar concepts: Gravity vs. Serendipity.
  18. Paper cut. Especially with lemon juice. Player's Guide vs GM's Guide
  19. Indiana Jones is more interesting than any sports. Laser-guided vs TV guided
  20. Pennywise. He has Plot Armour. Time vs Space
  21. The Empire. Klingons in TOS were cool, powerful baddies, but it's been downhill ever since (and looks like burrowing underground with Star Trek: Unnecessary). Battlestar vs Star Destroyer
  22. Conan. While the ur-example of the fantasy barbarian, I don't think he's spawned quite as many direct rip-offs as Drizzt. Spam or Canned Beef?
  23. Coral Sea. Prettier. Wolverines vs Honey Badgers
  24. The Lexx for series porniness. Illudium q-36 Explosive Space Modulator or Nova Bomb
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