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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Let them find work elsewhere, if they can. Getting fired is a punishment - but there's really nothing else that can be done. Unless the behaviour violated the law and they get arrested, it's everything that's doable. Blacklists are variable from harmful to useless, never doing any good at all. Sexual harrassment is a social issue - it can only be resolved socially.
  2. Larry Crabbe, since he was in BOTH series. Count Orlock vs. Count Dracula
  3. IBM. Everything's better with computers. Demon vs Devil
  4. Sloth. Wrath takes too much effort. ICBM vs SLBM
  5. You guys have forgotten the two Lunokhod rovers the USSR put on the moon. This Tesla is merely the ninth car in space.
  6. X-wing. Energy weapons and equally rapid fire rate. X-wing vs Starfury.
  7. 4 Episodes to go, and loving it. I was a big fan of the book, and am quite delighted with most of the changes. I would have preferred they left the Envoy training as a UN military thing.
  8. It did play in Australia, but at strange times and never had a regular slot.
  9. "And the Cat came back, couldn't stay away..." Good to see you!
  10. I'm willing to accept Earth has become a virtual paradise by now, maybe the whole of Sol system. The heart systems of the Federation, Andor, Vulcan, sure. But the whole Federation? When Kirk was a young officer, he and Kevin Riley were on a colony world that wasn't even able to ensure it's own food supply (Conscience of the King).
  11. That would have been breaking the internal rules of the setting - something I usually consider a failing.
  12. That's a TNG boast. It's never made in Kirk's time - in fact, we have good evidence that it isn't the case. The miners in Mudd's Women certainly live a spartan and deprived existence, as do the ground dwellers of The Cloud Minders. In the Original Series, the replicator doesn't exist yet, they are NOT in a post-scarcity environment. They may well have good social policies and safety nets, but that is not the same as eliminating poverty.
  13. Heroes: Ch'ip, Professor Challenger and Master Chief Mission: To find the source of a mysterious energy that is permeating multiple universes, altering evolutionary paths taken by various species. The source seems to be a mysterious plateau in South America the professor knows well... Next Letter: Z
  14. Kaeto was once the sidekick of the Green Haernet.
  15. Welcome to the new year! Hope you have a good one!
  16. Bowie. Because Bowie. Fusion Bomb vs Orbital Kinetic Energy Weapon
  17. 2017 has Trump. This has yet to be proved for 2018, which makes 2018 seriously superior. Castles vs Fortresses
  18. Pattern Ghost was once used as the bass line for A Walk Through the Black Forest.
  19. (Chorus)Never ask that Question! (/Chorus) Vorlon Planetkiller vs ST: TOS Planet Killer
  20. Really enjoyed it. Tight, well made, good bit of world building, enough reference to real-world situations to make it relateable. Been hearing a bit about the guy with the sword, and I disagree it was unnecessary. First, it's the kind of lunacy cops have to deal with every day, so it showed the kind of think Ward and Jakoby had to deal with. Second, it set up the interrogation scene by the Feds, which introduced the Shield of Light loonies, without the scene of his arrest it would have come straight out of left field. It LOOKS superfluous, but actually isn't.
  21. Yes. They'd had peace and prosperity for so long they'd forgotten the other half of Starfleet's job - protect the Federation. Which is the real reason why they had disasters like Wolf 359 and their early defeats by the Dominion - Picard's era of Captains didn't really know how to fight.
  22. Telemarketer. Sooner or later, he's actually going to tell you what he's selling. Guard vs Warder
  23. 25 degrees and snowy. The snow will melt rapidly, while 35 degrees and rainy is a roasting steambath. (Do you think we're talking about the same degrees? I don't speak obsolete.) Fishing vs. Hunting.
  24. T-Bone. Has less southern redneck connotations. Titles: Emperor vs Tsar vs Augustus
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