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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Try standing and swaying with the music. If your body wants to move, let it. Would tell your doctor about it, though.
  2. Inland Taipans. Whatever you got, I can poison it.
  3. Q: Did you see how the Apple/PC conflict ended? A: Nerve Gas.
  4. Q: How'd you manage to do a "wheelie" in that thing? A: In several places.
  5. Thor Hercules The Vision She-Hulk Iron Man Sersi
  6. My final option: The Ultimate Nullifier. Name: To Fight Legends.
  7. James Kirk sat down at the smooth, metallic table, and his eyes slid around the room to the various people already seated. To his immediate left was a brown haired, well-built man wearing a grey suit perfectly matching his eyes, and a scintillating lenticular device on his wrist. Next was a very tall woman in a black uniform he was unfamiliar with, but spangled with enough decorations and rank embroidery to impress even him - as did her quiet attitude of competence and steady return of his gaze. The man to her left seemed at first unremarkable, though the sheathed sword at his side - well, it should have been odd, but it suited the green-eyed man perfectly. Next was a long-faced man in a rumpled greatcoat, seeming as out of place as Kirk, but looking around at his surroundings with a keen interest that reminded him of his occasionally overly curious first officer. Finally, another woman, in fairly nondescript cargo pants and shirt that did nothing to disguise her beauty or her, he suspected, raw physical power. Lensman Kinnison spoke. "Each of us is one of the driving forces in our particular realities. Each of our realities is threatened by this "Vandal Savage's" manipulations of the timestream. Together, I, and Mentor, have determined that with the resources at our disposal we can eal with this situation and save all of our worlds. With the aid of my lens, I can seek out their deepest secrets. Admiral Harrington-Alexander, with the military forces at her command, can focus sufficient firepower to deal with any large-scale problem. Ms Kresnov is unsurpassed at more, shall we say, intimate combat. Doctor Quatermass has experience dealing with extremely unorthodox technologies and situations, and should be able to provide us with explanations and counters to anything our opponents may pull out of left field." "So, what am I here for? It seems like you have everything covered." "All but one thing." Honor smiled. "We need someone in overall command, to coordinate and control. Divided command is an opportunity to fail." She pointed to Kirk. "We need a leader. Many of us could do it. But we need the best. That's you."
  8. Oh, darn, you're right. I do have a backup: James Tiberius Kirk, Captain, USS Enterprise NCC 1701.
  9. My latest Hero, from the 1920s - Doctor Clark Savage, jr. Purpose: All rounder and team leader.
  10. Option: Supporting cast: Breetai's Fleet of Zentraedi warships from the Macross section of the original Robotech. After all, can't have a space navy genius without a space navy.
  11. My Fifth Hero will be Cassandra Kresnov, artificially constructed humanoid (high-designation GI) by the Terran League for it's war with the Terran Federation - and post-war, defector to the Federation. From her period as part of SWAT on the planet Tanusha, post defection. Purpose: Kicking Ass.
  12. Nah, he is actually dead. Died back in the '80s. The message hasn't reached his brain through all the drugs yet.
  13. I think I shall take this moment to introduce my Dragon: Roy Batty, Replicant, from the year 2018.
  14. Since every good team needs a brain, I'm drafting Bernard Quatermass for my fourth pick.
  15. Hero 3: Corwin of Amber, Prince and Pattern-Walker Purpose: Transporter between places and times.
  16. Second Hero: Duchess/Steader Dame Honor Harrington-Alexander of the Royal Manticoran Navy, 1922 Post-Diaspora. Purpose: Command of military elements as well as personal combat.
  17. First Hero: Kimball KInnison, Second Stage Lensman, from the period after he has defeated (unknowingly) Gharlane of Eddore but before he has been made Galactic Coordinator of Galaxy Two. Purpose: Primarily intelligence gathering. Between his immense psionic power and ability to infiltrate virtually any society, Kinnison should be able to get whatever data is needed quickly and safely.
  18. Yet, history has, and continues to be, a litany of instances wherin the current actor proved incapable of learning from the past, even in the case where we are quite certain he knew of it.
  19. I'm actually mostly in agreement with you. Our tendencies to selectively edit the past to avoid painful connotations are not positive, and in extremis can lead to such absurdities as the person who is willing to remind the populace that a problem exists or existed being taken as being the actual problem. However, I would warn you against being too quick to claim a victory, because I do not in the least concede your argument, seeing as your argument is at odds with the purpose of this thread and what we are actually talking about. You see, you are using the wrong definition of "forgiveness". We are not speaking of feelings of resentment or vengeance at all, those would be entirely pointless - how can one seek vengeance upon or resent an inanimate object? Rather, we are speaking of, in the older terms, forgiveness of sins. Or if you wish to strip away the flowery language, acknowledgement and agreement to acknowledge but either ignore or grudgingly accept certain aspects now viewed as mistaken in order to also accept the positive contributions of the body of work as a whole. And THAT sort of forgiveness is very much an important aspect, because if we, the general viewing public (as opposed to we historians and filmophiles, who are and will always be a tiny minority) can't do that, we, the viewing public will not watch those films. And the moment that occurs, said film ceases to be part of the general culture. It has been jettisoned. I happen to agree with your words regarding refusal to engage with difficult subjects and challenging ideas. I also know that my agreement and $5 will buy you a cup of coffee. The general viewer will accept being challenged, will accept difficult subjects...but ONLY if they are also being entertained. And if they can't forgive the sins of older movies enough to still be entertained by them, they won't watch those movies. So forgiveness of old movies is very much an important question.
  20. Well, first, you're conflating recognizing an action or trend and agreeing with it. My acknowledgement that something exists does not in any way form an endorsement or positive promotion of that thing. And second, you're confusing an attempt to destroy the past with a refusal to acknowledge aspects of the past. The latter is entirely a mental thing, and certainly does not require sledgehammers.
  21. I disagree, Vondy. As cultural artifacts they may not need our permission to exist nor our forgiveness, but to remain an active and useful part of our cultural paradigm today they certainly do. We can and do choose to jettison those parts of our cultural past we no longer admire or outright revile, and for good or for ill we will continue to do so.
  22. Base of Operations: The Death Star, A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
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