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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Booster Gold (2) Dr. Doom (4) Groo the Wanderer (5) She-Hulk (4)
  2. Groo the Wanderer (5) Moon Knight (1) Jamie Madrox (8) Doctor Fate (6) Power Girl (7) OMAC (Original) She-Hulk (4) The Tick (5)
  3. Glen Cook's Passage at Arms. A tautly composed submarine thriller reminiscent of Das Boot, and the only good submarines-in-space story I've read.
  4. All of those would be good, but I think Moon Knight would be a problem. Hard to show the character's basic insanity without going over into Deadpool style shenanigans, but MK is a serious character. I'd like to see a Namor movie, though we might want to wait while Aquaman is still big. Shang-Chi could provide a different take on the MCU, being basically non-powered but still able to take out superbeings.
  5. Aquaman (5) Matter-Eater Lad (2) Kraven, the Hunter (3) Swamp Thing (5)
  6. Green Arrow (6) Lobo (2) Ayra Stark (8) Rocket Raccoon (4) Firestorm (7) Kraven, the Hunter (3) Matter-Eater Lad (2) Swamp Thing (5
  7. Mary Marvel (10) J. Jonah Jameson (11) Jessica Rabbit (10) Wonder Woman (2) Groot (9)
  8. Groot (9) Ego, the Living Planet (1) Elastigirl (7) Power Girl (3) Grodd (6) J. Jonah Jameson (11) Jessica Rabbit (10) Scarlet Witch (2) Mary Marvel (10) The Thing (11) Wonder Woman (2)
  9. I'd be interested in how the presence of superhumans would change the security practices of the Casinos. Some of the differences would be obvious - the Eye-in-the-sky security cameras would go multi-spectrum to spot invisible or chameleonic individuals. Any super with known probability manipulation powers would be banned from the gaming floors entirely - some Casinos might just ban supers outright, though I can see that creating a backlash, with others advertising their acceptance of superhumans (especially in settings where there is a significant minority of powered beings). I'm not sure how well games like Poker, where there's a good degree of skill and bluffing, would survive. Besides the obvious (psychics, invisible compatriots, distance-viewers) you'd also have to deal with such people as have enhanced senses - enhanced scent possessors could tell when someone is bluffing. The obvious way to deal with a super is another super - house psychics to spot psychic cheats, a heavy squad to deal with attempted robberies. But that wouldn't come cheap, and might reduces Casinos' viability.
  10. I find this thread fascinating, as some of the bands listed I'm familiar with while others are quite new, and a number of bands I know from the time, mostly Australian but also British, haven't had a look in, like Split Enz (what the Finn brothers were doing before Crowded House), The Angels, Icehouse (still going, supposedly a new album being worked on), The Little River Band, Hoodoo Gurus, The Clash, Cold Chisel - I guess it just shows the differences in the Rock environment.
  11. Reed Richards (9) Iron Man (2) Doctor Strange (5) Rocket Raccoon (1)
  12. Doctor Doom (5) Reed Richards (9) Toy Man (4) Doctor Fate (9)
  13. Batman (2) Doctor Fate (9) Iron Man (2) Rocket Raccoon (1) Lex Luthor (3) Doctor Strange (5) Reed Richards (9) Doctor Doom (5) Toy Man (4)
  14. Lockheed (1) Max Payne (9) Nick Fury (11) Aunt May (4) Harley Quinn (3) Violet Parr (6)
  15. Aunt May (4)Violet Parr (6)Detective Chimp (3) Solomon Grundy (5)Nick Fury (11)Harley Quinn (3)James Bond (9)Jarvis (7)Thomas Wayne (11)Lockheed (1)Max Payne (9)
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