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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. And Branagh's version of Hamlet is not only superbly acted and beautifully set, but remains the only movie version that covers the ENTIRE play.
  2. The Andromeda Strain - Original 1971 version. The remake miniseries has some good aspects, but is inferior. A US military satellite goes off course and crashes near the town of Piedmont, New Mexico, which then goes dark. Suspecting a biological hazard, a team of scientists is assembled at an underground facility to study the organism and incident, but human nature, bureaucracy and agendas prove as dangerous as the extraterrestrial visitor... The first half of the movie, showing the examination of Piedmont and descent of the team into the WILDFIRE facility yields fantastic visual flavour and unusual choices of cinematography, while the second is more of a tense detective work/biological procedural and race against time. Notably, this is the most true to the book of any movie adaptation I know of.
  3. I think they're deliberately focusing on Harley for this trailer. If trailer twp focuses on Canary or Huntress we might get a very different view.
  4. I'd say the DCU is on life support. A couple reasonable movies and one actually good one don't make up for the script vomit of the previous ones.
  5. That's one of the major reasons we want to get a good look at exoplanets and other solar systems. It's really hard to make any sort of general rules when you have a sample size of one.
  6. Except that inside about 10 feet/3 meters a blade is faster than a gun. A gun, even at point blank range, needs to be aimed to have a good chance of hitting the target, a blade does not, you just rely on muscle memory. In broad, open areas guns win 100%. In close quarters (and most areas of most ships are gonna be cramped) the percentage advantage is much less. On the other hand, it was rapidly discovered in WWI that long weapons (like bayonetted rifles) were much too long to use in trench warfare, leading to the development of trench spikes and sharpened entrenching tools. I would think that on a ship, with every square centimeter needing to be accounted for, cramped battle conditions would be even worse.
  7. Don't agree on Logan's Run. It has not aged well and I'd love something a little closer to the book. Totally agree on Silent Running and Rollerball though.
  8. UFO. With modern FX and a respect for the dark nature of the old series, could be awesome.
  9. Actually, I was thinking that stocked pistol.
  10. Yes. in the Deathstalker series hand blasters fired once, then their power crystals would take two minutes to recharge. And personal deflection fields that made conventional firearms useless were common (they also protected against blasters, though combined fire could burn them down). Swords went through the fields without noticing them, being too heavy to deflect. Dune, of course, had the Holzmann shield, which would deflect fast projectiles, and kill both the shield wearer and the gunner if hit with a laser. Again, swords and knives became the weapons of choice.
  11. Modern guns need a long supply train. Reasonably, energy weapons just need rechargers and maintenance kits.
  12. The use of hand weapons would naturally increase in the absence of ranged weaponry. As an example, on the space station Babylon 5, possession of firearms was absolutely prohibited, and the PPG energy weapons (which have very low penetrating power, making them usable in a dangerous/delicate environment) are seriously restricted - even the Ambassadors couldn't legally own one. But notably, the actual weapons in use seem to be primarily knives. The only exceptions were Michael York's character for one episode, Londo Mollari (who was noted as being in duelling society) and a Narn bodyguard who followed a specific and unusual honour code. Oh, and the Rangers, but they used staves, not swords.
  13. Big Audio Dynamite II, to wit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPrPNpzLHIk
  14. The Prison Planet in City Who Fought wasn't just criminals, they had a lot of politicals there too (they specifically call out the Shining Path). They would give the colony the drive to build up.
  15. Long term effects are also something to consider. In The City Who Fought (not one of McCaffrey's best novels, but one with some interesting ideas) the antagonists are a group descended from a prison planet where earth sent loads of criminals and political dissidents, which has now become a major pain in the side of the interstellar government, since they basically reject everything the "civilized" planets consider the basis of civilized society, and honestly believe (based on how they and their ancestors were treated) that all of it is just a lie designed to keep people docile and weak. Imagine if the Australian colonies had been solely made up of convicts with no free settlers to leaven them out and that the children of the convicts had still been confined to the prison colonies with no hope of reprieve. Sooner or later, there will be too many "prisoners" to control...
  16. Fireflash rarely HAS downtime. She's going through college and working as an open, public-identity superhero. Good thing she's recently found she rarely needs to sleep...
  17. They had something like that on an old show, Space: Above and Beyond. In some circumstances I could see one as being frighteningly effective.
  18. Is there going to be a finish to this one? Or have I missed it?
  19. Depending on the location and subsequent laws, lawsuits could make superheroing as dependent on insurance as Doctors' malpractice insurance is. Sure, 90% of malpractice cases are won by the doctor, but if they had to pay to defend all those suits they'd be broke and out of a job - and no one would have doctors. If insurance companies refuse to insure "malsupering" unless the super has the appropriate training..?
  20. Ms. Marvel (Khan) (8) Miles Morales (8) Foxbat (6) Squirrel Girl (6) Scott Free (1)
  21. Wow, out instantly! Ah, well. Foxbat (6) Squirrel Girl (6) Ms. Marvel (Khan) (8) Marvin, The Paranoid Android (4) Miles Morales (8)
  22. Ant-Man (Lang) (10) Ms. Marvel (Khan) (8) Deadpool (2) Miles Morales (8) Dracula (2) Galactus (3) Hercules (Marvel) (9) Squirrel Girl (6) Marvin, the Martian (4) X-O Manowar (1)
  23. Booster Gold (2) Groo the Wanderer (5) She-Hulk (4) The Great Lakes Avengers (2
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