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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Given that's the four and no one seems to be jumping up and down to do Toto, I'll name the new group: The Golden Agers Four heroes of the 1930s and 40s who have left retirement to try and sort out this crazy world. Most should have some kind of age resistance or other reason for being operative 90 years after their heyday, obviously.
  2. The (Cowardly) Lyin' Leo Tamaski grew up on the streets of Brooklyn, wheeling and dealing and making money where he could, and getting beaten up more often then even a small, sickly kid should. Until one day, when two guys were about to give him a good thrashing for daring to operate on their patch, Leo said "Why are you beatin' on me fer? Your buddy was the one rippin' ya off!" As a lie, it was pathetic, but the best Leo could come up with. So he was stunned when the two men turned on each other and completely forgot about Leo. Since, Leo has realized that he has some kind of psychic powers. People believe when he tells them things - but only when it's a lie. That might be a mental block on Leo's part, but he doesn't realise that. Leo's also trying to turn a new leaf. He always idolized the capes - now he hopes to be one. If only he wasn't so abjectly terrified of being on the receiving end of violence...
  3. Funny, I got quite a different vibe from that scene. Bond is a psychopath, but Vesper had gotten him out of his shell, he'd let himself feel for the first time, perhaps ever. And his only defense, after she dies, is to lock himself back in. Denying he ever had feelings is his only method of coping with the events. But he's lying, to us and to himself. Something to note: If you watch this film, turn the brightness right down. Almost all of the prints were deliberately lightened after the distribution company threatened to pull it for being "too scary" for test audiences. Hawks originally wanted it much darker and more atmospheric, to the point where you can barely see the Thing.
  4. Ox No one is quite sure where Ox came from. Best bet is that he's some type of mutant, but whether he's a mutated man with Ox features, or a mutated human with man features...all that's certain is that he was found in the jungles of northern Vietnam, and quickly became a solid member of the community that found him. Despite the stereotypes, he's actually pretty smart as well as strong, and he fit in fine with the peasants and farmers of his village, once they got used to his unusual appearance. That was in 1949. Ox had the brains to avoid the Indo-China War, and the US-led Vietnam War. But the Chinese invasion in the late 70s saw his village smashed and his friends dislocated or killed. Ox may be the only member of the CZ who's overly political, and his politics is simple: smash the state. Governments are for fools and weaklings. Ox isn't a brick, though he is tough and strong. He prefers to engage at range, with hand grenades (which he can throw at grenade launcher velocities)or his M-60.
  5. Long Long is really in this whole thing for his own amusement. He doesn't need the money - he's pretty wealthy. But on occasion he finds himself fighting someone who can actually challenge him, or has powers that his inherent near-indestructibility and immense strength can't deal with, and that makes the whole situation worthwhile - boredom is the enemy. His teammates assume he took the name "Long" ("Dragon" in Chinese) as symbolic of his powers. He's never bothered to inform them that it's just him being literal.
  6. Yeah. I have a great respect for Zappa and the Mothers, and readily acknowledge their importance...but that's not the the same as liking their music.
  7. Not as important as some of the other ones here, but this was my introduction to rock music: And this was what got me interested in alternative music:
  8. I love RHCP, but I can certainly see how other people wouldn't.
  9. It was that movie that got me to fall in love with the 911.
  10. Condorman is a great film. About a not-so-great super, but still... Might I suggest...
  11. Go-Zilla Six inches tall, cheap plastic...all but unstoppable. This tiny titan (made as a cheap knockoff of a popular Japanese movie monster) stomps around looking silly - until it's NUCLEAR RADIATION BREATH WEAPON starts melting everything in sight!
  12. Mannequin Average height. Average proportions. Face a pleasingly blank average. He/she could be anyone or no one. More often than not, the latter. If you were to pay attention, the face barely moves, the body parts do not sway, the artificialness would be obvious. But you won't pay attention. No one does. The Mannequin can go anywhere, as long as there are others around. In a crowd, he/she is invisible, and even alone the eye seems to slide off. Does this strange being even have wants or needs? No one is sure...including itself. But give it a task, and it will see what can be done. (Realize it's not exactly a toy, but it seemed to fit...)
  13. HydroHuman A member of the rare sub-sub-sea race (who live in the oceans under the ocean sea bed), HydroHuman is immensely strong, bracingly swift and immune to the vast majority of environments, even being able to live in boiling magma for a time and utterly immune to cold. He also has psychic powers. All he requires is a glass of water once in a while. He's one of the powerhouses of the team, but somehow, the press never gives him any respect...
  14. From a time before time was anything more than a vague concept comes Ugg the Supercaveman! Strange visitor from another evolutionary line, with powers and abilities far beyond those of modern men! Faster than a fleeing Smilodon, more powerful than a good-sized Mammoth, able to leap reasonably sized hillocks with a single bound, dumb as a box of rocks. Which , along with his trusty club, is the majority of his weapons.
  15. Just watched the first two episodes and enjoying it greatly. Helps that I'm also playing Witcher 1 right now (no spoilers please!). Elves did seem a little too human (similar to the half-elves in the game, but not very similar to the full elves).
  16. Actually, I had intended him to be the last of the Decagon, but it works either way.
  17. ...Prince Brutale, scion of an ancient family and rightful ruler of the Iberian peninsula! At least, so he styles himself; the reality is, no one in Spain or Portugal know where this nut came from. But with his blinding speed and a sword that can slice tanks without so much as slowing down, they'd really rather he went back there. Soon.
  18. From 1917 comes Trenchmaster, one of the first known supersoldiers. His enhanced strength used pretty much entirely to support his massive armour plated suit, Trechmaster isn't so much evil as desperate - he knows, from earlier time-travel adventures, that he is fated to die in early 1918 if he cannot find a way to never return to his own time. Father Time has promised him a haven in the 22nd Century if he helps with this heist.
  19. La Aranea, a Colombian drug cartel ruler known for her ruthlessness, cunning and use of superhuman minions. Whether she herself has superpowers herself is unclear, Happy to see new possible agents, but recognizing she needed more firepower...
  20. Sundog

    How to Wildfire

    I'd be thinking multiform myself. Accidental change to energy form if the suit BODY reaches zero linked to a heal bought to standard effect that would restore all BODY to the character (to show that no actual harm had been done). The energy form still has certain advantages for scouting and espionage.
  21. You can say the same for the classic Silent Movie. Fantastic and fantastically funny!
  22. Vile-8 Designed as an artificial human supersoldier by the US military, but things went...very, very wrong. It's artificial flesh proved toxic and acidic, and the creature's rot-green skin made infiltration work impossible. worse. it feels an indescribable rush of pleasure as it dissolves it's victims, and it really doesn't care who or what side those victims are on. The army locked it down in their secure bunker in deepest Nevada, but it escaped when villain number 2...
  23. The Puritan Pilgrim, a man with the strength of ten because of the purity of his heart! Actually, more like a few hundred - he's a pretty good brick. He despises Christmas because of it's associations with idolatry, paganism, and, far worse, people enjoying themselves. He espouses Thanksgiving as the only appropriate American holiday - an appropriately somber and religious celebration, of course.
  24. Last of His Band In life, he was Comanche, a warrior, proud and free. He sought to drive the settlers from his land, and he expected to die, a free man under the bright sun and the blowing wind. Instead, he died in a hole, in the dark and the stink, forgotten, in chains. Rage! Rage! His people died in droves, confined in the dead lands of the desert, too little food, too little freedom. Rage! Rage! The settlers walked his land, mined it's heart, crushed the sacred places, their cities sprouting like diseased mushrooms, pushing up through the poisoned soil. Rage! Too much rage! His skeletal hands broke the soil over his corpse. He took back his gun, his knives, his tools from the glass case the settlers placed them in to gawk and point. Then the Man in Black who was dead came to him and said, "If you follow me, I will give you revenge." And the Last of His Band knew he did not lie. The Last of His Band is a spirit of revenge made corporeal. A walking skeleton dressed as a Comanche raider, he seeks to bring death and destruction upon those who have despoiled his land and scattered his people, and his sense of blame includes their descendants and heirs. Interestingly, those mystics who have viewed him claim he is not actually evil - whatever force brought him back does not seek solely destruction. This is reinforced by the fact that you can negotiate with Last of His Band - but do not lie, he will know, and he will kill you for it.
  25. If it's anything like all the other "New weapon trials" the US Army has conducted since the 1960s we'll wind up getting some interesting peripherals and the Army will get a new model of M-16.
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