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Posts posted by OzMike

  1. Re: Speedsters:




    In our campaign we use a guideline of SPD + Damage Class <= 20; which has done a pretty good job of keeping the PCs within shouting distance of each other in combat effectiveness. My character Zl'f has been a reasonably powerful but not overwhelming heroine doing 10d6 with SPD 9; she'd be an unbalancing (or would that be unholy?) terror doing 15d6 like her SPD 4 teammate Silhouette. *snip*


    I had a rule of x something like that, but I think it was SPD + Damage Class + Best OCV <= 30.


    And I think the defensive x was Total active points in defenses(including base PD and ED)/5 + SPD + Best Non-Dodge DCV <= 30.


    Made for some interesting characters and simulated the source material pretty well. Varied from a 100 STR, 15 DEX, 3 SPD, 2 combat levels Brick to a 35 DEX, 9 SPD, 9D6 max damage speedster.

  2. Re: Speedsters:


    Not bad. Better than my version in many ways' date=' especially since I OIHIDed mine.[/quote']


    Thanks. It was just a noodling. If I get time I'll post a 250pt speedster that I played in a Teen Champions game (if I can find the character sheet). Complete with 50 DEX and 8 SPD (Yikes!).


    Actually rather that OHID I think a lot of speedsters have Requires Skill roll on their powers (Bar the heightened reactions/DEX/SPD and movement).

  3. Re: Coming back to HERO...


    One way of introducing HERO to new players is that you build the characters co-operatively. For the first character, it really works plus it means you can keep a tight rein on power levels and such. Basically, you do all the math and power creation, they make up the concept. It goes something like this (abridged version):


    Me: Tell me about your character...

    Player: Can I have Kung Fu? Like Jackie Chan?

    Me: Sure (scribble scribble) and Kung Fu like skills?

    Player: More like a ninja... And I want to be able to throw things.... like Colin Farell in Daredevil

    Me: Ok (scribble scribble)

    Player: And I want to be able to control minds

    Me: Ok (scibble scribble)... What job does your character have?

    Player: She's a secretary.... but no one knows

    Me: OK (scribble scribble)... Secret ID too... Why is she a hero?

    Player: She likes adventure and wants to prove that women can do anything men can... she protects women and children... men can look after themselves

    Me: Ok (scribble scribble) Does anyone not like her...

    Player: Yeah - some ninjas want to kill her....

    Me: OK (scribble scribble scribble) and we're done. Does she have a name?

    Player (spooky voice): Lady Control.


    And thus was born my wife's first (and so far only) HERO character - Lady Control.


    She picked up on the actual gameplay and combat mechanics as we went along, and had a lot of fun. And not once was it unbalancing to have an energy projecting (throwing things) martial artist with mind control because I built the character to keep it balanced.

  4. Re: Speedsters:


    My biggest problem with speedsters is at the lower end. They tend to suck up the points pretty hugely, especially if you want them to have a range of neat tricks.


    It's easy enough to build them as regular "three power" characters:

    (1) offensive power

    (2) defensive power

    (3) movement power


    You just need to balance them towards the third power more than most. Unfortunately, the result tends to be rather bland if you are looking for a Flash/Johnny Quick type character. It's less of a problem if you are trying to build Nightcrawler, although even there you tend to lose a lot of the "neat but non-essential" stuff.


    Basically, a lot of characters really suck at less than 350 points.


    OK - I'm bored at work. I don't have any of the books but here is a go at a 250 pt speedster. It's just noodling really, and if I had time and the books I could do a better job, but it's a start. Those unspent points could be spent on skills, something to improve END-usage, more superspeed tricks, and things like that.


    STATS (165 pts)

    15 STR 5pts

    35 DEX 75pts

    23 CON 26pts

    10 BOD 0 pts

    13 INT 3pts

    11 EGO 2pts

    15 PRE 5pts

    12 COM 1pt

    15 PD 12pts

    15 ED 10pts

    6 SPD 15pts

    8 REC 0pts

    46 END 0pts

    30 STN 0pts

    10" Running 8pts

    3/1.5" Leaping 0pts

    5" Swimming 3pts


    Powers (54pts)

    30 Super Speed Powers

    3u +15" Running (25" tot) - Combat running

    2u +6D6 HTH - Normal rapid fire punches (9D6 tot)

    1u Megascaled running

    3u Invisibility to normal sight - Just a blur of movement

    3u Change environment 5" Radius - Tidy things up etc.

    1u Instant change


    4 6 PD/ED Damage Resistance - OIF - Supersuit

    7 15 STR Clinging, linked to running - run up buildings etc


    31 pts Unspent

  5. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


    After reading through some of these, I have a few questions:


    1] How do you determine an acceptable power construction from an unacceptable one? Some are clearly bending the intention of the rules, but most are merely highly effective combinations.


    2] How do you explain to the player why they can't have it? "So, let me get this straight, you won't let me take the power because it's very effective. Do I have that right?"


    1) From my standpoint as a GM, most things are acceptable. However, if the players can do it, so can the villains. What the whining begin when you throw area effect autofie NND does body at them. Just remind them of this.


    For the most part any power contruction that allows the PCs to exceed active APs/Rule of X or become better than another PC for whom that 'thing' is their schtick is unacceptable in my book. For example, martial artists who do more than the Brick's damage through use of low strength, DCs, gear, and maneuvers.


    2) If it's about the maths and APs, or rule of X, I just show them. Tell them it's outside the parameters of the game. Warn them that the villains can and will use similar builds if they're setting a precedent.


    Ultimately if you're the GM and if they're not going to trust your judgement and chuck a tantrum because you won't let them have a power that makes every other player ineffective or means that they have to fight Dr Destroyer every week for it to be a challenge, then you have to ask yourself the quiestion: do you really want to play with them as players?

  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    Hackers suck. Sorry to hear it - I'd help if I could. However, techie-webhosting-hunt-hackers-down-in-cyberville stuff is not really my thing.


    Meaningless pop culture trivia seems to be more my forte. And I can break people. Hard. Especially hackers. Let me know if you need something along those lines :)


    Also are you still taking commissions or is that on pause until you find a new virtual home?

  7. Re: 7 heroes summoned through time: who are they?


    Just a thought - is language a problem? Or is that all part of the summoning spell.


    Here's my 7. Seeing as you've included Conan I've stretched the list to include folk heroes and such. I've also avoided using any wizardly and magicky types. Finally I've tried to include a few who haven't been mentioned yet:

    1) Conan (you said he is there)

    2) Odysseus (cunning, warrior, noble)

    3) Sir Galahad (at least as skilled as Lancelot, but more heroic)

    4) Zatoichi (blind Japanese Swordsman.... like Daredevil. With a Katana).

    5) Leonardo da Vinci (because he can draw with one hand while writing with the other... that's a superpower, right?)

    6) Hans von Hammer (the Enemy Ace. Awesome Pilot. Honourable)

    7) Fong Sai Yuk aka Fong Doe Duk aka Fung Doe Duk (chinese folk hero. Invulnerable like Achilles, Martial Arts like ten Bruce Lee)

  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    On the plane I saw:

    Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - much better than expected, but then I did see the second one

    Dragon Tiger Gate - cool HK martial arts flick

    A couple of episodes of Family Guy


    In Malaysia I saw:

    Previews for Curse of the Golden Flower (looks good) and Cicak Man (crazy Malaysian superhero flick - looks fun).

    An odd and funny Indian soap opera

    An episode of Alias

    An episode of Smallville


    Since getting back I have watched:

    About 1/4 of the first season of House

    The cricket.


    I have also been sick so mostly I have been watching my own dreams as I try to throw this summer cold by sleeping.

  9. Re: GMs: Funniest Character Sheet Mistakes You've Seen.


    I've got two:


    First one needs a little background...

    We'd played in a campaign where one of the PCs - a super gadgeteer - had built and activated a device to save her dead husband by re-writing reality entirely so that he was no longer dead (ok, part GM-plot device too). Only the PCs could remember, and the GM gave us all a 10 pt disavantage "Memories of an alternate timeline."


    One of the players must have misheard or something. He wrote on his sheet:

    "Memories of an alternate lifestyle."


    Second one is shorter:

    PC brick with a modified assault rifle had a slot in the multipower:

    +4D6 HA, 0 END - Butt Stroke

  10. Re: Crude Combined Marvel/DC timeline to use as backstory to a Supers campaign


    Bob Mathias won the decathalon at the 1948 Olympics, as well as 1952. I knew that without looking it up. Did have to look up Ignace Heinrich, Floyd Simmons, William Grut, George Moore, and Gösta Gärdin.


    The events of the modern pentathlon are épée fencing, pistol shooting, 200 m freestyle swimming, a show jumping course on horseback, and a cross-country run. Does seem like less a test of overall athleticism and more who is the rich twit with the most time and money, which would certainly fit Bruce's "image." But none of those really seem like Batman's forte.


    I agree that the modern pentathlon looks good, but are we talking old or new Batman or a mish mash? Plus let's not forget he is rich and has travelled etc... anyway, here's my thoughts and ramblings on the matter...


    épée fencing - I'm pretty sure Wayne trained in fencing during his travels... he trained in swordplay no matter which modern origin stuff you look at


    pistol shooting - old used to carry a pistol - he'd want to be good with it or he'd shoot folks who didn't deserve it. New? Aversion.


    200 m freestyle swimming - Wayne would be able to do this.


    a show jumping course on horseback - don't know how often we see him ride a horse, but Miller's Dark Knight Returns has an old Bats mounting a horse and riding pretty damn well.


    and a cross-country run - a shoo-in. See Bats Run. See Nip Fluff.

  11. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


    it is already "always on" becuase of Persistant. But if you Tag "Always On" limitation it cant be turned off.


    la Rose


    But isn't the rule that a limitation that doesn't limit the character in any way is worth a +0 (or -0)?


    Plus it could always be drained/suppressed/transformed away.

  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...



    Playing a Moscow-based super team. One of the PCs (Livewire) has infiltrated a Russian Mafia family to investigate a mystery. My character (and I) were absent so the character/I was getting the rundown from Piston Joe (another PC).


    ME(IC): So where's Livewire?


    Piston Joe (IC): He's infiltrating the mafia to get closer to some hard men.



    Piston Joe (PC getting flustered but still IC): No, that's not what I meant... I meant he's trying to get inside some hard men...


    The best thing is this player always manages to make comments like these unintentionally, gets flustered, and makes things worse :) with a follow up. I should start writing them down.

  13. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


    How about the following power as a starter?


    I can transform into Tough Man:Multiform into Tough Man (600pt character), 120pts


    Plus... +400 pts to base of Multiform Character, 80pts.


    Total Cost: 200 pts


    Total base points of starting Champions character?

    200 pts


    Basically you can be 600pt character with no disads in either form. Admittedly the base form is weak, but if it's good enough for Miracle Man...


    Secondly, I nominate 50 DEX as my favourite munchkinery. Only 120 pts too. Make a half decent 250 pt character (bricks work well) and amp it up to 50 DEX. 17 OCV, 17 DCV, at least 6 SPD, generally go first, base dex roll of 19 or less... its sweet.


    And for cheap? 1D6 Drain vs any single physical characteristic or power e.g. Running (+1/4), Returns 5 pts/6 hours, 0 END, Linked to STR at a total cost of 20 pts is a pretty sweet deal for a brick of martial artist.


    Note - The GM ALWAYS has more points than you.

  14. Hey all,


    I was just curious as to how you would simulate getting married in the Hero System.


    Why? Because...





    Had to come up with an excuse to post the news in this thread... but I was curious too. It's my inner geek calming my nerves. But why not have a discussion? Is it a transform? Just a perk? Or merely some really small writing?


  15. Re: Balanced Opposition


    To build a single villain for a group of PCs, one strategy I have used that works is to go for the 2nd best strategy. So I make OCV as good as the second best OCV in the PC group, the DCV, the active DC etc.


    Then if he's meant to fight the whole group by himself (or herself) I tend to go with Damage reduction (at least 50%) or I do funky stuff like give the villain the same stun as the whole PC group combined. Yeah, big stun I know, but it means we avoid the one-punched by Bat-God thing and after all I am the GM and I have unlimited points. Besides it's not really points but the power level that make it unbalancing.


    Depending on the type of PC group, I may up the speed by one of two points above anyone who isn't a speedster too.


    Then I have a villain who has the legs to go toe-to-toe with a group of PC's but won't blast/punch/mind control them into oblivion.


    And I also like goons - although to speed things up I'd recommend just giving them a number of hits they can take (e.g. Can be hit 2 times) rather than mess with stun, body and end to speed combat up. And they can have reasonable attacks but their CVs can be low. Oh, and goons never get recoveries.


    If making a team for the group to fight, make them a TEAM, not just a bunch of folks with powers who are in the same combat. Have them use teamwork, swap opponents, help each other. Sure, the PCs might get trounced at first, but you'll end up with opposition that the PCs will love to fight again and again.

  16. Re: Someone check my power build please?


    Way too Monday for me to have gotten this right...


    A while back I asked for some help making a Silver Samurai build, or more specifically, his Tachyon Field.


    So this is what I have...


    Katana: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Required Hands: One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4)


    Tachyon field : Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Does BODY (+1), Attack Versus Limited Defense (Power Defense; +1 1/2); OIF (Any available blades; -1/2), No Knockback (-1/4), Linked (Katana; -1/4) for up to 37 Active Points of Katana (32 Active Points)


    What did I do wrong here, cuz something doesn't feel right, and I'm too tired to catch it.


    Hmmm... firstly doesn't the naked modifier only apply to the base killing damage you wish it to apply to? As in 35pts for the 2D6+1 and not the 37 active pts of the 1 1/2D6 with 0 END? Or if you want STR and such to not really be an issue you could simply apply it to the 25 pt base of the Katana and reduce the added STR.


    If you want it to be really nasty you could apply it on up to 50 pts of killing attack, couldn't you? Although that gets pricey - yikes!

  17. Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


    Part the Third:


    Through investigation, hanging out with Ninjas, mind control, or some other means, you have finally tracked the Master Ninja down to his lair, a closed for the season amusement park outside of Campaign City, now filled with cunning traps (well, traps) and deadly Ninjas (well, Ninjas).


    Confronting the Master Ninja, you find he’s a full metahuman, with a range of bizarre abilities. He seems able to call on an unlimited supply of Ninjas, is an extremely competent martial artist with low level superhuman speed and strength, and has a range of traditional Ninja tricks, from vanishing at will to special attacks and defenses. His mind is well protected. Any character in your team with more than 15 points in Martial Maneuvers and related skills will be subjected at least once during the fight to 15d6 Mind Control, and ordered first to protect the Master Ninja and then to attack his team mates.


    You also find that the Master Ninja himself is a juvenile, not too bright, and apparently insane.


    How does the fight go?


    Snapback enters the hideout, having bypassed or spring all the traps finally encounters the 'dreaded' Master only to see...


    "YOU'RE A KID???"


    Snapback strips off what is left of his disguise, and draws his guns as he is attacked by a horde of ninjas. However he is reluctant to engage The Master. When the dust has settled, only Snapback and The Master remain.


    "Look kid, don't make me shoot you."



    "I mean it, I don't want to..."



    "Will you just stop? I'm trying to do the right thing here. Just listen to..."



    "Right! That's it!"


    BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! [Headshots]


    "Jeez kid, now look what you made me do. Stupid kid... I need a drink."



    "Just a kid."


    After the fight ends, whether the Master Ninja escapes or is captured, some but not all of the Ninjas vanish. What do you do with the Ninjas that don’t seem to be from this time or this Earth?


    Snapback shrugs, mimes having a drink to the confused looking ninjas, takes them to a bar, and buys them all a drink. Beer is a universal language.


    Meanwhile, back at the hideout, the abandoned body of The Master twitches, and his eyes, clear of insanity, open.

  18. Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


    Local thugs who join the Ninjas continue to speak their native languages, but display some confusion. If interogated

    they say that they now serve The Master, followed by comments that he "called to me" and "openned my eyes". The only obvious link; the thugs who joined the Ninja were well trained martial artists, not just street toughs.



    Hanging out with the Ninja will eventually lead back to the Master.


    Then Snapback would hang out with the ninjas (they're not real ninja, so they get the plural), although it would probably take a couple of goes because he'd, like, defend innocents and stuff which would mean no more ninjas to hang out with.


    Did you know Snapback knew a ninja once? (Obviously not, because you have never met or played with this character before :)) She was the real deal.


    He'd also keep an eye out for Seeker, who is also a fake ninja:D

  19. Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play?


    I quite like Josiah Brimstone... tragic.


    Signal Ghost would be fun too.


    Utility would be cool - I've always liked the character.


    Cateran would be an interesting play as well, but then I've got a soft spot for immortal characters.


    Old character? Dark Prowler... great character.

  20. Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!



    Many, many ninjas later


    "Hmmm, maybe if I hang out with these ninjas in disguise I can find out who owes me that beer".


    Snapback grabs a ninja night suit, hangs around in a likely area, and waits. When the ninjas appear, he puts on a suit and poses for a bit like a ninja. Then he hangs out with the ninjas and sees if he can find a clue as to where they're coming from. He will kill any that are going to kill people or beat up innocents, but crooks are fair game.


    Question: Are the local enforcers speaking the same gibberish? And do they have anything linking them together? Deduction 8-, Streetwise and Acting at 14-


    PS: Sounds like super-duper ninjas to me. Or Gweenies.

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