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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Character Curveballs Animal characters are go! The Swarmling is a collective entity that is spread over 250 separate bodies. 250 New York Sewer Rats, to be precise. These rats can come together to form a vaguely humanoid form than possesses immense strength and endurance. With so many minds, the Swarmling also possesses telepathic powers, that allow it to communicate with humans and animals, and shields it's own overmind from others. It's a pity that no GM will let me play this unusual hero. In it's dispersed form, it makes an excelent investigator. In it's combined form, it makes for a low-level brick who is surprisingly resistant to mental powers.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I once had a character that was an invisible telekinetic. After having found a group of VIPER agents in a creapy looking mansion, I began to hide in nooks and crannies of the ceilings (just in case), and did the whole poltergeist schtick. After having severely rattled a few of the agents by nearly killing them (Total Code vs), I sneak to the center of the ceiling in the room that they're re-planning in and loudly whisper(?), "GET OUT!" I then turned the the GM and asked, "So how many extra dice on the PREsence attack is that worth?" 0ne +30 effect later...
  3. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... :love:Harley:love: does all the recruiting...
  4. Re: What I learned playing a blaster! A straight 8d6 EB has 40 active points, which is 200" of range. Unless you follow this advice, are you really going to hit anything, even a hex, at that range. Even if you can, are you going to find yourself needing to? If you think you will, for a +¼ advantage, you can increase your active points and then multiply the new maximum range by 5.
  5. Re: How would you do this? Concept sounds like another T.V. show, "M.A.N.T.I.S." that showed up a while back. Why can't writers be a little original?
  6. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie Back to topic... Your powered armour had better be armoured. I once saw someone play a PA-jock whose armor was mostly PD and ED, with only 6 points resistant. After having taken a king hit from Grond without even being stunned, we was nearly killed by an Uzi. No STUN damage, but nearly dead.
  7. Re: 102 VIPER Plot Seeds (57) The Rabit Patch: While working on an uplift technique aimed at small creatures, Dr Moreau accidentally creates a formula that causes accelerated and uncontrollable growth in plants. Unfortunately, not only is the growth so rapid that the plants often "explode", but the mixture turned out to have been made using contaminated ingredients, and the contaminants were apparently the key. While he cannot yet replicate the formula, a local nest leader has aquired a batch to cause meyhem and chaos on the streets of the campaign city, while his Viper agents, equipped with special defoliating blasters, rob every jewelry store in town. The PCs not only have to try and stop these agents, but must also deal with sunflowers that once they reach their full height of 20ft, fire all their seeds like a claymore, 50ft exploding watermellon, banana battering rams and other such madness.
  8. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie Aye, aye. I do owe you an apology. My problem actually came from this specific part, which outlined that you hadn't noticed that you may now, with the GM's permission, use the doubling for any piece of equipment. My problem was that I have been hammering my head against a wall of ignorance lately, and you just tipped me over the edge. I'm sorry. It's a small part of the 5th edition rules, and to expect people to know that specific part is both unrealistic and unfair. It was also unfair of me to take out my RL frustrations upon you, as was it also unfair to do so on these forums. Thus, I apologise to you here, instead of PM. If I must "eat crow", let everyone see me do it. It doesn't happen often.
  9. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing A Mentalist
  10. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery My poor Guyver will be back. A new villain for my campaign that will now be hunting the PCs for ruining his attempt to "clean up" Edge City.
  11. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery Repped!
  12. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery Even relatively low power KAs can win big in the lotto draw, especially if they are super-picks bought with increased stun multiplier.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Which reminds me of a game that I was GMing. One of the things I do with reincarnation is that I roll a 50-50 check for gender. So when Aldon Topdweller, Halfling rogue found out that he was comming back as a Halfling, he was happy. When he found out that he was now a she, his player seemed suprisingly okay with it and immediately declared that his character was now called Ally Topdweller. I later found out why he was so at ease... Me (GM): You arrive at the old temple and make your way up the long, stone stairway to the temple gates. Grok: I will go first, as I am a fellow follower of Do, the Tester. GM: At the top of the stairway, you find that the gates are guarded by a Halfling in a simple tunic and pants, with leather sandles and wrist-wraps. He introduces himself as Marlow and inquires as to your business at the Temple of Trials. Ally: Is he cute? Other Players (in unison with GM): What!? It turns out that the player had decided that the reason Aldon was an adventurer was that he was dissatisfied with his life among his clan, but couldn't figure out why. The player wanted to play someone who suffered from Gender Dysphoria and was attracted to men (Not necessarily linked). Her reincarnation had been acompanied by an empiphany.
  14. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing A Mentalist Another reason for EGO drain. Another option is to buy negative skill levels (10 point levels, as they are the only ones that can affect raw characteristic rolls) with invisible effects, ranged, BOECV and the limitation "only to reduce breakout roll (-2)". You could possibly link them to your Mind Control, or even better, link all your mental powers to this one.
  15. Re: Yet ANOTHER WWYCD: Against your team Actually, upon review, the PhysLim is "Whisper cannot, through action or innaction, allow Mistress/Master to come to harm." He has a susceptability to disobeying Master/Mistress. So I would have to revise my statement to that Whisper would very much relish the excuse to feed on one or two of the team, but Starlight would still paste him the instant she clapped eyes on him. And his shadowblast isn't that effective against physical beings.
  16. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie I was informed that FrED was the correct abreviation, however, upon checking the FAQ, I see my error. 5ER it is. The correct FrED page is 309. It still doesn't remove Nucleon's ignorance to the 5pt doubler rule, to which I was specifically referring.
  17. Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers Whisper is glad that none of these shmucks can harm him, and that he hunts by mentally "smelling" your life force. Oh, and how yummy they all smell. And there's no sign of the Mistress to tell him not to eat them.
  18. Re: Yet ANOTHER WWYCD: Against your team The Specter: As the team's tactician and a part-time speedster, the Specter would in all likelyhood paste his teammates, unless the Stormlord got into things first. But having a relatively low DCV means that the Specter could quite easily just Sweep up the pretentious ****, something he's been wanting to do every since he met this incarnation. As for the party's brick, the poor lug just doesn't have the technique, and the mystic has the defences of a wet paper bag, just have to get him by surprise. Serendipity will actually be the hardest. With a DCV that like to hover in the low-to-mid teens, the Specter would probably have to try and get her alone and kick in the adrenal boost. Then pick up something large and hit her with it. Repeatedly. And hope that she doesn't roll more than 3 on the luck activation of her enviro-meyhem. Otherwise, there goes whatever it was I was going to hit her with, smashed right over my head. Whisper: Would run and hide. A lot. Until Starlight caught up with him and toasted him. For the 3rd time. He's bound by a physical limiation (must obey the Mistress) and a part of it is "don't hurt our nice friends from Project Midnight, Mr Whisper. It's not nice." Curse that 12yr old!
  19. Re: Martial Arts Question
  20. Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers The Specter would offer to train them in the effective use of their powers, concentrating on disrupting their opponents without also disrupting their own teammates. He would then introduce them to his friendly DoJ liason...
  21. Re: Martial Arts Question For one, the character actually spent 5 points on it. This allows the character to use their full strength, loses the "target takes half damage" and they recieve a +3 to OCV and a +2 to DCV. Now while this seems a little unbalanced, remember that they now also roll an extra dice when determining knockback. Thus, it's no more unbalanced than any other martial maneuver, IMO.
  22. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie Then you're more generous than I am. If a focus is damaged or lost, it cannot be replaced until the next adventure, or with GMs permission. The limitation without independant assumes the character has some way of obtaining another copy, but it does not assume that it is on hand. The 5 point doubler rule does make that assumption. As for whether or not you can use it on something other than followers or vehicles, read the page referrence that I gave before you post your reply. Your ignorance is showing. Now that I've gotten that cleared up, it is an optional rule. If the GM doesn't want to use it, don't whine. Instead, try and get them to have the same understanding of the Focus limitation as Nucleon.
  23. Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers I have to agree, these guys are scarily effective. Anyone remember C.L.O.W.N.? I still remember the pasting (lit.) that my PCs got AFTER they had soundly beaten Eurostar. In fact, *snip!*. To Sundog: Not. A. Word.
  24. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie Don't be cheap. Talk to your GM' date=' it may cost as little as 5 points.[/b'] Check pg 456 of FREd. And let your GM know that this is just so that you can have a spare suit, just in case something goes wrong with the first one. And if you abuse their trust, you deserve everything you get when they all get destroyed/stolen at the begining of every second session.
  25. Re: What power would I use to represent this? He's right, you know.
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