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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Make a Green Lantern Oath I was always partial to Lina Inverse's oath that is played at the begining of every episode, "Wherever monsters rampage, I am there to topple them; wherever treasure glitters, I am there to claim it." Then there's the classic superhero schtick of "I am Sailor Moon, the champion of justice! In the name of the Moon, I will punish you! I will right wrongs and triumph over evil and that means you!" But one I came up with a while back was this one, and rep to the first person to post what I'm paraphrasing. When all hopes have all been shattered And there's nowhere to turn And people wonder how they keep going I will think of all the things that really matter And the chances that we've earned ‘Till fire in my heart is growing I will fly, by leaving the past behind Heaven only knows what I will find Out of the darkness I will stride into the light Fighting for the things I know are right When iron birds of fortune are adrift above the skies And cloudy revelations are unseen by naked eyes And flying tools of torment penetrate the sphere I will erupt the rock of ages, and bring final fear.
  2. Re: Superheroes in real life The "Well's Hell" forgets one thing. If the upper crust go into pre-natal upgrades, this get's encoded into their genes. These genes still get passed onto their progeny, with the usual chances of actually doing something usefull. The rich have been known to marry poor people. The rich have also been known to get embarasingly drunk, only to have a spikey-haired twenty-year-old with metal bits in odd places, show up on their doorstep resembling death warmed up. The point is, it's still genetics. The poor (to which I can be considered to belong), will still get these upgrades, just at a later date. In my opinion, it will have no greater effect than any other expensive technology. When the automobile was first introduced, it was primarily a toy for the idle rich. These days, the vast majority own at least one, with the rich simply owning the more expensive, high-performance or luxury models. The same went with microwave ovens, reverse-cycle airconditioning, even home-security systems. In the end, any technology produced by private industry will always trickle down to the common consumer. Why? Because the common consumer represents too large a market share. Hell, look at artificial insemination, or even elective cosmetic suregery, if you want to look at related technolgies.
  3. Re: WWYCD: Hi! We're your Sidekicks! The Specter: (Will post when more data is available. Which Specter is this kid trying to emulate?) Whisper: "You have all of my powers, albeit to a lesser degree, and you want to be a superhero? Mistress Bethany, can I please eat this one and put it out of all of our miseries?"
  4. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... Once again... Read "The Evil Overlord's Handbook."
  5. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... GM: As you approach the bridge, there is a halfling approaching from the other direction. He is dressed in simple clothes and is using a staff as a walking aid. Me: I guide my horse to the side of the road and wait for him to pass. Martok (the Barbarian): IC- "What are you doing? It's just a pathetic little peck. Let him get out of our way." Me: IC- "One. He his travelling on foot whereas we have horses, thus, we can afford a delay more than he can. It's the polite thing to do. Two. As members of the affluent, it is our duty to ease the lives of the less affluent, which he appears to be. Three. He's a lone halfing with a stick, and doesn't seem to be concerned with our approach. He's either insane, or extremely good. Martok: "Bah. He's a peck and that's all he'll ever be." Dismounts, stomps over to the halfling and begins to tell him to get out of his way. *Kaboom* Me: "Three-C. He's a powerfull sorceror with little patience for bigoted barbarians. Oh no, good sir, we'll pick him up. Don't let Martok concern you any further." Weldun's Code of the Adventurer #7: ALWAYS give way to lone travellers in simple garb. (Prefers to play Giovani. Leave the preening to the Camarila and the posturing to the Sabat. Just give me the ability to rip out peoples souls and bind them and other spirits to objects for power. Like the Garou I have bound to my PDA, or the Metal Jagling in my Armani.)
  7. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist Never claim to be the "Undisputed King/Queen" of your style. If nothing else, the GM isn't under the same limits as you. Note to GMs: Try not to go over the campaign limits you have imposed on your PCs by too great a margin, except in the case of the Master Villain.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It's not where I got it from, but it's certainly the right syle of humour to be an alternate source. Sorry for taking so long, but the motherboard "conked-out".
  9. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... I was wrong, it can be significantly oxygenated, but less so than standard water. I guess it would have to be carbonated water instead.
  10. Re: Chaiku Theatre! Foxbat? Sweet! Repped.
  11. Re: Wonder if VIPER ever thought of this... VIPER academy is located in a planned community called "Honor, Wisconsin," not far from Milwaukee.
  12. Re: Help with a powered armor character with more than one suit of armor. I had a character similar to this, in that he had a single suit that could be changed to multiple configurations. I then just bought each configuration as a single slot in a multipower, with the limitation that I could only change slots while at my base.
  13. Re: Playtesting Champions With Cats Ah, children. Much more difficult to train. And when you pet them, people look at you funny.
  14. It's time for Champions Haiku! Yaaay! I stand at the ledge Watching the masses walk by Hunting their nightmares.
  15. Re: 50 Word Superhero Stories! "moonie" is a fan of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, where as "Moonie" is a derogatory term for members of the Unification movement.
  16. Re: 50 Word Superhero Stories! If it's hyphenated, does it count as one word, or two?
  17. Re: 50 Word Superhero Stories! Painful Reunion George looked at the woman before him. After over a century as the Specter, he faced a fellow immortal which his own heart stopped him from harming. A woman who had emotional scars from the last time they had met than ran very deep indeed. Her only words, "Hello, Father."
  18. Re: Playtesting Champions With Cats Hmm. You need to train those cats. Or only game with people who like having cats curl up in their lap and can pet them on automatic with their off hand.
  19. Re: WWYCD: Dare to be Foxbat :eek:Horror of Horrors! Repped. Whisper as Foxbat - "I have bodily functions! Eww!" Then would return to Bethany before Foxbat begins draining people against Bethany's will, thus causing his Teammates to destroy his "body", forcing him to live out the rest of Freddy's days as a, *shudder*, mortal. Foxbat as Whisper - "I can walk through glass! Cool!" Would probably cause a lot of mayhem, but without experience in controling the hunger he would likely kill a few people by feeding off of them. And Bethany won't like it. And when the team finds out that "Whisper" is apparently no longer bound to Bethany's will, they will execute the "Omega Solution". Which is, of course, "Kill Whisper." The Specter as Foxbat - "What the deuce?" Would begin carefully examining Foxbat's gadgets, trying to figure out which one caused the switch, but not before calling Vitas, and getting the mage to incapacitate his building's superintendant, "I'll explain later, Vitas. Just make sure you don't kill or maim him. It's important. No, really. Don't do it. I'm serious. If you do it, I'll have Orca paste you to the inside of your door, upside down. Again." Foxbat as the Specter - Would probably knock himself out, seeing as the Specter's powers come from over a century of developing is metabolic control. I can just see it, the first time Freddy uses hyperboost, he superspeeds right into a wall. And waking up to a 7ft tall, humanoid hyena (Vitas) isn't going to brighten his day. This character has yet to be played, but... Foxbat as Three-piece - Fall over and try to deal with experiencing the world through three points of view. Three-piece as Foxbat - Fall over and try to deal with experiencing the world through one point of view.
  20. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing A Mentalist Be Impressive. A high PREsence will make your Mind Controlling days a lot easier, as you can follow a PREsence attack with any attempt to use Mind Control. Here's how it works. As you move up the effects of the chart of the PREsence attack table, you will see mention of how seriously a target will take your suggested course of action. You may also notice that these correspond inversely to the Mind Control chart. If you achieve the +30 level on your PRE attack, the target is listed as "will nearly always follow commands" and that nearly isn't quite enough. So, a simple Mind Control with a greater than EGO result would be all that is needed to get the target to "perform actions he's inclined to do anyway." The +20 effect on PRE attacks is "will possibly do as the attacker commands" which correlates to +10 on Mind Control, "perform actions he wouldn't mind doing anyway." The +10 level similarly corresponds with "may comply with orders and requests if they seem worthwhile to him" and "perform actions he is normally against doing." Just remember, that the target gets a bonus in both cases if your order contradicts the target's Psychological Limitations.
  21. Re: The Inconceivables! I have a character called Three-piece, who was a lawyer/spin doctor/stock broker. Three bodies, one mind. He was "Three-piece, hero to the Corporate World." His primary motivation was that heroes are easier to market from a PR standpoint, and that it was easier to legally protect image rights (what with those pesky "no profiting from criminal activities" laws that keep popping up). His secondary motivation was, like these guys, that he was tired of his proffessions getting a bad rap. BTW: Once again I owe you two lots of Rep, Hermit.
  22. Re: Half Demon, Need Stats I would recommend trying to get your GM to help you. If you describe your intent as well as you have here, you should arrive at something that you both understand as having the same result.
  23. Re: Character Curveballs I think everybody who played TMNT eventually created a mutant animal that looked just like the normal thing but possessed psionic power. I even played a TMNT dog in Rifts, and tried to organise an uprising among the dog-boy population. Then again, I played a Chihuahua (sp?) Dog-boy Crazy, ala conversion book one, called Caesar, who thought it was his destiny to lead his people out of bondage. And I played a renegade dog-boy wilderness scout who was trying to recruit dog-boys for an armed insurection in the hills of West Virginia (where else?). Hmm. I see a pattern here...
  24. Re: Boogiemen that are actually /scary/... It's all about being descriptive. I once had a group of PCs investigating a rash of disappearances along a stretch of highway. They were checking out an old house, when a began describing to them shuffling noises. I kept having them make perception checks every now and then (usually when they had entered a new section) and kept telling them that they couldn't tell where it was coming from. As they went up stairs, I had them make another perception check, then described to them a smell by saying that it smelt "like copper, with a hint on ammonia." As they approached the first door, I told them that the smell was getting stronger and it seemed to be coming from behind the door. Another perception check and "it seems that the shuffling sound has also been coming from behind said door." They opened the door as quickly as they could, with both the blasters ready to pounce. The room was empty. The smell was gone, and the shuffling noise was once again impossible to localize. When they came to the second door, they kept asking me what the heard, smelt and felt. I told them that all that was off was the shuffling noise. When they opened this door, still ready for action, I described a large bear "raised upon his haunches, teeth bared. There's something not quite right about this bear though, an eerie silence to it. Okay, segment twelve. Surge, your first up, what do you do?" Well, Surge called out "Cross", and delayed his action. This call was for the two blasters to wait for the brick to pounce the target, and then all three would slam it. However, before the brick could act, the teams mentalist had his go, and tried to use mind-control to calm the beast. I told him that his attack roll had failed "almost as if the mind of this bear had long left it." As this was the description I had given him the last time they had faced a zombie, he freaked crying out "Zombie!" One coordinated attack later I said, "Well, you literally beat the stuffing out of the bear. And I mean stuffing, as in 'stuffed and mounted'." Meanwhile, my players finally stopped shivering. As I said, it's all about being descriptive. It helps to take your time, as well.
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