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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Thread Topic? What Thread Topic?
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Why do you torment me so?
  4. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? Despite having already said what I would like to see, I realize that I have answered the wrong question. What I answered was "what would I like to see in a champions supplement" in general. Transmetahuman has hit the nail quite squarely on head here and I would also like to weigh in behind his suggestion. As much as I would like to see write ups on other superheroes, this information would be more usefull to a wider range of people, I think. Rep for Transmetahuman.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... *twitch* Susano. Please try to include context where you can. I just went cross-eyed The Michael Surbrook quote was nice though... repped.
  6. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character) The Specter is basically a martial artist. The best bet would be to set him up beforehand by engineering a battle where he has to deal with a large number of opponents, forcing him to use his hyperboost. You would have to make sure that your bait is not only large in number, but drilled in skirmish tactics as the Specter is an efficient fighter with over a century of combat experience. The hard part will be noticing that he's dropped out of hyper and is in the middle of his crash, when he is at his slowest. The problem with this is that he is still a dex 18, spd 4 martial artist with relatively decent defences (PD and ED of 16, 8 resistant). He's also known to be highly resistant to mental/psychological assault, poisons and drains. Lately, he appears to have included some flash defences into his costume as well. Damaging, area effect entangles are probably your best bet. As for his companions... Vitas. Just shoot the mutt. The specter is continually amazed by how often the Gnoll is left untargeted, given the effectiveness of his magic, especially his summoned arachnids. Serenity. Area effect is the only way to go, as any other shot has to deal with the demon Murphy dancing all over it. Other than that, just make sure it's at least powerful enough to drop a VIPER agent, and it should suffice. Orca. A low level brick who's hard to blind and can leap around like an epileptic cricket on smack. He also has a low level entangle, that's just powerful enough that only a brick should be able to break out with casual strength. High powered, ranged attacks are the way to with this one. At least a .30 calibre rifle should do the trick. The Gunny. EMP blasts and the like to disable his suit. Then, lay down a stream of fire. High end VIPER blasters/Standard UNTIL blasters should suffice, but bring a couple of LAWs, just to be safe. Under no circumstances should Gunny be engaged in hand to hand, as it is obvious that he has received military training. Stormlord. The real powerhouse of the group, the Stormlord can throw out lightning cages, lightning bolts, ball lightning, flash attacks, and can even call in Thames-bank-in-the-middle-of-winter level fog that he and his team-mates are immune to. Suggest taking him out first with nothing short of a .50 calibre rifle, with the old BAR being the best compromise between accuracy and rate of fire. Why all the detail? The Specter already has these files, and the rest of the Skeleton crew have no idea.
  7. Re: Length of Background/Origin I find myself in the as long as it needs to be camp, but recently I've had 2-3 page backgrounds, simply because in most cases the characters are relatively complex or, as was one case, they are rather old (170 years for the Specter). That being said, usually I'm the only one who sees it. I mostly write them up as a way of cementing the character firmly in my mind.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Damn! I was hoping you wouldn't point that out, Drhoz.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Done.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The BGC and Patlabor elements of DoS leave me groping for a different take. That and the main elements are KoF/SF/SM. BTW: We're causing the thread to drift. Maybe we should take this elsewhere, eh?
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'm still trying to figure out how to mesh in Ah Megami-sama!, Ranma½ and Tenchi Muyo. Kimagure Orange Road is a snap though.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Just ran a session of my Streetfighter/Darkstalkers/King of Fighters/Sailor Moon-based Ninja Hero game tonight. Only two players whose characters are: Jian Maxwell, a tough brawler who "really hates this mystic $#!7", and Demon Sword, who just recently reveiled that his is _technically_ possessed by a demon. Jian - It's not that I don't trust you, but I don't trust you.
  13. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? What would I want to see? Well, the Sentinels and Justice Squadron write ups are mentioned, but what about the Bay Guardians and other west coast types? On another note, I miss Sanctuary. Am I alone in this?
  14. Re: name this gadget! Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like "Opinion Pole." Yeah. That's my official suggestion. (Don't you just hate it when something starts out as a joke, and then ends up being okay? Sort of like Foxbat.)
  15. Re: name this gadget! Your "Opinion Pole?" "Rod of Righteousness?" "Pain Re-Scepter?" "Crook Crook?" "Cane of Pain?" Lord Liaden's not the only one who can use a Thesaurus...
  16. Re: name this gadget! Step One. Thanks! Step Two. "Tub Thumper?" Just to keep them guessing...
  17. Re: Titles for your character The Specter was known as "The Fearless Man" from the 1860s to the 1930s. Since then, people have generally referred to him as "The Masked Relic" or "The Overdressed Throwback." About the only one that has stuck has been "Herr-Wampyr." But that's only when the Van Helsing's some to visit. Whisper has been called "that evil S.O.B" and "Spawn of Satan." Although on the last one, he is quick to point out that should be "Former-Employee of Satan." At which point they either shut up, run away screaming, or they attack. Leatherback has also been called "The Lizard." He's also been called "Baby-Grond" and "The Winged Love-child of Grond."
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I just remembered a running franchise in one of my gaming groups. "Honest Achmed's Used ." It first started as "Honest Achmed's Used Camels" in an Arabian Nights campaign. "Ah Salam, good Sirs! Welcome to Honest Achmed's Used Camels, where we have the finest broken-in camels in all of Al-Qalah! Please, feel free to inspect any of these fine camels. Oh no, Sir! Not that one! She spits fiercely, Sir!" This was followed by “Honest Achmed’s Used Cars.” “Oh no, Sir! Not that one! She leaks terribly so, Sir!” “Honest Achmed’s Used Starships.” “Ah, a good choice, Sir. She is a sturdy design, only slightly leaky.” And then there was, “Honest Achmed’s Used ‘Mechs.” “Isn’t she lovely, Sir? She’s one the last Phoenix Hawk LAMs in existence, now that Clan Nova Cat has captured the last factory. Err, the conversion module? Why, she still has the original, Sir. Does it still work? Allah, save me! Here I am, a humble merchant trying to fend for his three wives, and offering this worthy Sir a chance to own a rare treasure in these troubled times! And he asks me if it still works! Sir, do you see the laser mountings? They have been custom-finished by the finest Capellan sweatsh…err, hand-crafters. How can you pass up such an opportunity?” We soon learned to use his brother, “Brutally Honest” Abdul, instead. The merchandise wasn’t any better, but he really was “Brutally Honest” about it’s condition. "Honest" Achmed is best described as an Arabian version of Sgt. Bilko. (The T.V. version, not Steve Martin's, although his was good as well.)
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... And thus, a new restaurant is opened in Edge City... (Repped)
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Mid-week Star Wars game. (My first real oportunity to post.) The party is in a bit of a pickle. Johest, the pilot, is on life support and in need of cyborg conversion of 20% of his brain if he ever wants to walk again. Sandral, the former-senator/rather dangerous gun-nut, has just successfully repelled a possession attempt by an ancient Sith Lord (again, thats 2-for-2). Vishil, the roguish monk/jedi, is wigging out a little over having been possessed for the last 6 hours. My character Uran, the archaeologist/killing machine, is dead. (Time for character number 3. At least #3 didn't end up killing #2, like #2 did for #1). All of this has happened whilst exploring Freedon Nadd's tomb on Duxn, a few months after the Battle of Yavin. Sandral: So, where do we go next? Vishal: Don't we want to stick around and look for HK-47? Sandral: Not particularly. We might find him. Note: It does occur to me that the quote works just as well without context. El Muerte Roha (How's my Spanish?) is never a droid you want to "encounter."
  21. Re: Good-by Speedster Gate usually finds a gate will do the trick. "So, how long will it take you to run back here to Times Square from Cairo?"
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  23. Re: Suggest a Name? The Eskatonic. (Hey, so I'm a Fading Suns fan.)
  24. Re: WWYCD: Hi! We're your Sidekicks!
  25. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain...
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