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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Name That Band Hero! "Smile when you call me that." I just live here.
  2. Re: Would you play… This has been asked before, and the general consesus was Only with a GM I really trusted. Only with a Group that I was really comfortable with.
  3. Re: Adaptive Defense? "By George I've Got It!" *smack forehead* 75% Damage Reduction, Resistant. 60pts base. Variable Special Effect (Any; +½). 90pts active. Uncontrolled (protects against last successful power that had a detrimental effect, greatest effect; -1), Gradual Effect (25% is shifted per phase; -¼). 40 real. Why do I always have to overcomplicate these things? Basically, this will protect you from the most recent attacks that had an effect on your character. Example. Imagine that your character got heavily assaulted by mental powers last session, putting all 75% as mental damage reduction, and that your character has a PD and ED of 20, fully resistant. In one phase, your character is hit with a fire-based energy blast that dealt 35 (15 inflicted) points of STUN and caused no KB, so you're now 50% Mental and 25% Energy. In a later phase, the next attack dealt 28 (6 inflicted) STUN, but somehow caused a lot of KB, (I don't know. Shaped-charge Fireballs, maybe?), slamming you into an armored car while dealing 42 (22 inflicted) STUN, you now have 25% Mental, 25% Energy and 25% Physical because while the next attack was still a fire effect, the greater amount of the damage inflicted was physical. As a GM, I would prefer to see this, because it means that while your character can become nearly unstoppable against a single-effect, solo opponent, multiple effects can still dilute it's effects. And imagine the look on a mentalist's face when, after having searched your mind for your phych lims, has difficulty trying to mind control you. And then finds that his ego blasts are barely affecting you at all. Hell, you could create a real monster if you combine that with my VPP version.
  4. Re: Name That Band Hero! That would be Placebo now, wouldn’t it Hooligan? Tribe, I had to cheat for yours and I’ll be surprised if anyone here gets it. Captain Jack – A former PRIMUS agent turned sonic-based gadgeteer, he’s the team leader well known for his Capoeira stylings and Techno-Funk groove. Touchdown – A brick/speedster who favors wearing a football uniform and favors “death from above” superleap movethroughs. Sumertime – A mutant with the ability to animate and control plants, she also has the ability to generate and focus large amounts of light energy. She also enjoys surfing so much that Captain Jack has built a flying surfboard for her. 7 days – A mysterious being who has a different form for each day of the week, each having powers over a different force. Starting with Monday these forces are Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Light, Shadow and Mind.
  5. Re: Skill enhancers:Suggestions You could also have... Fighter (-1 to the cost of martial maneuvers) Now, before you all go ape****, hear me out. Remember that skill enhancers cost 3 points. This means that you need to purchase 3 maneuvers to "break even", and the enhancer doesn't apply to weapon elements, CSLs or Martial Art DCs. If you are using Ultimate Martial Artist, then there are 9 HtH maneuvers pemade that cost only 3 points, but, you do get what you pay for. On a general note, one way of looking at skill enhancers is as a elemental control with a 1pt reserve, that has a manndatory advantage of "may be used for skills (+2)" that only applies to the reserve cost. This logic could be extended to create any number of "EC:Skill Enhancer" frameworks, possibly with higher reserves. Personally, I would be extremely reluctant to allow such ECs, or my own fighter suggestion. The main reason is that all the skill enhancers in the main rule book (pg 77 revised) affect background skills, except for well-connected, which affects contacts and favors (background perks). These "defeault exceptions" to the warning against allowing skills in a framework is because these skills largely have limited effect in gameplay. The intention here, I believe, is to reward characters who spend a relatively large number of points on skills that tend not to aid a character in direct encouters, be they combat, environmental or social. The main problems I have with both of these is that they are reducing the cost of something that has already gotten a reduction for being "related by a common special effect."
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "I shall never see that advantage the same way again..." Repped.
  7. Re: WWYCD: The Dark Side.
  8. Re: Name That Band Hero! You guess correctly. Your turn.
  9. Re: [Review] The Ultimate Skill Is the font still readable with that few?
  10. Re: Name That Band Hero! Okay, Dbsousa, if you're still out there, do tell because nobody got it. However, I was going through my old tape collection and came up with this list. All girl, as it turns out. Fallen Angel - An Winged Psychic whose "mind blade" takes the form of a flaming sword and has a psychic attack which she calls her Pennance Gaze that reveals unto your mind all your sins, stripped of all pretense, assaulting your ego while whittling away your will and confidence. (I have stats for the Pennance Gaze if anyone's interested.) Wild Honey - A fierce fighting woman from the back woods of Canada, who can beguile even the most stoic of souls with a mere bat of the eyes and a flick of the hair. Miss Misery - A willowy lass who's soulfull gaze causes those who suffer it's full force to wallow in a pit of dispair. Night Woman - A stern warrior whose powers over darkness and shadows can make her martial skills almost unbeatable. For those new to the game, or have simply forgotten...
  11. Re: WWYCD: The Dark Side.
  12. Re: [Review] The Ultimate Skill Personally, I'm really interested in the expanded language table.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  14. Re: Adaptive Defense? Sorry, E-man. I read through here earlier but this came to me afterwards. If you want a slowly adapting defence ability, as per the Thread seed, Bloodstone is off to a good start, but has sprint out of the gates in what is a marathon run. Yes, use a "Defence" VPP, cosmic advantages, but the limitation gets a little odd. Limited effect, may only use added points to create a defense against the attack the points were "absorbed" from (-1). The power pool itself can start as a fairly low 15 point, which you simply leave in armour. Your control pool, however, is capable of handling up to say, 80 points. You then add 1d6 Aid Power Pool (similar to Kinetron's old absorbtion to kenetic energy pool, now that I think about it), automatically reseting trigger (when successfully attacked, +1), Self Only (-½), Limited Control (-½). It wouldn't be worth -1 or -2 uncontrolled, but the character cannot activate the power himself, except by actually attacking himself. This all costs the character 85 points. The reason for the aid instead of absorbtion, is that absorbtion works against physical and energy attacks.
  15. After having included a "dark" version of a superhero write-up in a impromptu supervillain team, and reading the "Shrike" plot seed for Bluejay, I began thinking about a WWYCD. What would your character do if they became the "dark" version of themsleves, ala Dark Ryu and Dark Sakura of CAPCOM fame? How would they change? Would their powers change at all? Basically, what sort of villain could your character be if everything that made them a hero was removed?
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The tail ain't the only thing that's cotton.
  17. Re: An Old Quiz, But A Nice One. I'm also seeing a few tacticians and butt kickers. Nice to see a lack of power-gamers, and I really wouldn't expect to see a casual gamer cruising around here. It's probably the flexibility of HERO that does this. Only those who are looking for a specific effect or theme would even bother with all the power modifiers and frameworks to the degree that would get them to work. I've seen quite a few munchkin's come to the game, make up about a dozen characters before one of them is even in the spirit of the rules. (I'll buy always on, inherent desolid, affects physical world on 5 STR, and then martial arts out to campain DC cap on defensive strike. What? I have to pay 5 DCs for every effective DC?). Basically, HERO provides a set of rules that actually rewards it's players for comming up with well themed concepts, even if it does require a little math. Well' date=' Drhoz found it, but I'll take Rep for bringing it to these boards
  18. Re: An Old Quiz, But A Nice One. Fixed. Stupid Colon.
  19. I was trawling through some of the darker corners of the web, when I followed a thread here. It's a quiz that tries to determine what kind of gamer you are. Like any quiz, it relies on honesty, but I liked it. Here's what I ended up with. You scored as Method Actor. You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits. Method Actor 67% Storyteller 58% Tactician 58% Butt-Kicker 42% Power Gamer 33% Specialist 33% Casual Gamer 17% As you can see, the quiz also tells you how you scored in it's other categories.
  20. Re: WWYCD: Hi! We're your Sidekicks! I know that I already answered this, but I have had to change characters recently. The Swarmling: Swarmling: We are here, who are you? Kid-Swarmling: I'm your sidekick. See, I can turn into a bunch of rats too. Swarmling: Who are you? Kid-Swarmling: Do you mean my secret identity? Swarmling: You are who you are. Who are you. Kid-Swarmling: Oh, I get it. I'm Kid-Swarmling, the prince of rats. Swarmling: We are not a lord of rodents. We are here. Kid-Swarmling: Well, yeah. I can see that you're here. Where else would you be? Swarmling: Not where. Who. Kid-Swarmling: ...Who? Swarmling: We are here. It would pretty much continue down those lines until the poor sod went barking mad. You see, The Swarmling is actually a physical manifestation of the campaign city's spirit, that just happens to have manifested within 500 of the largest rats around. These rats can teleport from all over the city to one specific location to come together and form The Swarmling's battle form, a pile of rats all desperately clinging to each other, forming a vaguely humanoid shape. When it says, "We are here", it literally means that that is it's identity. It is Kingdom City.
  21. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Well, I considered that the table would actually be a looong trapezoid, with the four core members at the base. That way they could keep an eye on everybody. PS: Yeah, yeah. I know I'm contibuting to keeping the thread alive, but a good point was raised.
  22. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Thanks for nothing, Twilight! Actually, as Sundog said, BP and Talisman have hooked up, and they have some rather nasty henches. For further enquiries into this thread, I would greatly appreciate it if you PM me instead of resurrecting the thread, as at least 2 of my players are on these boards. EDIT: Never Mind. Go ahead and post here.
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From Sundog's Champions game on Saturday night. The players for Gunny (Powered Armor Char based heavily on early Iron Man) and Stormlord (Mystical Weather Controller/Elemental Being) were discussing the differences in their secret IDs, based on their high intellects helping them generate high income. Gunny (OOC): Basically, You're a genius and I'm a super-genius. Orca (OOC): What's the difference? Stormlord (OOC): Five points.
  24. Re: WWYCD: The Darkest Hour Nobody said that you have to give her up, just that she can't be your slave. The Specter is an interesting sort. His already existant psych lims are Mildly Anachronistic (Frequently, Slightly), Chivalrous (Common, Strong), Strong Reluctance to Kill (Common, Strong), and Honorable (Common Total). Under the enhancement effect, this would mean that he would psychologically revert to a Southern Gentleman from the 1850's, with his abolitionist views of the time becoming quite strongly pronounced, to the point of claiming the secret ID of the party Powered Armor character (which as far as we know is his patron, ala Iron Man) to be of the new bourgeois, exploiting the underclass that comprises the half of Kingdom City called Skeleton City. And as for his quirky sexual hang-ups, he will ever be the gentleman, but will avoid anything even remotely resembling a potentially romantic encounter. (He pretty much would have needed a full genealogical report going back to the early 1800's, anyway.) Basically, he goes Golden-age, I guess. Now, assuming that this had happened before the Specter had taken a position in the court of an alien ruler in another dimension, he would probably look up some old aquaintances who were well versed in the ethical usage of psionic abilities, prove to them that he is the same fellow they knew 30-50 years ago, and hunt down the poor sod for some "forceable re-education." The Lesson here? Don't openly frag with the mind of a superhero with over a century of experience.
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From the Saturday's fortnightly Eberron game. Nona has crept ahead of the party to take advantage of her elven senses, when she sees the reflection of 3 eyes in the shadows. ME (OOC): Anything with an odd number of eyes can't be good. Nona (Elven Lurk): Guys. What has 3 eyes? Cast (Warforged Artificer [WIS=3]): 3 pirates? Ebon (Human T-leaf, I mean, Rogue): That's 3 "arr"s. Nona is complaining about the blandness of iron rations. Glen (Human Ardent): I could always create some berries to sweeten the meal. Of course, they vanish into nothingness after two hours. My Char, Jovor (Human Divine Mind/Paladin): Tastes Great! Less Filling!
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