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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: How would you use Gravitar? Now there's a scary thought. Gravtiar hooking up wth Blackstar.
  2. Re: [storytime] Birth of RAVEN And with Menton having once BEEN a pawn of the powerful that came back to bite his former master, he would be very reluctant to echo that event.
  3. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! And on a related note... Viper Viper TV A nest leader hatches a brilliant plan to tap the R&D capabilities of other technological groups such as UNTIL, PRIMUS, ARGENT and the Warmachine to name a few. He starts up a front company that produces cartoon shows for broadcast, where some of the less sensitive ideas that VIPER has been having trouble with are incorporated into story plots, hoping that one of these groups is inspired by the shows to actually make the concepts work, then sends specialised retrieval teams to procure (steal) the prototypes and research materials. All the while, making a tidy profit off of the merchandising rights!
  4. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! By the dark recesses of the web, I invoke the fell powers. Gates, Job and Palmisano, let this thread have life, anew! Anyway, I have a linked set here for all to shudder at. Mechanon Shadow of the Mecha-men. Mechanon observes a broadcast of a new season/remake of a classic sci-fi show, "Prof. When", and on it notices a race of cybernetic beings that resemble him. At first he is outraged that the show depicts these beings as being human at their core, but realizes that these beings have been stripped of everything human. He also sees a chance to scourge the world of the infestation of man by elevating them to machinedom. Mechanon with a Messiah-complex!?! 1) Rise of the Mechamen. The PCs hear reports that Mechanon has recently altered tactics drastically, taking great pains not to kill humans (serious harm, *shrug*, whoops). Instead, at all his attacks, he has selected one or two victims and abducted them. Authorities are at a loss to explain this radical change in behaviour, but are concerned over the potential ramifications. The PCs follow a lead to a remote facility (underground, in space, whatever) only to find several mutilated corpses, all with distinct evidence of cybernetic implants, grafts and replacements that bear a resemblance to Mechanon's components. Unfortunately, this lab appears to have been abandoned by Mechanon, leaving several converted half-borgs that are begining the conversion process on the last of the captives. If the PCs confront them directly, the cyborgs single out technological Heroes, especially cyborgs and robots with the warcry "Upgrade! We are still obsolete!" The PCs should be left with the conclusion that Mechanon has abondoned this grisly line of research. Until the hear that Mechanon has kidnapped Halfjack and Fiacho! This could lead to a series of adventures where the PCs, Eurostar and Viper all are trying to track down Mechanon. Do they work together, are their shifting alliances, or do they all simply get in each other's way? 2) Attack of the Mechamen. Mechanon has perfected his mechanisation technique, including the interesting earpiece control set. He secretly alters the staff of a personal music player factory, along with the company's board of directors, to begin manufacturing the control devices allong with a heavily discounted upgrade deal. "And for this month only, 50mb of free Mp3 download, with half price for the rest of the month!" By the end of the month, half the headsets in the country are from this factory. And all the while, subliminal suggestions have been reinforced in the users brain to wear the devices at a specific time. When that time comes, a preprogrammed signal will take complete control and guide them to a processing station (the distribution centers for the players) to be "upgraded." The PCs might notice this early, especially if they're the type that's immediately suspicious of corporations, or they may end up having to race the clock as people make their way to be upgraded. How can they stop this menace and is it limited to this city? This could lead to man(mecha?)-hunts and round-ups, and possibly research into reversing the proceedure. Is this even possible, or is there nothing left of the human inside. Are any of the Mechamen friends or family members of the PC's? 3) Doomsday. After several weeks of having to forcibly hunt them down and place them in hotsleep (if no cure is available), no one has seen or heard from the Mechamen, although many people are still missing from that fatefull day. There is little doubt, after analysis has been completed, that the Mechamen technology is based on Mechanon. Just as the world has begun to absorb that, a simultaneous overide of all the world's public communication's bands, and some military, are overidden with this signal. "We are the Mechamen. Resistance is futile. Humanity will be subsumed into a single Standard Operating Environment. You will be upgraded." From that point on, you could have a running series of events where the Mechamen transmit their next target, Mysterion-style. Or you could have Mechamen cells being hotsleeped in caches around the world, ready to do Mechanon's bidding whenever he calls. The possibilities are endless.
  5. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Okay, I figured that I would actually show some trust in my players, *gasp!*, and keep this thread alive. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that it's easier than emptying out my PM bin. Please note that the above is intended as a objective, despite having been writen in the present tense. I've also added a dozen agents in enchanted armor with flaming swords that can shoot fireballs. Yippee! Also, an update on my resources. Book List. 4E Blue Hardcover Classic Enemies Classic Organisations Ninja Hero 5E 5ER Champions, Champions Universe, Champions Worldwide Conquerors, Killers and Crooks UNTIL Superpowers Database I & II VIPER, DEMON & UNTIL Ultimate Vehicle, Mystic and Martial Artist, Metamporh, Speedster & Brick HERO System Equipment Guide Gadgets and Gear Fantasy Hero Grimoire (can anyone please tell me what "spell (-½)" entails?) Ninja Hero Hidden Lands HERO System Bestiary Villany Amok. The Dragon's Gate by Gold Rush Games. I also have Robot Warriors, but I was young and impressionable, okay. Along with Robot Gladiatots...
  6. Re: Thanks from a GM *bump* I've been here a little longer now and the sentiment stands. Seriously. Thank you to everybody. I only hope that my input has been as helpfull. You guys and gals all ROCK!
  7. Weldun

    Ego Boost

    Re: Ego Boost Nice one, Kevin. I tend to buy PRE over EGO. I have a problem when a VIPER nest leader with a less than thrilling speach can give my "hero" pause. But I also tend to bump a few points into EGO, say 8. But I have to look into the Iron will concept. Then again. My current "Brick" has an EGO of 20 and 6 points (10 total) in mental defence.
  8. Re: Stretching a point I had the same thought, only I took another step further. ...and if you could stretch it, what would the consequences be?
  9. Re: How would you use Gravitar? An alliance with V'han would allow this, and V'han would have a visible governor who has little to fear from the costumed superbeings of this world. "Baroness Erica d'Monstressart. It has a nice ring to it, n'est-ce pas?"
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I think that we're all agreed that Jayne is #2. I suggestion that might be usefull, just not in that circumstance.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... If you think of Player 3 as Simon and Player 2 as Jayne, it fits.
  12. Re: Would you play… Robyn is correct that the effectiveness of a character depends on the skill of the player, but you get this with any campaign. In my own Supers campaign, the party brick is played by someone completely new to the game, but through carefull suggestions on my part and from the more experienced players, along with some experimentation of his own, he has learned to use his capabilities effectively. Then again, one of the advantages is that a brick is a very forgiving archetype compared to others.
  13. Re: Adaptive Defense? Have I effectively killed this thread? *bump*
  14. Re: Would you play… One option would be to have the players build fully powered characters, but let them know that they will be starting out with no knowledge of them. Now, this does mean that some of the innate and persistent powers are going to be pretty obvious when they first come into play. The second part is to place as a character limit that they have to have, say, at least 50 points in mystery powers and 30 points in mystery disadvantages. This means that the guy who creates the minor brick with only 50 STR, could still get the surprise of accidentally ripping a car door off it's hinges, as he finds that he actually has 70 STR and "does not know own strength" It combines the best of both worlds, and shows that the GM actually trusts the players to play out the discovery phase. You could even have them write up a before sheet, if they have physical alterations as a result of gaining super powers, ala Ben Grimm/The Thing. Now, that's a game that I would be interested in playing in.
  15. Re: Name That Band Hero! It's not Billy Joel, or Bob James. I'm sorry, I've actually already given the biggest clue I can, right there in the team's lineup. How about I add another... Dream-a-Dream - A "head-in-the-clouds-flower-child" who also happens to a psychic with the power to place people in a dreamworld, trapping them in their own minds. Oh, and Tribe. Like I said, I just live here. Don't make me come over there and show you what 120 kilos of anrgy Maori looks like.
  16. Re: Would you play… And So, Gentle Listeners, We Look Back To Times Gone By. To That All But Forgotten, Distant Memory. We look back to... well the end of July, actually. A group of friends of mine decided that they were going to play shadowrun, and the GM said that there was going to a twist right off the bat, and then never mentioned again. Now, it actually took until the end of August before they finally got together. And when they did, and they were all seated around the table with the characters, that some of them had actually put close to 4 weeks of solid work into, in front of them, the GM's first official words for the game were, "Okay, I want everybody to pick up their character sheets and hand them to the person sitting to the left of them." Well, what this meant is that there was suddenly an "eager-puppy" newbie who now had to play a hidiously complicated Rigger/Decker, instead of the nice, simple Adept that he'd created. Another player suddenly had a character who was built around a concept that, while they had no problems with someone else playing it, required them to think in ways they found repulsive. We had someone who hated the magic rules playing a full shaman, and a John Woo fan playing a pacifist. And these are the ones I remember. The GM had intended it as a way of getting people to play different character types, but failed to understand that some people play the same style of character because that's what they want to play. Some people simply don't like certain character archetypes. I know that there are a lot of people who, if given a character wth a large mental powers EC, would never use anything except Mind Control, to free someone else from a compulsion. Now while this can make for a nice one-shot for and afternoon's roleplaying, if it's a campaign, they're now stuck with potentially over 100 points spent, that they'll never use. Essentially,you eliminate the greatest strength of a standard-points-buy system. Everybody of the same points, can be assumed to be of roughly equal power, overall.
  17. Re: Name That Band Hero! Umm' date=' I had this one up...
  18. Re: Body crash, Superheaded barrier, and superheated hands I suggest that you try and pick up the UNTIL Superpowers database. It has a fairly wide selection of powers, organised into chapters of "related special effects" to make ECs easier on new players. You can generally find something that's close to what you have in mind and then tweak it. As for your Superheated Barrier is, as St. Barbara and McCoy have said, a forcefield with a linked damage shield, usable in HtH, (an example even exists in the USD). Body Crash is simply the character performing a movethrough with the barrier up. Superheated Hands is probably a use of tunneling, as Metaphysician said. You can use the Super-Strength Smash-Through example in the sidebar of pg 241 of 5ER, and remove the STR roll while swaping out the SFX for the one you described.
  19. Re: How would you use Gravitar? And Freak Show could be the one producing it.
  20. Re: WWYCD: The Dark Side. I suppose that I should be fair and post a response to my own question. The Swarmling's only motivation to be a superhero as opposed to a villain is that as the Genius Loci of the campaign city, it respects the opinion of precisely one of the people in the Skeleton Crew. If she were to be removed from the equation, then it would very probably have no further thoughts of restraint, and would simply rip apart anyone who it thought was a threat to it/the city. Not to mention that it views the world through it's own metaphoric concepts. And to think, this character is in the same campaign as Vitus...
  21. Re: Name That Band Hero! Queen?
  22. Re: Stretching a point We actually had a stretchy character in my very first Champions game, set in a mish-mash of various settings including Marvel and DC along with the standard Shampions set (I miss Solitaire, if only for the costume. *sigh*) Our team's stretcho was called Plasticine or something like that, and his secret ID was... Justin Credible. (White-out for those with a low pun-threshold.) Anyway, he had recently developed the ability to grow 2 extra pairs of arms when he ended up tangling (lit.) with the female Doctor Octopus. They seemed to get a little, ehem, caught up in their "wrestling match". As for Plastic Man vs. Mr Fantastic, I could just see this exchange... Sue: Reed's wrestling with Plastic Man, how can we help him? Ben: At least you hope that's wrestling. Sue glares at Ben Johnny: I've got a bottle of KY they could use. Sue and Ben glare at Johnny. Johnny: What?
  23. Re: How would you use Gravitar? Actually, I'd noticed the recent gap in her appearances latey also. I have already planned (Dhroz and Terminus, tremble now) to use her as a Magneto-like figure. A highly intelligent and charismatic mutant with great power and a vision of a New World Order, one with mutants in control. Nevermind that she's also been working on a fiiber-powersuit (IIF) that amplifies her powers even further, but not without cost.
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