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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas!
  2. Re: Name That Band Hero! Doesn't anyone go to video arcades anymore?
  3. Weldun

    Ego Boost

    Re: Ego Boost In my games I have a TORG inspired house-rule. For determining initiative order, EGO can be used in place of DEX. However, if a character does this, they must only use BOECV abilities, holding any remaining actions until their DEX.
  4. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! I have a challenge! Eurostar in the West Coast of the U.S. of A.
  5. Re: WWYCD?: You Shall Be Mine, My Love...
  6. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever My vote would have to be Superman vs. Superwoman and Superboy. Superman returns from a mission in space, only to find that he is the most wanted supervillain in the world, having to hide from the superheroes. Superwoman, a.k.a. Clara Kent. Superboy, a.k.a. Lyndon Lee, I think. Wonderman, a.k.a. Dean Prince. I think you get the idea. Even the daily planet was no shelter. Louis Lane, Jenny Olsen & Penny White. Mxyzptlk was miffed that he had returned to marry his love, only to find that she had been under an illusion. Now while the marriage was annulled (false pretenses and all that), it had left our imp rather bitter, and while watching Supes and Lois get all lovey-dovey on his interdimensional viewer, he deiced that if he can't be happy, neither can supes. My problem with the fight was how quickly it was over. Superwoman basically just wails on the Man-of-Steel while Superboy sneaksup behind him and slips a glass helmet filled with kryptonite gass over our hero's head. How do you sneak up on someone with super-hearing?
  7. Re: WWYCD: An Alien among them On Champions-Earth, people had gotten somewhat used to aliens just popping up unannounced. On this world it could very well be the first time it has ever happened.
  8. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! I think I still owe you rep for ths thread.
  9. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Um, I'm already running this fortnightly in Perth, Australia.
  10. Re: WWYCD: An Alien among them The Swarmling has knowledge of how humans on Earth reacted to the first alien visitors after the war, i.e. tried to blow them up! It would go to ground as best it could, and probably discorporate into his constituent rats. It would then try and learn the local language. It would also try to awaken the local City Spirit but fail miserably as it doesn't even understand it's own awakenings. The interesting problem is it's "resurection" of it's constituent rats. It doesn't actually resurect them, it just incorporates a new rat into the group-spirit. After a couple of it's rats are killed, which probably can't be avoided, it'll end up incorporating the local equivalent. That may cause problems when it get's home. Alternatively, it could leave them behind, effectively "killing" them off. How would this world respond to it's own swarmling, when lingering energies within those rat-equivalents finally awaken the local city spirit?
  11. Re: Else Earth Naming Game...
  12. Re: Else Earth Naming Game...
  13. Re: Name That Band Hero! Nope.
  14. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! My last comment on Lord Liaden's Gravitar Thread sort of fermented in my brain, then this popped out... Gravitar and Blackstar Black Hole Son. Blackstar and Gravitar begin a torid love affair, breaking into large diamond repositories, raiding ultra-high-tech research labs and other what-not, all the while engaging in genuinely witty banter. (Ala, Thunder and Lightning from 4E.) However, it doesn’t last and the two go their separate ways. Shortly after the PCs face off against the Ultimates, which ends in that team “going to ground”, the PCs are contacted by someone claiming to be Gravitar. If the PCs meet with her they find a very tired-looking Gravitar, who asks them for help in finding the father of her unborn child, Blackstar! It appears that their child has inherited their powers and is forming a gravity well inside Gravitar’s womb, canceling out the majority of her abilities. Do the PCs help her in this quest, as Blackstar is probably the only being on earth who can help her deliver the child safely, or do they take this opportunity to subdue one of the most powerful supervillains in the world while she is temporarily weakened?
  15. Re: Name That Band Hero! C'mon! Nobody get's this one? Okay, two more hints. 1)Pay very careful attention to the Team's Leader. All the clues you need are there. 2)This duo's work has featured in a series of 600+mb AMVs. Okay, technically that's three hints.
  16. Re: WWYCD: More Than Meets The Eye... The Swarmling is a living embodiment of animistic belief, namely a Genius Loci or the Spirit of a Place, so it would view these vehicles as kindred spirits (no pun intended). However, "Where the Heart leads, We follow." It'll basically follow Serenity's lead, but will try not to damage the physical forms of these "machine spirits" beyond the point of repair. Actually, I think this is the first time that I've come across a situation where the Swarmling would us restraint on his own accord.
  17. Re: WWYCD: "I, For One, Welcome Our New Insect Overlords" The Swarmling - "Where the Heart Leads, We Follow." If Serenity says they die, then they have to deal with The Swarmling. (Just for fun, let's assume that the Specter has returned.) - "Let me introduce you to the emancipation proclamation. I didn't lose a war just to have you lot show up and overturn that! The fact that even then I was an abolitionist just means that I'm not going to give up!" EDIT: Thank you.
  18. Re: World at War!: Hitler's minions You might want to also check out Michael Surbrook's Site, specifically the Machines Section of Pictures That Could Be Superheroes. There's a couple of nazi warmachines there.
  19. Re: WWYCD?: You Shall Be Mine, My Love...
  20. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits!
  21. Re: Thanks from a GM
  22. Re: Bad Powers Mind Control (vs. Machine Class of Mind) 20d6. Only vs. Shopping Trolleys (-2). Of absolutely no use, as anyone who has tried pushing a shopping trolley around a supermarket carpark knows, shopping trolleys have 100 ego, +20 ego outdoors, +20 ego if children attached, and are violently opposed to doing anything YOU want it to, as opposed to what the kids hanging off the trolley want.
  23. Re: Thanks from a GM But even the wrong answers can lead you to the right conclusions.
  24. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! MWAHAHAHAHA! [rep]:eg:Metaphysician, you have just earned the emnity of my players.[/rep]
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Spoiler! Ladies and Gentlemen. A moment of silence for Preacher and Wash. Seriously. Watch this show!
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