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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? I have to back Kirby on this one. I recently had a villain get flashed for the majority of a turn, so, they flew straight up.
  2. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? Guess what. I went back... ...AND I DID!
  3. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? So, what you're basically saying is anyone with a AoE-radius, ranged attack is a Munchkin. At least with Gravitar, only one of these attacks can even do damage.
  4. Re: How would you use Gravitar? Yoink! Repped!
  5. Re: Villainous Matchmaking! Nebula judges people based on her own legal system, with no consideration for local law. They might actually hit it off. Could you imagine a Nebula who actually sought out the most dangerous supers, courtesy of Thunderbird's input?
  6. Re: WWYCD: The Dark Side. Well, I'm going to sleep well tonight.
  7. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas!
  8. Re: How would you use Gravitar? :jawdrop:It's detatchable!
  9. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? Gravitar wins handily if she's not surprised. Even if she is, she's in with a better than even chance. Segment 12- Grab Firewing with STR 60 TK. Segment 2- Slap selective gravity alteration on Firewing. Remaining Segements- Fly out to 450" and wait for Firewing to die. Ah, hell, she IS overconfident. Remaining Segements- Fly up to Firewing and bitch-slap him until he's unconscious. We need to remember that this is the woman who single-handedly handed Eurostar their collective @$$.
  10. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) The Swarmling - Single City Spirit seeks other spiritual entity for communion. Cat-lovers need not apply.
  11. Re: How would you use Gravitar? Two-Handed means that you would have too... no, I'm pretty sure that there're rules against where I'm going with this.
  12. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever
  13. Re: [storytime] Birth of RAVEN I forsee a reoccuring theme in my campaign... …in fact, I think it deserves a thread of it’s own.
  14. I promised myself that I would refrain from posting lots of new threads, but I just have to do this. Let's play matchmaker with various villains in the Champions Universe! For my entry, I have... Black Paladin and Talisman. Lord Liaden has suggested Zorran the Artificer and Stingray. Any more?
  15. Re: Back by Popular Demand-The Batfox!
  16. The idea of this brainstorming session will be to explore "dark" version of a CU character. It's inspired by my WWYCD: The Dark Side thread, which was itself inspired by the "Blue Shrike" plot seed for Blue Jay in CKC. Any discussions on "Darkness as a metaphor for Evil" belongs here. Another part of this is the idea from the 4E suppliment, Champions 3D, where one of the alternate earths had villainous versions of various heroes, heroic versions of various villains and a decidedly "Dark" version of C.L.O.W.N.. In the Blue Shrike example, I envisioned two new slots on Blue Jay's multi-power. 1) Pulse Laser - RKA 2d6; Armour Piercing (+½), Autofire (5 shots; +½); 60a; OIF (-½), Beam (-¼), No KB (-¼). 30r. Slot Cost= 3u. 2) Razor-Edge Wings - HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR); Armour Piercing (+½); 0 END (+½); 60a; OIF (-½). 40r. Slot Cost= 4u. This was along with the appropriate changes to her psychological limitations. Now, while CU writeups of heroes are few and far between, I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas on what the "Dark" version of these would be like, or even "Dark" versions of not-so-villainous villains, like the above.
  17. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever
  18. Re: Back by Popular Demand-The Batfox! Brain Bubbling in Overdrive! Batfox could still be maintaining her identity as Wilma Wells, as it's a superhero cliche to have a secret ID that keeps them close to the action, but now her mind has altered her recollection to that of her accepting the assignment because only she realised the True Threat of the Foxbat, (Dum dum dummm!). Meanwhile, her editor thinks that she's finally gotten the point of the assignment and has struck upon the brilliant idea of presenting the joke as straight as possible, with her regular Superhype collumn being one of the most popular. Now, instead of consciously trying to put a serious spin on her articles, she does it subconsciously as that's how she genuinely perceives it!
  19. Re: Back by Popular Demand-The Batfox! I see, so it's my fault is it? BTW Hermit, I know owe you two lots of Rep. *sigh* Consider this "yoinked!"
  20. Re: How would you use Gravitar? But I can. I'm running a Ninja Hero game that's incorporating BSSM and several other anime, but then taking a rather dark turn.
  21. Re: WWYCD: An Alien among them I know, I know. I'm still a little annoyed at it, is all. If you're a club owner or promoter, don't book Girl's and Dolls.
  22. Re: WWYCD: An Alien among them As a Security Officer and Crowd Controller, I can say that this actually happens.
  23. Re: Else Earth Naming Game... Another thought is that you could rip-off another's name. It's not like it's likely to go beyond you own gaiming group. Like the band, Consortium Of Genius. Hell, those boys'll probably love, geeky as they are!
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