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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Wierdest powers... SNOTMAN! Uh... Er-hem. That is to say that this series truly does have some really weird characters. Snotman - oozed mucus from every pore of his body, until the Typhoid-Croyd incident, where he became the powerful Ace, Reflector. Most Dueces had weird or trivial powers. The power to grow body hair at will, levitate a quarter (no other object) a few inches of their hand, turn into a puddle of water. Other weirdoes included, Elephant Girl - with the power to turn into Dumbo, the flying elephant. The Oddity - Three people trapped in one body, that continually shifts amongst their original forms, but never completely one. Orgin - a menage a trois that never ended. Patchwork (a.k.a. Modular Girl) - the girl who can detach parts of herself and still have them function (she liked to keep an eye on things). Chalk-talk - a little joker girl who could draw chalk artworks on the pavement that were so realistic, she could teleport to the place depicted through them, or enter the world that she had created, and even brought someone back one time.
  2. Re: How do you use Surbrook's Stuff? The one I played was the "underwear" game. "You came in that underwear? You're braver than I thought." "Don't worry. Chewy and I have gotten into underwear with tighter security than this." This of course brings a whole new meaning to a later line, "Back door, huh? Good idea.":hush:
  3. Re: A bit of fun in an old Champions game. A local university, Curtin University of Technology to be exact, very nearly had the unfortunate name of Curtin University of New Technologies. Apparently they had even had the marble sign already made before somebody twigged, but I suspect that that part is embellishment.
  4. Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!! Whisper - "Mwahahaha! Come, my brothers! Feast! Slake your thir... what? No! Don't tell me.... *sigh* Bethany says that I have to help you." The Swarmling - "We are here." He'd leave the rest of the explaination to Vitus and Felicity. Vitus because at least he understands the Swarmling, and Felicity because "she is the Heart."
  5. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? I do have to admit, that my figures are from my old 4th ed. write-ups. In 5ER, I haven't really paid much attention to putting points aside for skills, as I've usually had more than enough.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The advantage of Firefly is that it's not made for geeks, but all geeks are made for it.
  7. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? Personally, I try for at least 20 effective points in non-combat skills. (I use the term, effective points, to take into account skill enhancers). That being said, some have only hit the 10 mark, but then, it made sense for those characters. In the end, it depends on the character.
  8. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting And to think. There's going to be several vamps in my campaign. Each at a different level. The most powerful is going to be, Professor Meurte! I agree that the "classic" vampire is a little on the weak side in terms of combat abilities in a supers campaign, but then again, Daredevil isn't superhumanly strong/agile/tough. Amp up the skills, and they're set to go. I know it has already been said, but that's still my opinion.
  9. Re: How do you use Surbrook's Stuff? Just sent the Valkyire. Let me know what you think.
  10. Re: Wierdest powers... *Slaps Forehead* Thanks.
  11. Re: Susano's [possible] Character Thread I use tables to keep everything neat. RTF doesn't support it.
  12. Re: Susano's [possible] Character Thread And those of us who don't like characters with errors (read, HD designed) have no way of posting a readable sheet anymore.
  13. Re: Ideas for a curcus/carnival themed villain team You could adapt The Fun Bunch from Palladium's Gramercy Island supplement. A brief synopsis. The Heckler - The Leader, he's "an ace knife-thrower with a penchant for uttering an endless stream of jokes during combat." He's also a highly skilled torturer. Sigmund 'Roid - The team's "Brick". "Sigmund's musculature is hideously over-proportioned to the point that his every muscle bulges out ridiculously, as if he were rendered by a cut-rate comic book artist." He also "has the mind of a scared and angry child." Doctor Bones - A fear-inspiring Elastic-man type, who has a fascination with death in all it's forms. He lives "in his own, twisted reality. To Doctor Bones, the world is a nightmarish candy land, a never-ending carnival atmosphere designed and built by a deranged and evil mind. 'Like if hell were an amusement park.'" Twinkletoes - The freakishly obese ballerina, with wieght and gravity manipulation powers. "Twinkletoes actually appears to be a friendly member of the Fun Bunch. She never swears or overtly threatens her opponents, and at times even seems shy and hesitant to jump into combat. When she does, her attacks usually consist of running at her opponent as if they were a long-lost friend or relative and enveloping them in a smothering embrace. Even if her victim is beating and thrashing to get away, Twinkletoes will continue to hold them there, oblivious of whatever damage she might take." These "love hugs" can last up to a minute. If her opponent is still conscious after this, she becomes enraged and fights for with her fists and powers. Cane and Able - Twin animal handlers, with the ability to turn into animals and mentally control others (but not each other, despite their favored tactic/schtick). In Combat, one brother will assume animal form and submits to every command of the other. "The pair is fond of abducting people and imprisoning them for as long as weeks, even months, turning them into slaves and pets to be brutalized and tortured. Punch and Judy - "Two super-brawlers who enjoy hurting each other as much as the dozens of innocent bystanders who regularly fall prey to them." Apparently every crew of evil carneys need a good slapstick act. In combat, these two are very good at fighting as a team, double-teaming single opponents "like a demented pair of cheating tag-team wrestlers." An interesting quirk is if one of them should miss an opponent three times in a row, the other will become enraged and beat on him/her out of frustration. Jojo Fahrenheit - A mutant who can breathe fire, he believes that he needs to drink alcohol, lighter fluid or other flamable liquids for his powers to work. Curiously, he needs to consume a gallon of high octane fuel (102 octane or higher) each day for nourishment, or suffer effects simlar to malnutrition. Sticky Pete - I highly agile wall-crawler, who can lob sticky globs of adhesive. He used to use this ability to trap a vitim and slaughter them slowly, rejoicing in their pain and fear, but recently has been content to simply give them a good scare and let them live. Lately, it seems as if Palladium's HU characters have been writen up in HERO before being converted to their own system. Most of them have more detailed flaws than previous products.
  14. Re: How do you use Surbrook's Stuff? I've sent you my combat sheet design. I'll probably get the Valkyrie to you tomorrow or the day after.
  15. Re: Need Help with a Name Nope. No Help. Although, Cardinal popped out for no reason other than 4 points of direction. Sorry.
  16. Re: Need Help with a Name Any info on the Vanguard or their powers at the time? I can feel a couple of ideas in the back of my brain. Some that have actually taken form, however, are... Tetradyne - It plays on his artificial origins as well as referencing the Tetrahedron, a 4-sided pyramid, which acts as a metaphor for four different powers sets meeting into one entity. Pinnacle or Apex- Another reference to pyramid imagery, as in that metaphor, he is at the apex.
  17. Re: Weapon Overheat I think Sundog might be interested in some of those writeups.
  18. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? Argument accepted. I now agree that she is a munchkin build. Q: What's the Solution? A: Remove the power and replace the slot with a selective version of her AoE TK, that doesn't have the "only to hold onto/off ground" limitation. This means that she can throw various people within an area around without to much effort, but if she scatters them, she ends up having to focus her attention some. Much of the same effect, but without the smell of Cheddar.
  19. Re: Weapon Overheat Start with the build at the point where the attack is "safe" to use. Then, build the rest as a naked advantage, essentially building it as a partially limited power, which is what I read your description as, anyway. Example Plasma Rifle: RKA 4d6; Penetrating (+½); Autofire (3 shots; +¼); Charges (4 clips of 60; +¾); 150 active; OAF (Plasma Rifle; -1); Two Hands (-½); STR Min 12 (STR min cannot add/subtract damage; -1); Real Weapon (-¼). 40 Real. and Autofire (+2; +¼) of RKA; 15 active; OAF (Plasma Rifle; -1); Two Hands (-½); STR Min 12 (STR min cannot add/subtract damage; -1); Real Weapon (-¼); Burnout 12- (-½); Side Effect (Burnout affects entire power; (-½). 3 real. A burnout of 12- still means that 75% of the time, the weapon doesn't burnout at full power, but the risk is, the weapon won't fire at all if it does. I based the side effect value on lockout. Another build could lose autofire from the base build, and each level of autofire applied has an increased chance of burnout.
  20. Re: How do you use Surbrook's Stuff? Sure thing, just as soon as I get around to digitising. I still do most my own work via graphite-etchings-on-compressed-vegeteable-matter.
  21. Re: Wierdest powers... I personally found the "yellow" weakness of the post Allan Scott era to be, well, weak. Not to mention a little inconsistent at times, but that was bad writing, not character conceptualization. But, c'mon, Yellow!?! What if Hal Jordan had corn for breakfast? I even remember a "joke-ish" issue where the "villain" was a guy in a yellow raincoat and mask, running around with a portable industrial spraypainter, that was yellow, and loaded with yellow paint. It too an entire issue for Hal to realise that all he had to do was walk up to the shmuck and sock him one in the jaw. Only to find that this was some mentor-figure who never appeared again, who was prattling on about "not relying to much on the power." Nice sentiment, but c'mon. This is a superhero who's taken out of a fight by a can of paint. Okay. Not so much "wierdest power" as "wierdest weakness."
  22. Re: How do you use Surbrook's Stuff? Well, for one, some of the character write-ups have been intsrumental in my Ninja Hero campaign. Namely, Street Fighter and Sailor Moon. With some modifications, the Doom stuff is also going to come in handy. As for my Champions campaign, I'm finding that I'm drawing a lot of inspiration from "Pictures That Could Be Superheroes." The Gepanzerter photos have been applied, and now Edge City's finest are all decked out like Nazi Stormtroopers. But then again, so is the party's team leader, so :shrug:. I was already going to stat up a VF-1J inspired Mecha (finished stats if you want them, Susano), for the US Navy, so the pic goes great. Killzone:love: is also soon to make an appearance, but I still have to finalise some stats. Oh, and I just couldn't resist including an LV-426 lifeform in the opening adventure (modified version of Palladium's "Planetfall" scenario). Perhaps I should have resisted, but I still contend that a character that attacks a creature with a 4d6 HKA and doesn't have or activate resistant defenses is asking to be disolved into a puddle by a massive spray of molecular acid.
  23. Re: What is Munchkin? I just can't bring myself to do it... ...I'm sleep-deprived, not sleep-depraved.
  24. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? 1) I don't have that book, no. 2) The write-up, based on the information that you have given, is wrong. His AoE should be 9" radius. 3) Fair enough. You had only implied the AoE=Munchkin, but have now clarified your position. If you take a look at the quoted sections, however, you can see where it is very easily read that way. Namely, "her next two munchkin powers." I still fail to see how these two, specific powers are, "munchkin", when STR 100 TK is a far more likely candidate. Now, as for any bad feelings that this debate may be generating... chill. This goes out to everyone.
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