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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: WIYCT: What is your character's theme? I care not for the opinions of heathens. And, come on! At least put some effort into it, McCoy!
  2. Re: Help with a character name Yeah. Blindside is definitely the way to go. It has zing, and it plays upon her blindness and her ability to come at you from unexpected angles. Seriously, I so doubt that anyone can top it, I'll rep anyone who does. Rep already given to Trained Chicken.
  3. Re: Quiz/Brainstorm: What's your Special Ability? Found another site. I typed in Weldun, for your reference. I'm almost tempted to do a writeup.
  4. Re: Wierdest powers... Control Static Electricity from "that other game".
  5. Re: Quiz/Brainstorm: What's your Special Ability? So, Cancer Man gets Explosives that are already attached to their targets, Sundog gets to screw with peoples heads (Lamb Chop closing theme, anyone?), Tribe has Urinary Pyrotechnics, Freakboy can have more than all the time in the world, or be The Blob, Drhoz and Crosshair Collie possibly hold the key to understanding zero-point energy and tesseracts and Sketchpad is the Angling Armorer. And what to Hermit and I have? The ability to be of tremendous help during election campaigns and telepathically induced grastric distress. Hermit. We suck.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'm just glad that as a City Spirit, I (The Swarmling) don't get distracted by such things and was able to eventually get them on track. Also, Orca was being rather unsubtle about his escape attempts, to which this little bit of OOC occured. Player 1 (The Gunny): Orca. Subtlety. Hmmm... Me: Subtlety, meet Orca. Orca, meet... ORCA! Stop eating subtlety!
  7. Re: WIYCT: What is your character's theme? BECAUSE IT'S NOT "INVINCIBLE!" Err. That is to say, it's original title was "The Ballad of Billie Jean", the theme from "The Legend of Billie Jean", a 1986 flop/classic starring Helen Slater (Supergirl), Christian Slater (Several Broadway Roles and Numerous Television and Movie Roles, even voice-work as Composite Santa in Robot Chicken), Keith Gordon (Now a Director with Directing Credits in Homicide: Life on the Streets, Gideon's Crossing, "Dexter" and House), Peter Coyote (Sphere, Erin Brockovich, 4400) and Yeardly Smith (voice of Lisa Simpson). However, her idiot manager at the time didn't think the name would sell, so it was billed as "Invicible: The Ballad of Billie Jean". Sorry. I just love that song.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ...are the adults of tomorrow.
  9. Drhoz came across this little "quiz", and I was suprised by my result. Firstly, it sound like a Duece ability from Wild Cards. Secondly, I'm trying to figure out how it would stat out in HERO. Thirdly, as the title says. "What's your Superpower" according to this quiz? Drhoz gets a mathematical impossibility (he can divide by zero) and I get telepathically induced flatulence.
  10. Weldun

    Ego Boost

    Re: Ego Boost Hyenas. I got them, NT.
  11. Weldun

    WIYCT: Concept

    Re: WIYCT: Concept That would still work. I'm an Eastman and Laird fan, so...
  12. Re: Caution : Superhero at Work PC. Iron age. And Avatar's player can blame Drhoz for what's going to happen next.
  13. Weldun

    WIYCT: Concept

    Re: WIYCT: Concept Curiously, Gunner wouldn't be a joke in my Champions Campaign.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Blunder-quote. For a Fantasy Hero game, a player had just gotten his hands on a power magical weapon, the Obsidian Rapier. Now, a few few sessions were played where we found that it was a 4d6 HKA! Then someone noticed a curious misspelling by the player. He had it listed as a Obsidian raper. Quote the GM: "Well, I suppose it makes sense. One hit from that thing and you're..."
  15. Weldun

    WIYCT: Concept

    Re: WIYCT: Concept Emphasis=Mine. I'm sensing a theme here, but I can't quite put my finger on it...
  16. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! I owe you rep, Kirby.
  17. My reply to AdamLeisemann's theme-song thread starting the old noggin workin', and I began to wonder about what concepts people are posting about. When trying to explain to someone why HERO is so much better than whatever crap their playing, one of the things I have trouble getting across is the flexibility of the system. People just tend to look at the size of the character creation system and run for the hills. So I was wondering at what the basic concepts that went into people characters are? Here's a list of some of mine... Beastlord - Doctor Dolittle meets Batman meets Daredevil. A highly acrobatic crime-fighter who has a wide array of gadgets and just happens to be able to "talk with the animals". Facet - Mutant with the ability to draw power from gemstones, started as an experiment in converting Palladium's Gem Powers ability and experimenting with "double-strength" multipowers. Gate - Dimension Hopping Wizard with a reputation as a storm crow. Gee - Heavily watered down version of Gravitar and activist for Mutant Rights. Gigas - Speedster/Brick who really just wants to have a little fun. Hardcase - Part of my Palladium Project, his creation was inspired by the movie, Equilibrium. HU2 Weapon Expert. Leatherback - College student on a football scholarship and catholic who transforms into "the forgotten love-child of Grond". He channeled the power of the Ultimate Herptile, he embodied all their supposed powers. I also just wanted to play an American-football-as-a-martial-art character. Platinum - A former Silver Avenger who retained most of his abilities, he augments them with captured VIPER technology. He grew frustrated with the bureacracy in PRIMUS and went freelance, before becoming a sanctioned PRIMUS liason. Polecat - Alien Law Enforcement Officer who doesn't respect jurustictional boundaries. More a gadgeteer as his physical abilities are fairly typical for his species. Professor Grey - Mutant Diabolist who is very glad he has tenure. His familiar is well known around campus as having uncanny skill as a bombardier. Shadowfire - Half-Daemon Mystic-Hunter. Being of two spirits, one daemonic, the other human. (I later found out about the movie, Demon Hunter). The Specter - The Palladium Project again, an immortal mutant who had the ability to control his own metabolism. As a twist, he was born in the 19th century and fought for the South during the "Second American Revolution". The Swarmling - Palladium Project, this time a gestalt being. The Spirit of the Campaign city given form, his humanoid form is composed of 500 rats. Whisper - An unrepentant demon bound to the will of an innocent. Weldun - A psychic warrior/templar of Marfa who was originally played in a Lodoss game, then in a Crystania game. I have since converted him to HERO, dropping a few things that aren't necessary for the concept and await a chance to play him in a supers campaign. Inspired by Drhoz's successfull (eventually) import of Vitus Dur'haz, a Gnoll Wizard.
  18. Re: WIYCT: What is your character's theme? Emphasis=Mine. In that case, wouldn't "Don't Stop Me Now" be more apropriate. EDIT: This thread got me thinking.
  19. Re: Today's Bad Idea Powersuited Villain with the most predictable attacks in hiistory. The Ankle-Laser. The most slovenly assassin in the world, the Lazier. The green-skinned, bonsai-villain, Frond. Is it me, or do that last two look like they ran into Letterman?
  20. Re: Caution : Superhero at Work While Avatar may only be three years old, his mental and emotional maturity is more like that of an eight year-old. The Sun (Helios/Ra/Amateresu/Ra/Shamash etc...) imbued Avatar with a fail amount of knowledge. It's just that it was gleaned from radio signals from earth. Yes, it's more frightening than a three year-old. It's an eight year-old, whose understanding of the world comes almost entirely from television, and has the power to melt entire buldings. I've got the understanding of a 4-year-old I've got the piece of mind of a killer soul I've got the rationale of a new york cop I've got the patience of a chopping block yeah Trip like i do:eg:
  21. Re: WIYCT: What is your character's theme? That would be "Duel of Fates" and way cool. Well, for almost all my characters, I tend to get "Ego is not a Dirty Word" by the Skyhooks at some point, but specifically... Beastlord - "Trip Like I Do" by Filter and Crystal Method (Spawn OST). Facet - "She's Got The Power" by Stan Bush. Gate - "Open Your Heart" by Crush 40 (Sonic Adventure #1). Gee - "Look Up!" by Yellow Dancer (Robotech: New Generation). Gigas - "Kick some @$$" by Stroke 9. Hardcase - "Body Hammer" by Fear Factory ("As of now/I am a tool/Of severe impact/Hammer down/Cause and effect/And create a new world"). Leatherback - "The Thing I Hate” by Stabbing Westward. Platinum - "Little Less Conversation" by Elvis Presley & JXL. Polecat - "One" by Filter (orig. John Farnham). Professor Grey - "Liberi Fatali" by Nobuo Uematsu. Shadowfire - "Freak on a Leash" by Korn. The Specter - "Land of Confusion" by Genesis. The Swarmling - "The End is the Begining is the End" by the Smashing Pumpkins. Whisper - "I Kill Children" by the Dead Kennedies. Weldun - (Firstly, *gasp* He's letting us know something else about his namesake!) "Plowed" by Sponge. Will I wake up Is it a dream I made up No I guess its reality What will change us Or will we mess up Our only chance to connect With a dream Say a prayer for me Im buried by the sound In a world of human Wreckage Im lost and Im found And I cant touch the Ground Im plowed into the sound To see wide open With a head thats broken Hang a life on a tragedy Plow me under the ground That covers the message That is the seed
  22. Re: Eurostar's current line up Wow. I was going to make a point about how the current line up is still something to be feared, but that pretty much sums it up, right there.
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Repped!
  24. Re: Eurostar's current line up A throwaway comment by somebody on this board (Lord Liaden I think) is prompting me to write a little extra into the Eurostar background. Bora's not entirely dead, her mind lives on inside her lover, Mentala's mind. Not exactly on topic, but it shows how you can turn the change in the roster to a plot point. Mind you, I'm already doing that with the resurection of Professor Muerte, setting up a Dark Kingdom clash with Eurostar.
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