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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? Hmm. Several times a key term appears. "Suspension of Disbelief." We play these games to have fun and tell a good story. If we wanted absolute realism, we wouldn't play these games, we simply reside only in the real world. So, in this context, at what point do we say that a secret identity is too unrealistic? That it stretches our ability to suspend our disbelief to breaking point? In my games, I tend to cut the PC a little slack, and so long as they pay a little more than lip service to it's maintenance, only bring it up as a crisis point in a spotlight scenario. I actually don't know what age I set my games in, as I don't really use the terms. I should probably read up on them, I guess. Personally, I just get on with the game and make sure that eveyone's having fun.
  2. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... But don't forget those 2 Balance PSLs and 2 Aerodynamics PSLs.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Tonight's Deadlands: Lost Colonies game, my Character's little sister has stowed away (again, curse that hinderance) in the party's, err, unusual vehicle. It's a Humvee, an ordinary, everyday, related-to-Christine-the-Cadilac Humvee. Predicts Kirby will cut the above section, then say that the rest would have been enough. My Char (Jack): Jackie? Where are you? Jackie: I think I'm in Cali (the Humvee). Um... It's snowing in here. Jack: Oh. You're in the mini-fridge. Just tell the polar bear we want some bourbon, then follow him out.
  4. Re: Skills a True Hero Must Have Hell, even if your looking at point efficiency an OSL is a good buy. For 10 points, you get an 8 point combat level (which is hideously inefficient considering that for only 1 extra point, you get a +1 to BOTH OCV and DCV by buying +3 DEX.), and you get a +1 to any skill, one at a time.
  5. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? :lol:Fair enough. Look. In Marvel, the US Government knows that Steve Rogers is Captain America, and yet he maintains a secret ID. The question isn't it's realism, the question is it's place in a champions game. The only effective arguement against it that has appeared has been that because most games involve a team of heroes, it tends not to come up because most storylines that could exploit it would take too much attention away from the rest of the team. My solution to this has always been to use the spotlight method. Run a few scenarios where the team as a whole is given equal time, then run a scenario with the sporlight on one specific character. It's a technique used in television and in comics.
  6. Re: WIYCT: What is your character's theme? Here's a few more. Thunderhead - Son of Thunder and Lightning, with the powers of both. “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC. (Not a commentary on his mother's parenting methods. ) Adam 218 - Last of a series of Bio-engineered Weapons. “I stand alone” by Godsmack. Eagle’s Cry – Gadget using Martial Artist with a Kelvarite enhanced artificial voicebox. “Right Now” by Van Halen (love that guitar solo!). Shiver – Empower by an accident involving cut-price cryogenics, he possesses ice powers and is radioactive, requiring him to wear a special suit of armour, lest he poison those around him. “Pain” by Four Star Mary. Surge – Mutant Energy (Electricity) Projector. “Shock the Monkey” by Coal Chamber feat. Ozzy Osbourne (a cover of a Peter Gabriel track, I prefer this one). Twilight – Former Ninja and now Martial Artist Extra-ordinaire. “Ultra” by KMFDM.
  7. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? Rhetorical
  8. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out?
  9. Re: The Weird Power Posting Game. Whoops Silent But Deadly- 4d6 EB, NND (Self Contained Breathing; +1), Does BODY (+1), 0END (+½), Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (Stopped by opening a Door/Window, Lighting a Match, etc; +½), AoE; 1hex (+½), Personal Immunity (+¼), Invisible Power Effects (Sightand Hearing Groups; +¾); no Range (-½), Gradual Effect (1 turn; -¼),Only in Enclosed Spaces (-1), Only does BODY to Unconscious Targets (-¼). Active Cost 130 points. Real Cost 43 points. AND I miss-calculated the Real cost as 48 when it should have been 38!
  10. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... Char in question has a CON of 30 and STUN of 70. Add in END 60 and REC 20, he's the Energiser-Brick.
  11. Re: Skills a True Hero Must Have Oh, oh, oh. Criminology. Because sometimes a perception roll just isn't enough. Just watch CSI a couple of times (I know it's not that realistic, but it helps) and you'll see that sometimes it helps to know something is a clue in the first place. It also helps to know what it might mean. GMs tend to be pretty light on the calls for deduction rolls, but your more likely to be allowed to make one if you've got the skills to collect all the information into one place first, and Criminology is a big help in that department.
  12. Re: Skills a True Hero Must Have Breakfall. Definitely Breakfall. There will come a time when you will be knocked on your @$$ and it's always a good idea to be able to get back on your feet as soon as possible. KS: Superhuman World and KS: Supervillains can go a long way too. Let's you know just who you're dealing with. And just why your 250 point minor hero should really be running away from Temblor.
  13. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... And yet, my current Character for Sundogs game had a SPD of 3 until recently. Then again, the Swarmling had to get used to co-ordinating 500 rats in such a way as to simmulate humanoid motion...
  14. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... Or STR 70, DEX 26, SPD 6, with 1" of stretching. Sure, you've got the Phys Lim (12 feet tall) which drops his DCV back down to 7, but you don't have to buy "Always Direct" on stretching (to relfect that you know a few indirect maneuvers, like a crouching uppercut or an axekick). Throw in 3" KB resistance and a 1 BODY/turn regen, along with a PD 0f 35, and your really going to cause the GM some problems. Oh, and don't forget Rapid Attack: HtH. I speak as the GM. I really shouldn't create characters for the newbies.
  15. Re: Character concept: Mecha Only with the acceptance of the Transformers being classified as mecha... Unicron.
  16. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday, Nov. 16) Umm. Could you post the relative GMT as well? I don't know those time zones, all I know is that I live at +8 GMT.
  17. Re: Character concept: Mecha Hey! It's a humanoid combat machine operated by a human or humans from inside. It's mecha.
  18. Re: Character concept: Mecha Right Arm? Heh. Why not take it from the second-largest mecha I know of? "Daedelus" was the name of said arm. As for powers? Base it off of "the Daedelus Attack" and make it a mini-missile launcher.
  19. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes I liked the shift in Hellcat's costume, to primarily being dark blue. I hated the yellow one, which they apparently went back to. It can be a little confusing to those of us who've been out of the loop for a while, when we pick up a comic and say "Who the frel is that?" I also have a liking for the original Iron Man. Say what you will, but I feel that no matter the era, steel is always in fashion.
  20. Re: Daler Mehndi: Pop Sensation and Elemental Warrior Russurect Whip, are we?
  21. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting I can see the problem with vampire cyborgs (assuming it has metamorphic traits or regeneration), but why would a vampire lose his magic? Mutant powers, well yeah. They're supposedly because of a funky gene, right. On a case-by-case basis, I could see it. But a Mad Scientist? Unless you're going the "vampire=demon-possessed corpse with no knowledge retained from the deceased" road, I don't see why not? And I'm afraid, "because it smells like limburger" doesn't quite cut it.
  22. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? Not my C. I'm the GM. But, I decided to take you viewpoint onboard and reread the the Disad. The part about someone have to give a S*** is no longer relavent. I have to agree with your take on it, wrestlinggeek. For those who haven't read it closely in a while, here's how it is in 5ER. So. It doesn't matter how easily discovered one's identity is, or if anyone even cares (in fact, if enough people care in the wrong way, it's worth more). Public ID is for people who are well known to the public for some reason, with information about him easily located. So, while a secret ID that is poorly maintained could possibly become a public ID, until it does, and so long as the character is trying to maintain a separate ID, the disad fits.
  23. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out?
  24. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...
  25. Re: The Weird Power Posting Game. :celebrateEnchanted Locker-room Towel of Doom:celebrateRevised 1d6+1 RKA (20), 0 END (+½), +18 STUN Multiplier (+4½); 120 active; Extra Tme - Extra Segment (Must Wind Up, -½), OAF (Unbreakable): Enchanted Locker-room Towel of Doom(-1), Gestures (Must Wind Up, One Hand, -¼), Reduced Penetration (-¼), No Range (-½), STR Mininum 1 (-¼), STR Min Does not Add/Subtract Damage (-½), 1½ Handed Weapon (-¼). Real Cost=27 points.
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