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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: One Hero System Karate Cop Susano. Remind me on Monday that I need to send Killzone your way. I should have the bugs kicked out of her write-up by then...
  2. Re: Thinking About the Supernatural Setting Love that show. When it came out, I pointed it out to my old gaming group and the finally got where I was trying to go with all my abortive Beyond the Supernatural games. Frelling Rifts munchkins.
  3. Re: Is Find Weakness mispriced? The relatively low cost of Find Weakness is off-set by the same being true of it's defence. Lack of Weakness is a lot cheaper in the long-run. Similar to the Armour Piercing/Hardening comaprison. And this old stand-by makes justifying at least a little a breeze. Long Coat: Lack of Weakness (-5), OIF (Long Coat; -½). 3 points.
  4. Weldun


    Re: Genocide No, just genuinely ignorant. Ho-hum... ...Reed Richard's, "smartest man on Earth", did something monumentally stupid and had issue with Sue? *sigh*Seriously. One of the reasons I stopped reading these things is that character growth was always artificial and unrealistic, with what felt like severe editorial constraints. "No, Reed can't stop being clueless despite having to actually pay attention to the world outside his lab, because he's Reed Richards, Brilliant but Clueless. Unless of course, we're doing a revamp in an effort to turn around falling [from the company's perspective] sales figures, at which we throw practically everything out the window, piss on what few loyal readers we do have, and [expletive deleted] the core character concept to death." [expletive deleted][expletive deleted][expletive deleted]! Sorry, but there's a reason I generally only read the western stuff in TP, and even then, it's on loan from friends. Hell, I don't think I've paid money for a western title in, oh, when was the "Bounty on Spiderman's Head" storyline? The one in which he ends up having to adopt several other identities, just to keep ahead of the spidey-hunters. I didn't even see that one through, and I actually enjoyed that one.
  5. Weldun


    Re: Genocide ...Who?
  6. Re: Hyper Agility Powers... Reflexive Dodging: +3 DCV, Reduced Effect (Loses 1 DCV/+1 DCV of Maneuver; -¼), Only vs. Attacks he is aware of;-¼). 15 active, 10 real. This is a build I came up with the simulate automatic dodge from that other game.
  7. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! Hey, the guy worked in the Practical Effects Unit of ILM for nine year, part of which included maintaining the R2D2 fleet. Not to mention that he built Deadblow, a rather effective little combat robot (Although nothing compared to Hypnodisk.)
  8. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! Umm, not that I'm opposed to fantasizing about Kari Byron (a passtime of my own, in fact), but can we get back on topic please?
  9. Re: only to stun This really belongs here. But so to actually be helpfull, I recommend the character should just buy some extra HA levels with the stun only (-0) and only from surprise (-1) modifier. They already will probably need faily good stealth rolls just to get close enough to use it, and only to stun effects are a little cumbersome.
  10. Weldun


    Re: Genocide This is why, in my campaign, GENOCIDE will start as a radical cell of Windreapers (Thunderbird's paramiliatary group), who think that all meta's, not just the ones who step out of line, need to be taken care of. After all, a meta that's behaving now, is only going to slip up later, and when meta's slip up, it's worse when "normal" folk do it... They'll be funded initially by radical elements within the IHA who sympathise with their goals, but Lord Liaden has given me the perfect excuse for how I can give them access to a large amount of high-tech gear, provided the campaign goes the right way.
  11. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! I was going to wait and see what we could come up with before emailing Adam with a subject heading "You are now a Superhero!", just to see what kind of reply that would get...
  12. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes Susano, if that first image is of Storm, that's scary! The woman already has enough power to wipe the planet clean of all life above the seas!
  13. Okay, every now and then, someone will post a version of a real life personality, "re-imagined" for the Champions Universe. So my challenge is obvious. What are people's takes on Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame, in the Champions Universe?
  14. Re: Skills a True Hero Must Have Only 10 points? A rather unlikely assumption, but here goes... "Essential Experience Hero Package" 2 KS: Superhuman World 3 Breakfall 3 Choose from Conversation, Criminology, Deduction, Persuasion, Power, Stealth, Streetwise, Tactics or Teamwork. 2 Choose from KS: Law, KS: Local Politics, KS: Local Underworld, KS: Own Hunted, Languages, Any Science Skills described in the Criminology section of Ultimate Skill (Provided you have Criminology). Oh. If you're character is an experienced Superhero, then bloody well put some points in KS: Own Hunted. Be it KS: VIPER, or KS: IHA, or KS: Supervillains/KS: Green Dragon. I am so sick and tired of seeing so called "experienced" supers who still have no clue as to the tactics, abilities and even rumours around their own hunteds. Even at 8-, these people are going to feature prominently in your life!
  15. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes :oOops. I didn't check the link. I slipped up on the Thordis referrence and thought that you were referring to the time when Loki convinced Thor he needed yet another lesson in humility... Yeah, Jane Foster as Thordis. Yummy!
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Fairly common double-entendre.
  17. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes There were also 2 what-if issues where women had Thor's powers. One was Jane Foster (She found Mjolnir in the cave instead), in the end, the power was restored to Thor and Jane married Odin. The other was Rogue, back when she was a part of the early Brotherhood of evil mutants. She absorbed some of Thor's power, then decided to take it all. In the end, she couldn't bring herself to kill Odin, because all she saw was someone who grieved and gave to his son that which she had sought all her life. Mjolnir must be pretty perceptive to decide that she was worthy enough to wield it even before her change of heart, where she was simply on a huge power trip.
  18. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes Off Topic, but what the hey: Not a bad choice for a team-focused game, as most champions games tend to be. Let's face it, you flash the villain and all of a sudden even the clumsiest brick can wrap them up in no time. Back on Topic: I've been going through my Marvel Universe collection and I was reminded of Storm's mohawk phase.
  19. Re: Char: Ergo Hell, I could see a whole plot seed wherein Jacqueline encounters Ogre and tries to reason with him. She's already reluctant to use her full strength directly against someone. Let's face it. If anyone's going to sympathise with the poor sod, she will.
  20. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes Personally, I try not to dwell on that. Or the whole Ranma-kun/Ranma-chan thing.
  21. Re: Need Some Name Help (in German) Gepanzertes Feuer Trooper would be a more acurate translation of your orignal name.
  22. Re: The Weird Power Posting Game.
  23. Re: Skills a True Hero Must Have Hmmm. Detect Parent - Detect Primary Caregiver of Child Held (Abstract Phenomena; 10pts); Mental Sense Group (Range), Sense, Targeting, Tracking. 27 points. A worthy investment for any mentalist!
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