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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! Hmmm. How many times has Adam been electocuted in some fashion? Anyone?
  2. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero I'm a telepathic psychologist who would lose his licence if I forcibly read the minds of my clients. This is the only way I can help those who refuse to be helped. (Fortunately, I have yet to play this character, and he doesn't have a mental transformation.)
  3. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! All over my house here (Perth, Australia), and I grew up with them as a kid (North Island, Aotearoa/New Zealand.)
  4. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! Actually, the myth IS about the daddy-longlegs spider. You're gripe should be that they hadn't even mentioned the harvestmen.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From Sundog's Champions Game, last night. Yes, it's your favorite disfunctional supergroup, the Skeleton Crew. We got into a scuffle with the King of Lemuria. He attempted to mind control Drhoz's character, Vitas, with the command, "Kill your friends." On Vitas' next phase and one amazing breakout roll later... Vitas: Hello, Friend. (Blasts his Majesty.) Later in the same fight, he uses the same command on our team's teleporter. Immagine his surprise when Void then simply disappeared. (He actually had teleported to Los Angeles, where his girlfriend, who also happened to be the nearest person he considered a friend, lived. He made his breakout roll just short of killing her...*whew*).
  6. Weldun


    Re: Genocide I think you have a point here. With a group like the Avengers, you have a collection of superheroes with powers granted from various sources, including the occasional TPO. A group such as this does more for pro-Human/Mutant relationships than an all-mutant group such as the X-men ever will.
  7. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero A new spin on an old theme. Repped!
  8. Re: WWYCD: Drumstick or Wing of Mutant? Heheh. I have a character that I have yet to play called Professor Grey. Yes, He's a Mutant. But Suppress or Drain is limited with his mutation, as his Tail is inherent, so only the 1" of stretching on it would be affected. I wonder if these Aliens have any way of dealing with summoned 500pt Elementals and 500pt Demons? It's a real pain when your food has learned the art of the Diabolist. The Specter may be a mutant, but he's also over 150 years old, and has mastered Okinawan Karate to the degree that he can put a hole in most brick walls. Now, hopefully he can just convince Georgie-boy that after having taken care of that unfortunate incident under NORAD, he might owe the Specter a favour or two, and to lend his mutant citizens a hand. They may be mutants, but many (if not most) are also Americans. Whisper. "For once, Mistress Bethany, we are in agreement. Mr Alien, while I am thankfull for the seasoning you provided for my food, I cannot allow you too take it away. I wonder how you taste..." Facet, Gee and Inertia are just plain screwed. All three are mutants who rely heavily on their powers to be effective. Weldun. As a rather solitary fellow, would probably do some very stupid things just to get into HtH with the enemy, and then start hacking his way throught them one by one. He's a simple creature, really. Polecat. Check with Bleak and find out everything that he has on file about this group, unless of course that these aliens are the ones who conquered the Burani Protectorate. Either way, take the fight to the enemy, paying particular attention to potentially capturing any of the upper echelons. He's fairly certain that they don't possess a hunting permit. He's placed earth under the Protectorate's protections, being the ranking (the only) Peacekeeper in the Sector, and Burani law is quite clear on the matter of consuming sentients.
  9. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero I’ve actually used this one in that other game' date=' where I was playing a Power-armored character, who built some add-ons for a villainous ID and a pair of robot doubles. The rest of the party never figured it out until it was too late, and I was using the APS:Plasma character as a power source for my flying fortress. With Whisper, it’s a 12 year old, but hey. Thanks for this one' date=' Lucius. I actually think that this isn't so bad, and it works perfectly for a character I'm developing called, The Traveller. I owe you some rep. And I owe you some rep, too.
  10. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! ...I look good bald...
  11. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero This way I can wear a thong bikini and fishnets, and not get hauled up on public indecency charges. Because superstrength gets you black-listed in pro-boxing. This way I get to beat people to a pulp and not get arrested. My day job? I work in a Technical Support call centre.
  12. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes Still gotta go with this one though. As I said, earlier, I preferred Storm in her "mohawk-period" look. And then there is this
  13. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! Well, as long as you're offering...
  14. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes Okay, I get not liking thigh-highs on a guy, but what's not to like about a hot chick wearing a pair of "come-****-me" boots?
  15. Re: One Hero System Karate Cop :nonp:That's it! No more last minute emailing before I crash.
  16. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! Unfortunately, my question relates to their abilities in CU. Still, those are interesting questions. Maybe we can convince them to make appearances in a special series in each of those lines?
  17. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? I little late, but hey, I just got reminded. If you can squeeze it in, a little more detail on the Martinez Scale, and how it works/is calculated.
  18. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! THATS WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE! I've been wracking my brains, asking myself "what is it that I've forgotten to mention on these 'what would you like to see' threads that are stuck to the top of the boards?" I would like to see a more detailed description of the Martinez scale, and in real print, not digital hero.
  19. Re: One Hero System Karate Cop Did I fail to mention that I was expanding on this idea in my last Email? You seemed reasonably pleased with the Valkyrie, so I figured I'd clean up my Killzone and Doom Trooper write-ups and send them your way.
  20. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! Actually, that was probably the most interesting experiment to date. It showed that not only could this torture work, but it even had an effect on somebody who new that at any moment, could just say "let me out" and it would be over. Not really all that enlightening when one takes S&M clubs into account, but this was with somebody who doesn't get off on this sort of thing. In terms of scientific method, it was sloppy, but it still illustrated the point. But let's think about this. What would these people be doing in the CU? What myths do you test. What elements and resources are at their disposal, or at the very least obtainable, in this new environment?
  21. Weldun


    Re: Genocide I intended there to be sarcasm, not condecention, but fair enough.
  22. Weldun


    Re: Genocide Stupid of Reed and Sue, of course. I would have thought that the nature of my arguments to the defense of my position would have left little doubt of that, but having gone back over them, I'll concede a small possibility that somebody could have misinterpreted my position in such a manner.
  23. Weldun


    Re: Genocide I never said that the decision was impossibly unlikely, just monumentally stupid.
  24. Weldun


    Re: Genocide It's called family planning. It's called Birth Control. No. I'm saying that these specific individuals should not have offspring because of HOW they got their superpowers. Their powers aren't just from a genetic quirk, or a simple induced mutation. They're powers are a direct result of an instability in their molecular structures. Sue could have very easily have been giving birth to a living AM Bomb, and that's what makes it "irresponsible" and "stupid." By your own admission, taking my argument to it's extreme. Food for thought, no? It's also human nature to feel jelousy over another having what you desire and yet cannot obtain. It's also human nature to head into self destructive behaivior in the face of extreme stress. Calling it "human nature" does not make it right or even correct behavior. It's human nature to observe and size up attractive members of whatever gender(s) we are attracted to, even if we are already committed to a relationship. It's also human nature to hate and fear that which we do not understand, which leads into the actual topic of this thread. GENOCIDE, and organisations like it are highly unlikely to focus on only one source of metahuman abilities. They represent the worst part of human nature, that part that seeks to destroy that which it cannot control.
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