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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: The Hero Forum's Hottest Woman in Comics. Capitals. Bold, Italics. Underscored. And still, people fail to grasp the concept, so I'll say once more. You get...ONE vote. Balabanto and Questionman, I your votes don't currently count. (Although, I can guess as to Questionman's, of course.)
  2. Re: The Hero Forum's Hottest Woman in Comics. So, no vote from Question Man
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From our Deadlands: Lost Colony game. El Rick: Well, we've thwarted the devil himself and everted armageddon. And without the anti-christ showing up! Mister Novel (Me, OOC): Yeah, well Clay's yet to arrive. Clay is another PC, a very powerful huckster who's currently roaming the hunting grounds collecting the items we need to kill the Reckoners.
  4. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Ask, and you shall recieve.
  5. Well, I posted one for the comic gals, so here's one to vote on the guys. First, the rules. Everybody gets ONE vote. So if you're having trouble deciding, tough. The Character must be from multiple panel, storytelling artwork, so western comics, manga (no dojinshi) and webcomics (multi-panel) are fine. The source material cannot be "mainly concerned with sex". Sorry, but the boards have rules. The boards have rules, no posting nudie pics to prove your pont. No more than one image per entry, so if somebody has already posted an image of your vote, don't add another, or it will invalidate your vote. This list is for males, I have posted another thread for females. Try to keep it tastefull. Voting closes April 30th. Results will be posted May 2nd or 3rd. Everybody gets ONE vote. Not a rule, but a suggestion, all images should be posted as attachements. Show some consideration for those stuck with dial-up. My vote, as a "straight" (I hate that term) guy? Colossus. The guy's got the looks that really pulls the girls. (Hmm, what is it with me and Russians as hot/sexy?)
  6. Okay, as Susano brought to our attention here, Maxim "humped the bunk" on this one, so let's have our own contest. First, the rules. Everybody gets ONE vote. So if you're having trouble deciding, tough. The Character must be from multiple panel, storytelling artwork, so western comics, manga (no dojinshi) and webcomics (multi-panel) are fine. The source material cannot be "mainly concerned with sex". Sorry, but the boards have rules. The boards have rules, no posting nudie pics to prove your pont. No more than one image per entry, so if somebody has already posted an image of your vote, don't add another, or it will invalidate your vote. This list is for females, I have posted another thread for males. Try to keep it tastefull. Voting closes April 30th. Results will be posted May 2nd or 3rd. Everybody gets ONE vote. Not a rule, but a suggestion, all images should be posted as attachements. Show some consideration for those stuck with dial-up. My vote? Umm, I really need to think about this. No I don't, the hottest chick in comics for me is has got to be Black Widow. A lithe redhead in tight, black leather? *drool*. (Hmm, what is it with me and Russians as hot/sexy?)
  7. Re: Maxim's Hottest Comic Females Well, if we're going to include Manga, where is my goddess? Where is Washu? (In her adult form, you sickos.)
  8. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Please, when Superman was in the JLA, the only reason the others existed was to kick the kryptonite out of the room. Okay, now that the statement been made, it's not entirely true. Supes had one flaw that many overlooked, because only a few superheroes lacked it. He can only be in one place at a time. So, most of the big JLA threats tended to require them to split up. Those were the only time I found Supes to be bearable. Of course, the grab-bag of powers usually meant that only one or two JLA members were sent with him, just in case there was kryptonite or magic involved, but mostly they just sat there twiddling their thumbs. And yet, I still watch Smallville. Although, I tune out the inevitable Lana-angst:sick:, just as long as I keep getting my Chloe-fix.
  9. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. One of the things that keeps DEX up in the games I play and GM in is that most of the GMs that I've played under (including the first) had rule of "no more points spent in SPD, than final DEX value" What this meant was that every level of SPD had a Minimum DEX value. So SPD 3 needed DEX 10, and every level after that required at least 5 levels of DEX. The reasoning was that DEX covered agility, co-ordinartion and reflexes (it determines initiative afterall), so unless you had a very good reason, you needed to be DEXtrous to be able to act so often in a turn without tripping over yourself. It never really turned out to be an issue, but it's a rule that I've adopted for my own campaigns. It's not hard and fast for me, but I do like to see a good reason why someone's DEX is so low. Hell, one of my more recent builds has a DEX of 18 and a SPD of 6, but he also has +6 Lightning Reflexes.
  10. Re: Maxim's Hottest Comic Females Whereas I like Storm, although, I like her from her mohawk days. But yeah, how does Lois Lane get in, but not MJ?
  11. Re: Mutant Detectors Hmm, I've noticed that write-ups from earlier in 5E list the disad as Distinctive Feature: Mutant, Shows Up On Mutant Detectors (Unconcealable, Major Reaction, Only Detectable Through Uncommon Senses). So in the default CU, in which I prefer to base my campaigns with only the tweaks required to allow for the local setting and the PCs, mutants do give of a unique electormagnetic signature. Grrr, what I wouldn't give for a little more detail on genoc... err, the IHA.
  12. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. You know, I can't say that I've been particularly guilty of that. In fact, I've refused to play a character because I haven't thought of a particularly good name for them. Mind you, I did recently have a problem with a flying brick who could shoot lighting from his fingers. I was originally going to go with Stormfront, but then noticed a particularly powerful supervillain of the same name, and decided against going for the Thunderbolt I & II angle, as the character would have had KS: Superhuman World from as early as age 6. So then it became Thunderhead, but then I realised that this guy's bright enough to realise that that name would open him up to a lot of taunts. So, in the end, I settled on Tempest. No, I don't think I've even played a -man, before. Nope.
  13. Re: Mutant Detectors Now there's a point. I've never seen a write-up for a latent mutant, but it's probable that the sensor would still detect them. Thus, you're right. We're not dealing with genocide here, we're dealing with the IHA, which is a political group. While they would reject any claims that they are responsible for Minutemen, the amount of public sympathy for an 8yr old mutant corpse on the 6 o'clock news would be counter to their plans.
  14. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. Hmm, now that I think about it, DEX 23/SPD 5 tends to be so common, that I now go out of my way to design DEX 24/SPD 5, just so I'm not rolling off to see if I can get my action in before somebody complete screws it up because they're not paying attention. I am, unfortunately, surrounded by egocentrics.
  15. Re: Mutant Detectors Well, I have thought that Telios would be another who might have had a hand in it's development. Although, he would be less interested in the ability to track mutants as opposed to the ability to create them, in a controlable fashion
  16. Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun. The Specter... "A martial artist killed him? Aren't there LOTS of martial artists?" Whisper... "I would remember eating her." But would basically do whatever Bethany tells him because, well, he has no choice. Weldun... "So, he was killed by a large sword. Uhuh. Not many of those in this dimension, are there? No officer, I'm not being cute, I'm just pointing out the obvious flaw in assuming that it was me. Oh, a large, flaming, sword. Well, yes, not quite as many as those, but if you cover one of those 'replicas' that you can buy here in lighter fluid, you can get about the same effect. No, sir, again I'm not being cute. Yes, Sir. Just let me unbuckle the scabard for you. 'Nice and Slow', but of course. May I request a cell with an eastern exposure? Morning prayer, you see. Yes, I know my goddess is dead, why is everyone is this dimension so hung up on that?" It doesn't help that whenever someone asks him what he does, his response is "I kill things."
  17. Re: Mutant Detectors Well, in the default CU, every mutant has been designed with the 10 point disadvantage, Distinctive Feature: Mutant (Unconcealable, Major Reaction, Only Detectable Through Uncommon Senses). This would indicate that the default for mutants is that, despite widely varying abilities, they all possess the same enabler sequence. A specific sequence that enables their abilities in the first place. Now the Mutant Detector I found is built as Detect Mutant (Radio Group [Range, Sense]), Discriminatory; OAF (-1), Affected As Sight Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/2). 10 active points, real cost 4. This indicates that not only do beings with this activated gene give off a unique, electromagnetic signature, but that it also has unique characteristics from subject to subject (read: Discriminatory). My main quandry, however, is if this technology exists, why doesn't the IHA install it into their Minuteman series, especially when the background for the device indicates that popular opinion believes the device to be an IHA invention. Does the fact that the Minuteman lacks this capability mean that the device was in fact developed by someone else? If so, who? Ideas, Thoughts, Seeds?
  18. Re: Mutant Detectors Ah, I just found one on page 115 of Gadgets and Gear. Okay, let's still keep the floor open. Who would have these, why, and how would they be implemented? What does the fact that the IHA's most expensive and powerfull weapon with which to oppose mutants doesn't have this system. Does this mean that they're extremely rare, even by the standards of a group that can build and deploy combat-robots?
  19. Re: WWYCD: the times of peace are upon us The Specter - Will do his happy dance when he hears that Herr Zerstoiten is dead. He will attempt to move his focus onto what he considers to be more important issues, such as the drug trade. He will also try to keep Vitas from trying to impose his sense of justice upon the world, dispite how much it reminds him of the good old days when a man was hung for stealing a horse. Whisper - would at first be distraut, as his primary food source is dissapearing. Then, he'll perk up. Sure, he'll begin to starve for a while, growing weaker while wracked with pain. But Bethany would never let Mister Whisper die, so she would start looking for people who "deserve" to have their souls devoured by a shadow demon. And that will begin the slippery slide into the corruption of this world paragon of innocence. This will make Whisper extremely happy, well worth the pain and starvation. Especially if he can taunt some of the greatest heroes of the world with the fact that their tireless dedication to their jobs has, in fact, brought their entire world closer to eternal damnation.
  20. I was looking over the stat-sheet for the IHA's current model of Minuteman robot, when I noticed that it didn't have a Mutant Detector, I seem to recall the old Genocide models having them. I also cannot recall anyone else in the CU as having one. I find this odd, as the published material give mutants a 10 point distinctive feature just for being a mutant. So, what I'm wondering is if anyone here already has a few ideas on a Mutant Detector build?
  21. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever.
  22. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Heheh. I've inflicticted a martial artist called "Disco-dude" on my Ninja Hero players. I won't go into details, but as an example, he has a total psych-lim of "'why walk when you can strut', only makes half moves."
  23. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. I also agree to DEX over 30 being extremely rare. The only time The Specter has DEX 33 is for up to 1 minute, once per day. And then, for a like amount of time following his DEX 30/SPD 7 hyper boost, he's a DEX 18/SPD 4 martial artist, who's probably very low on END to boot. I have seen a character with a DEX of 36, but then his special effect was that he operated in a slightly different time frame when that effect was going, so it made sense. I think that it's simply a case of remembering the first rule of HERO. The game effect must be justified by the special effect. You can't just throw some abilities together and hope to play through.
  24. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Since when did Jubilee stop counting?
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I suppose that you could call this a gaming quote. I said it while playing Need For Speed: Carbon, today. Me: "Man, how many people do I have to kill before the cops notice?"
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